domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Human rights have been executed

In this period 523 complaints have been documented by violations of their abilities
27 promoters of human rights have been executed
By: Carlos Damián August 10, 2011
The state is devoted to the harassment and persecution of promoters
México. - The president of the National Commission of the human rights (CNDH, in Spanish), Raul Plascencia Villanueva (RPV) it presented yesterday before the high commissioned of the United Nations for the human rights, Navi Pillay, “it informs special about the situation of the defenders in México' that it contains the period of January from 2005 to May of 2011, and it indicated that in that and in the state commissions they have registered 523 complaints and files of violations of the basic guarantees of defenders that include 27 executions.

The biggest number of complaints, stood out the national ombudsman, it has Jalisco, with 97; the second place corresponds to the Federal District, with 46; Chiapas is located in the third place, with 44; Oaxaca holds the fourth place, with 36, and Chihuahua, the fifth place, with 28. The leadership said of CNDH that 156 precautionary measures have been requested in favor of defenders to avoid the consummation of damages to their rights, and he underlined that the main violations in the activists damage are: intimidation, threats, integration irregular and faulty previous verification, it denounces in the procurement of justice, privation of the life, arbitrary detention, to spy and to recognize the houses illegally, forced disappearance, it use arbitrary of the public force and undue benefit of the public service.

Harassment to defenders of the human rights Activists and defenders of human rights in Chiapas denounce harassment judicial and reiterated jail threats. The Center of human rights Digna Ochoa it declared in Tonala, Chiapas that the “Mexican state and in particular the state government, they use the judicial system to pursue, to harass, to imprison defenders of human rights and its relatives". This when it informing about the intensified human harassment against the defenders in the entity, in particular, toward Nataniel Hernandez Nuñez (NHN), director of the Center.

As long as in San Cristobal of the Houses, the activist Concepción Avendaño Villafuerte was also mentioned by the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR) this week, in connection with a protest that she carried out some months ago during the tour from president Calderon to the entity. To this situation they sink the harassments and recent accusations against journalists in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and imprisonment during several weeks the lawyer defenders of the community Juan de Grijalva, in the municipality of Ostuacan who finally it was liberated.
In six years they have been executed 27 promoters of human rights
RPV stood out that the defenders work inside a social context and he added that in this irregular war that they combats to the organized crime it implied the mobilization of the armed forces, for what the powers of the state are forced become more sharpen the strategies of its performance. He added in their declarations that the state has the capacity to respond to a community that rightfully demands harmony, peace and tranquility. The president of the CNDH said that for this report 196 applications of information were sent to the 32 state instances of protection of the human rights and the 32 general attorney's offices of Justice in the states, as well as to the authorities that have obligation of carrying out actions in favor of the defenders.

RPV put it special emphasis when outstanding that the general attorney's offices of Justice of the country report to have knowledge of 103 cases of crime made in defenders' damage, what indicates, in comparison with the 523 complaints, the sub-registration that exists regarding the aggressions against defenders". On the other hand the commissioned discharge of the UN said that this report, “gives us the visibility from the cases of aggressions to defenders. Inside these attacks they are irregularities in the due process, the murder of 27 defenders gives the past six years. My office and the CNDH share priorities and the president of it has put to the front of the critical points. "

Artificial farce
In accordance with the Regional Autonomous Council of the Coastal Area of Chiapas, adherent of the 'Otra Campaña’, it announced the”absolutely back it” to lawyer NHN and its parents because in several occasions they have imprisoned them for false crimes. From Tapachula, he also received support NTN, from the coast, the Center of human rights Friar Matias de Cordova (FMC) that initially it took the defense of NHN, and it knows the files of their case thoroughly. It also took the case of other two lawyers and several members of the Regional Council of human rights and detainees in February and March.
FMC expresses, for the taken procedure the case of the penal prosecution of those implied, it was not very complicated to verify that police bosses, an agent of the Public Ministry (MP) - Court of the county -, as well as the boss of juridical matters of the Secretary of Communications and Transports (SCT, in Spanish), they used institutions in charge of imparting justice to repress a defender of human rights. According to the center of Tapachula, “a justice that it pursues to defenders that is based on manufactured tests, consignments and official accusations this isn’t justice". (La Jornada, política, p. 13, July 7, 2011).

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