martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

The American spring

Taxes to the rich ones to feed the poor
The American spring
By: Carlos Damián December 10, 2011
They confront the increase of the installments of their houses
México. - After the demonstrators in more than 25 cities they carried out actions in defense of who has been expelled of their homes by banks for not being able to pay their mortgages, in a national initiative of the Movement Wall it Occupy Street baptized “Occupies your home", while the two original creators of V of Vendetta, it works anti-authoritarian whose message and image has influenced in the social movement Occupy Wall St., (a social phenomenon that worries to the American State).

They are going of house at home in the poor neighborhood of East New York, in Brooklyn, with blankets that demanded mortgage trial to the companies, not to people", more than 500 demonstrators they stopped in front of properties that have been levied by the banks by means of bank execution. In a, where the authorities had closed the housing with yellow tape, the demonstrators changed it for another tape that indicated “busy house”. In front of each house they were carried out a forum through the “human microphone", in which was affirmed that the banks and the politicians of “1 percent” they are leaving in the street to 99 percent."

Vendetta V sinks to the movement against the avarice
The march culminated with the taking of a housing where a family without roof -a single mother and with two children - it was invited to live, with a community party of welcome with globes, gifts and a band of metals. Work as this they were programmed in more than 25 cities around the country. In Minneapolis, Bobby Hull who has programmed the expulsion of their housing in February, after Bank of America sold its house in auction, he invited 100 members of ‘Occupy’ to protest today against the bank execution, declaring that” if I lose it, I lose it, but perhaps this action will open the door for somebody more, it could inspire to that other they stand up and to denounce to what they are making the banks is bad", it appeared in Huffington Post."
That is the message that gave the turn to the country with these actions “Occupies our homes” it is a movement that supports Americans that face their banks. We believe that we all are entitled to decent and accessible housing", it declares the initiative for internet ( In Atlanta, demonstrators were able to make several people that tried to present applications of purchase of homes levied in mortgage executions escape and that they are in auction for the banks. In another part of Georgia, several activists blocked an auction of housings. In Chicago demonstrators they rehabilitated housing for two families without roof, and other properties levied in mortgage executions they were “occupied” in Portland and Seattle, among other cities.
Tragic national deceit and economic
President Barack Obama pronounced a speech in Fort Bragg, Carolina of the North, with the one that put an end in a symbolic way to the invasion to Iraq, begun in 2003, and that it cost the life to more than 13 thousand civil Iraqis. In the oil country 16 thousand contractors American on orders of the embassy of Washington will remain. In the headquarters of the airborne division and of the Command of Special Operations, the leader went to the troops that return and he remembered the high costs of the war, in which they served more than million and half of soldiers and initiate to put an end to the weapons of massive destruction that were not found in any place to Saddam Hussein.
The democratic leader criticized his predecessor George W. Bush to have undertaken the aggression against Iraq, same that caused an exorbitant budgetary deficit, one of the main economic problems of the current administration. Although Obama called to learn lessons of the conflict", last Monday 12 of December he left in clear before the first Iraqi minister, Nuri Maliski that Washington will conserve the protagonist paper in the region in spite of the retirement of its soldiers. The fold of Iraq is one of the few electoral promises completed by the government of Obama who will look for the presidential reelection in 2012.
Taxes to the rich ones to give of eating poor Hundred of families already lost their homes during the mortgage crisis that caused part of the worst economic crisis from the great depression. Plus still, it is calculated that about 11 million debtors have mortgages of more value that that of their houses, that is means, when collapsing the value of the housing, they should more to the bank that what is worth their house. At the same time, in Washington, national and integral unions of ‘Occupy’ are developing a series of actions this week that they have called “Occupies the Congress” to press the legislators to impel the creation of the employment in the country. National unions, including that of services, SEIU and that of the communication, CWA, together with national community organizations, they are hoping activists' of the whole country thousands arrive in Washington this week to demand that the focus of the legislators is on the employment and don't have more than enough austerity.
Other grateful comics’ creators have also been added, and the project hopes to produce comics’ editions, in support to the movement social “Squatter" ( One could say that Alan Moore and David Lloyd are non official godfathers of the current social movement of protest", Matt Pizzolo, organizer of Occupy Comics, affirmed in comments to Wired. For bring up to date and bigger information on it Occupies, indignant and other social movements for economic justice, to see: (La Jornada, política, p.p. 21-22, December 7, 2011).

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