domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

The political trap

Cheese Oaxaca
The political trap
By: Carlos Damián August 3, 2011
Rhetoric and political messes
México. - In Oaxaca, the alternation of letters seems to walk to a rebuilding of the institutional fabric starting from re - accommodations of the current political class, with offers of democratic advance, and of more social concern. Gabino Cue (GC) was not even rude in its speech of taking of possession, and he preferred to stay in the land of the points out of justice. If the writing of the discursive parts is revised that would give base to just hopes of impulses in Oaxaca regarding Ulises Ruiz, it will be noticed that they are bargain, more rhetorical sentences that punctual, designed for not establishing precise commitments.

The composition of the work team doesn't generate any enthusiasm, based on the former governor's Diodoro Carrasco group and the PAN. The spokeswoman of GC was the spokeswoman, the former PAN- woman Maria de Los Angeles Abad. However it has been accused of favoring to family when it was to the front of a federal program and the designation already takes us at times past when they gave positions, charges and resources to groups of pressure in Oaxaca like appeasement formula.

The cheese of Oaxaca
In second place in influence importance in the government, it is that of Benjamín Robles Montoya, boss of the Office of the Government, where it will maintain the control to GC it has more than enough that previously exercised control on him. While GC tried to be erected in national figure to be projected as president for the year 2018, Robles Montoya will take charge as bricklayer of the local work. Another rehabilitated Minister of finances, Tomas Ruiz who was disabled by three years to occupy federal public positions to the responsible opposing being that in 2000 when he was government official, together with other 18 public servants it had caused patrimonial damage to the State treasury for more than five million dollars.

To have subscribed “diverse awarded contracts in a direct way unduly, without it was properly founded and motivated” and to omit the establishment of “the delivery of guarantees and the conventional hardships for non- fulfillment, applicable to the supplier". It is ironic that the sanctions came, among other things, of the purchase of 12 airplanes for the Preventive Federal Police (PFV), then in charge of Wilfredo Robledo, corporation that would win black fame among inhabitants of Oaxaca in 2006.

First leader not coming from the PRI, GC, offered a change based on the reconciliation, and he also offered that there would not be more repression, neither more authoritarian to silence the dissents and he noticed that it will act according to the law. In Oaxaca, the rehearsal of alliances didn't generate deep changes neither economic improvement for the poor majorities. This electoral road is guided to stay the hopes in the bag of the previous governor's displaced groups. In Veracruz there are the former governor's Fidel Herrera followers' understandings with a dissident segment of the PAN, as leadership Buganza that is good man to give continuity to the traditional political class only, and it is also the scenery for the political pacts that the sly teacher leader of the SNTE, it will have in the room of cleaning. Teacher Elba Esther Gordillo, it was invited to the transmission of the power of the new governor of Veracruz Javier Duarte, as an act made to bring near it to the bases of the PRI, this is an advance of the reconciliation that in 2012 Enrique Pena Nieto, Humberto Moreira Valdes and Manlio Fabio Beltrones they have settled down.

The teacher went out of the PRI in open personal crash with Roberto Madrazo, after flirting with Felipe Calderon, now she returns to make political with the PRI, but it doesn't as militant in readmission process but owner of the frank of the party Panal that gives body to her magisterial electoral squadrons and she gets portions of the political power in the alliance, this time with the governor from Mexico and Carlos Salinas, the main operator of the political class of the PRI.

Plurality and reconciliation were the most outstanding concepts in the messages of taking possession of the new governor of Oaxaca, Gabino Cué Montiagudo; Veracruz, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, and Aguascalientes, Carlos Lozano de la Torre. Javier Duarte said, “inclusion is not sign of weakness, but democratic responsibility and political maturity" who applied this principle when incorporating as General Minister of Government of the State to the former PAN-man Gerardo Buganza in the practice, Tomas Ruiz, regular of finances, and Adolfo Mota like holder of the Minister of Education. The current governor of Veracruz intended to build a new relationship with the federal government” where the cooperation and the constructive spirit enlarge our knots it honest of understanding". (La Jornada, política, p. 8, 2 de Diciembre, 2011).

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