martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

The Black Saturday

The consequences of the misery
The Black Saturday
By: Carlos Damián November 1, 2011
Mexico occupies the first place in unemployment
México.- It is a project that began a little while ago time, El Buen Fin (Nov 18- 21), is an ambitious project as on black Saturday day of the Americans, with announcements in all place and in all time with large offers as if it would be cough syrup. It is for all public of part of large commercial chains, there can not to result so beneficial since many from the persons in Mexico do not have a culture of the saving, it had to in large part to its scanty salary and without social bonds. It is necessary to inculcate in the Mexican the culture of the saving and be measured in its expenses, more than the excessive consumption of different commercial products.

Many people’s man and women are asked, why are we earning 166.67 dollars to the month and without social bonds? We’re teaching professions and we earn this so reduced salary -3 dollars per hour-? The reason for which do not find work is because there is no employment and what is first that they should make is to reject any feeling of blame or inferiority. It is simple this acceptance and is not tortured more, is not let to surprise by the advertising in the radio and the television, by the statistics that shouts to skillful and left the “employment’ president”; they have not been created thousands of employment, but they have been created thousands of ‘tianguis’ so that work in those rolling markets, without a fixed salary, without welfare, and either social security.

Therefore it is recalled to the bulk of the population that has obligations and in many occasions the merry Christmas’ bonuses, that they are not strong and they are very weak, it have to be envisaged by the citizenship for would to cover these old obligations. If launch you a hook of acquiring different nature products, because are more economic and because are easier to buying, it can be neglected something that already have to bead committed to cover some economic situation that had been extended and that has committed to what is long of the year, therefore it can be a weapon of two edges.

The information on the abundant employment supplied by the Minister of the Work, Javier Lozano, it is a deceit more than famous public official without scruples. What is certain is that perhaps Mexico is today day the country with the greater number of vacates in the world. It is required of much patience to uncover the data of the INEGI reports about the unemployment; they are made to pretend the truth. For something the president Calderon put there to an alchemist of the reality, Eduardo Sojo.

It must be mistrustful the consumer with respect to the offers found the weekend, and the advance of the merry Christmas’ bonus in voucher to the federal public servants is denoting this project that the offer is merely commercial and without benefit for the citizenship since with this will not be them given opportunity to the persons of the fact that they could keep and destine its annual credit for some aspect more urgent than it will not be the products acquisition.

In a recent report the INEGI, in Spanish makes known the results of the National Occupation Survey and Employment for September of 2011, where indicates that 59.1 percent of the 14-year-old population and more were found available to produce goods and services (economically active); the remainder 40.9 % was located in the population economically inactive. The population in age of working, according to the INEGI, sums 48 million of persons; then, about 20 million is found in the unemployment and in occasional projects. The urban myth of the fact that Mexico is found in 5% of unemployment, it is coarse and grotesque such official affirmation.

It is recalled that many Mexican live the January slope that lasts until April, will be extended yet more due to the fact that many persons use the merry Christmas’ bonus to accomplish some payments as: payment of possession of the immovable tax, the invoice of the water, the receipt of the electric light, the payment of the LP gas, and the damping of some important obligations, they’ll spend it during this December’s days. Also the citizen runs the risk of the fact that the large benefits of the massive acquisition of some products would remain in hands of large corporative international, setting aside to small national producers, who were not considered in the initiative.

Furthermore we recall that during 2011 many increases have been raised: we have to the energetic in particular the gasoline and the diesel will be increased exponentially until 2014; that of IVA (Mexican Tax) of the 15 to the 16%, we have the ISPT (Mexican Tax) of the 28 to the 30%, imposed to the tobacco, to the drinks, to the refreshment, to infinity of things in addition to increase of the services. We must the levels of revenue do not go ready to the increase in the daily and basic input. To deal reduced severely as consequence of the inflation and of the little support that they have received the salaries of the persons and the pensions have been converted only into recollections.

The transnational upon handling AFORES have been investing this capital in foreign markets. Also we find in many commercial establishments where there are basic product offers, these do not tend be real due to the fact that the offers only include sauce for pizzas, the cans of fungi and the desserts that are consumed occasionally, situation that is repeated during these days of supposed great offers. (La Jornada, politica, p. 6, October 24, 2011).

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