martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

The death to plaintiffs of the justice

The social movement will meet with human rights of the north
The death to plaintiffs of the justice
By: Carlos Damián December 7, 2011
Marisela Morales asks “they aren’t to made a mistake"
México. - After Nepomuceno Moreno's murder (NM), and the attack against Norma Andrade (NA), founder of “Our organization return daughters to house" (ONHRC, in Spanish), it is clear that the federal government's answer and of the organized crime before people that demand justice is the death, threats and the social disqualification, the spokesman of the Movement complained for the Peace with Justice and Dignity (MPJD, in Spanish), Rocato Bablot (RB). A person to the one who they will assault is not shout it in the way that was it Norma (NA), and fewer being the mother from a woman to the one who they already murdered (Lilia Alejandra Garcia Andrade - LAGA -) and of another that had to move escaping from the threats (Maria Luisa Garcia)", the activist RB of the human rights pointed out.

When advancing that in these days the movement managed by the poet Javier Sicilia will look for to sum up a meeting with organizations of human rights of the north of the country, the writer and editor pointed out that the recent aggressions have been made with the complicity of the authorities who they have opted to keep silent before the crimes, and even to disqualify the victims. They wanted to disqualify socially with ' Nepo' (NM). He has been or not in the jail before and with the social movement after, in the moment of being murdered he was a free person, fighting for their son's appearance. Now they are focusing their batteries against social fighters and the defenders of the human rights against people that looks for peace, and the only answer that they has obtained they are the bullets", it regretted.

Deplorable social situation in the Mexican democracy
It is deplorable that the Chihuahua State demonstrates the nonexistence of protection guarantees again for the women victims of violence and defenders of human rights. In the face of the impunity that gravely affects the homicide victims and their relatives, on last Friday 2 of December Norma Andrade, founder of the ONHRC and mother of LAGA, homicide victim, was gravely wounded in a direct attack against her person.

To two years of the juridical sentence Cotton Field -that condemns to the Mexican State for the disappearance and three adolescent women's death in Juarez City - and to a year of the murder of Marisela Escobedo – she’s defender of the human rights that she dedicated their life to look for justice for their daughter Rubi Marisol -, which still continues unpunished, it is revolting that the high indexes of homicides continue (323 homicides from January to November of 2011), of missing women (294 in cases of January to May of 2011) and of aggressions to defenders of human rights in Chihuahua.

We believe that the Mexican State should fulfill its responsibility of providing protection to those who carry out this work, and that it puts an end to the impunity that surrounds the cases of aggressions, harassments, and deaths to social defenders in our country. The organizations defenders of the human rights, in Chihuahua and in Mexico they say that these facts and any other situation of death, threats and social disqualification take the responsibility to the Mexican government.

We wait that: 1. there is a pronouncement of the state condemning these facts; 2. that the State government of Chihuahua carries out the corresponding investigations and sanction legally to those responsible for the attack against NA and avoid to carry out declarations that underrate the case and deviate the investigation; 3. to the government from the Estados Unidos Mexicanos, to the National Commission of human rights (CNDH, in Spanish) and to the State Commission of the human rights of the state of Chihuahua (CDHECH, in Spanish) the punctual attention to the precautionary measures guaranteed by the Mexican State for NA, for their daughter Maria Luisa Andrade and all their family; 4. that the Mexican state celebrates a meeting urgent point of the CNDH, of the CDHECH, and of the Interamerican Commission of human rights for its eventual execution; 5. that the Mexican State designs and implement effective protection’s mechanisms of the life for the activists social defenders of the human rights.

The poet's Javier Sicilia social movement in defense of their life
The spokesman of the social movement MPJD, Rocato Bablot that before they looked for justice and peace they now demands to safeguard its lives and not to the social disqualification to the Mexican State. He adds RB that in spite of the criminalization of the victims and of the possibility of new acts of violence against activists already threatened, “we will make all that is in our hands to continue in the fight and in the resistance". they make a call on the high degree of the social activists' vulnerability, for that they will make a series of actions; the first one in front of the government's headquarters in Nuevo Leon State, at the same time that Javier Sicilia and Emilio Alvarez Icaza, accompanied by Consuelo Morales, director of the civil association CADHAC, meets in Monterrey with officials of the PG of Justice of the state.

They will also carry out a social act in the Angel of the Independence, titled “we all are Nepomuceno" where will put on emphasis in the urgency of to solve the homicide of the Sonora-man and to punish to those responsible for the crime. Finally they hope the figure doesn't increase of false-true. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 21-22, December 7, 2011).

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