lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

The political reform of Calderon

The political reform of Calderon
The clock reaches us
By: Carlos Damián October 5, 2010
Mexico : country of the plebeian revolutions
México. - All the reactionary of this country are being applying in finding how to return to strengthen to the PRI and they have discovered that there is no other road that that of to reduce the powers of the Congress, to limit the unhealthy action of the parties - partyocracy - and to give to the president all the powers that could be. But happens that the right-wing presidents that we have had from Ernesto Zedillo do not know as using those powers in a democratic context. Therefore Calderon it thinks about bilges as the second elections return or about the initiatives of senior laws, or about the reelection.

The "unit" that promotes Calderon is not a plural and various union as that of long ago, but only "a strings close" between the same political class of always, with the notable exclusion of the left-side political. Interviewee in National Palace building Carlos Salinas de Gortari, he recovered what Avila Camacho said when Camacho last declared that 11 of September: "We are here those of yesterday and those of today; while we are united, there will not be enemy that defeats us". Is evident that the "enemy" of today continues being the same that with all force in the presidential elections of 1988 and of 2006 has expressed its deep rejection to the neoliberalism.

The same enemy that in both occasions must be contained with the weight of the "institutions" and from the past decade of the eighty has been systematically excluded of the national development: the people of Mexico. What’s a shame that Miguel de la Madrid and Ernesto Zedillo Ponce they did not arrive to the encounter with Calderon 15 of September might have been good to observe gathered in the same balcony the responsible historical of the current national disaster. Vicente Fox in his presidential campaign said, "with ‘Salinillas’ neither to the bath", only that here Fox was bitten the tongue: already they were together to National Palace building.

Meanwhile, in Europe, the public and private financiers, together with the governments, are given a fanciful reduction festival of the fiscal stimuli and of the deficit, until making to lose to him the calmness to Robert Esquidelski, the famous biographer of John Maynard Keynes, who in the chamber of the Lords retorts to the government: the principal danger for the economy is not the " fiscal hole" but “the hole of the economy”. The deficit and the debt, ads do not have why a “load” is for the future generations. On the other hand, "if the deficit is shortened now, without doubt there will be a load for the present generation and the future. The revenue and the earnings will reduce; the pension funds will be reduced; investment projects will be canceled, and the schools will not be reconstructed, with the result of the fact that the future generations will be but, by not to count on active that of other form would have had".

The vocation of the neoliberal doctrine
Where it was entrenched the vocation of the neoliberalism was in this Mexican country of the plebeian revolutions. The new liberal of century end, appropriated of the power of the State and of its party (PRI), they soon forgot the lessons to their forebears, they ignored the tradition of the social liberalism that Reyes Heroles had updated for them, they dismantled the capacities of intervention and economic conduct of the State and finished as foreigners the national payments system, they reducing to its minimal expression the development banking, with destructive implications for the field, small and median industry , where is woven the social cohesion. With this action, sapped the bases of the own modernization project globalized that landed in the land of the factory-works, based on a naive opening to the one which attributed to it virtues of thaumaturgy and transformers.

This country does not find refuge both consolation and either with the virgin of Guadalupe, and is returned territory of unprotection social, integral, publishes, and personal. What prevails is the fear, and with the certainty: of the fact that the destination reaches us and not in good circumstances, with a wasted and demoted youth, with decimated productive strengths and besieged by new inclement international competition waves, by markets that are dwarfed or little grown for the urgencies of those which without hope in their nations they seek abroad saving table of the economic and social shipwreck of a globalization that finished being in words of John Gray, "a untruthful dawn".

O bien como dijo Karl Polanyi, de aquella “gran transformación” que llevó a Occidente a las tragedias de inicio del siglo XX. Ahora que “todos somos reformistas”, habría que tomar nota de esta historia del presente y no poner la carreta delante del caballo, como eso de “aprobar para luego debatir”. Como ocurrió con la revolución del cambio estructural del último cuarto del siglo XX, y ahora nos informan sus más conspicuos protagonistas, podemos tirar al niño con el agua sucia de la bañera. Con el agravante de que el agua se acaba y los jóvenes cumplen años

Or well as said Karl Polanyi, of that "great transformation" that carried to West to the tragedies of beginning of the century XX. Now that "all are reformist", there would be that take note of this history of the present and not to put the wagon before in the horse, as that in "to approve for then to discuss". As occurred with the revolution of the structural change of the last fourth of the century XX, and now they inform us their more notorious protagonists, we can pull to the child with the dirty water from the tub. With the aggravating of the fact that the water is finished and the teenagers fulfill years. (La Jornada, opinión, p. 21, 21 de Mayo, 2010).

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