sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

Closed the file

National In the Chamber of Deputies they hurry in the step to impose the initiative of the PAN Closed the file in San Lazaro Building By: Carlos Damian December 11, 2013 The rights and freedoms in the capital are tramped for: PRI, PAN and PVEM México. - The parliamentary groups of PRD, PT and MC in the Legislative Assemble of the Federal District (ALDF) they took the tribune to manifest their rejection to the "closed of file" on behalf of legislatives of: PRI, PAN and PVEM. This whole episode happened in the Chamber of Deputies that they approved the verdict on the law of manifestations for Mexico City. When giving to know the posture of the left block, the president of the Commission of Government of the ALDF, Manuel Granados (MG), he asserted that such verdict harms the democratic state and of right of the city, posture that they also used the Commission of the Human Rights of the Federal District (CDHDF), and International Amnesty. "The sovereign life of the Mexico City is again harmed by the federal Congress; we are in a discussion and analysis topic of the political reformation of the city in which autonomy is looked for and they are enlarged attributions. With the result that we cannot endorse, in any circumstance, the outline that the rights and freedoms consecrated in our Constitution are tramped, harmed, in detriment of the constitutional guarantees of all the Mexicans, and that they have defended along their history", asserted MG. In the Commissions of Human Rights of the DF of the Chamber of Deputies, legislators of the parties PAN, PRI and PVEM approved yesterday (12/10/13), without debate and with dirty tricks, a verdict of Law of Public Manifestations of the DF that harms the freedoms and the Human Rights’ citizens settled down in the Constitution gravely, particularly those of meeting, expression and liberate traffic, and it is already opposed with legal classifications effective in the capital of the Republic. The document elaborated by the PAN-man Jorge Sotomayor Chavez, seeks to constrain the realization of manifestations to secondary roads and to limit its schedule from 11 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon, conditioned to a previous authorization of the Government of the DF and to prohibit that they are carried out marches to demand the modification of government decisions, be local or federal. Such things we reveal lack of juridical purpose and absurdity has been promoted, with bad intentions of elections of its author PAN-man, in use of the artificial anomaly that imposes the DF one guides clearly anachronic and unjustifiable on the part of the Executive (EPN) and Federal Legislatives, and it leaves to the overdraft two central matters. International amnesty notices of abuses of the forces of the order Deputy Ariadna Montiel noticed that the actions will be evaluated to continue to toss below that “gets up early you legislative". On the other hand, when referring to the topic, Miguel Angel Mancera, government’s boss of the DF, it underline that the debate to regulate the marches and meetings should be centered in the respect to the rights of free traffic and manifestation. The president of the CDHDF Perla Gomez, described as setback of the good consciences the verdict on the referred law of manifestations, the one which, she commented, it is a matter that concerns the ALDF. Ivan Perez, culture director for the Non Discrimination, of the Council to prevent the discrimination; Marciel Czech Itzel, responsible for the program of Human Rights Watch of the DF, and Dinorah Pizano, president of the Commission of Human Rights of the ALDF, they regretted “the intent of inhibiting the right it gives the free manifestation". Edgar Cortez, of the Mexican Institute of Human Rights and Democracy, asserted that the pretense of limiting the manifestations search to create the false idea that in Mexico “it doesn't pass anything", the fantasy that the governments of the PRI-PAN have always bought us, and now countersigned by the ‘closed the file’ made in San Lazaro building. International amnesty alerted that the mentioned law is contrary to the right of freedom of association freedom and expression, and it could even rebound in an increase of the police abuses against the demonstrators. On the contrary, the deputy of the PAN Federico Döring said that with “the same stick” that the GDF approved, by means of a survey, the increase to the rate of the subway (the rate ascended from 3 to 5 pesos), it should be measured that the of the Capital ones are in favor of to put order and to regulate the chaos generated by the CNTE and other organizations. The comparison is absurd and ridiculous and it is this way of incongruous and silly the same existence of the PAN. On the other hand the parliamentary groups of Right-wing in the Chamber of Deputies started the flattening one and they approved, without debate, the verdict on the law of public manifestations of the Federal District, in a meeting in the one that the commissions of human rights and of the Federal District they accelerated the parliamentary step to relieve the initiative of the PAN-man Jorge Sotomayor Chavez (JSC), to the one who the PRD’s men points out as integral of ‘El Yunque’ and of the Opus Dei. However, the directive table of the Chamber clarified that the verdict will be included at the end of the list of pending matters, for that that difficultly it will be approved in the period of sessions and it will move to the one that begins in February. The interference of the right parties in juridical questions of the DF Yesterday's morning (12/10/13),Laura Barrier Fortoul -secretary of Tourism in the government of EPN in the Mexico State - and Miriam Cardenas Cantu - of the team of the first circle of the governor of Coahuila, Rubén Moreira -, presidents of the commissions, didn't allow the use from the microphone to the legislators of the PRD, PT and Civic Movement (MC) .This was caused that the PRD-men, Karen Quiroga, Roberto Lopez Suarez, and Jose Luis Munoz Soria spoke loudly to demand that it was revised the verdict and the reservations that presented. With 30 votes in favor of PRI, PAN and PVEM, 11 against PRD and PT and Civic Movement, as well as the Elba Esther Gordillo’s grandson of two abstentions, Rene Fujiwara Montelongo (it participates in the two commissions), a law was endorsed that looks for to limit the schedule of the manifestations from 11 to 18 hours, only in secondary roads, and it prohibit that the meetings are to demand the government of the city and the federal one to modify a decision. The law that will be good JSC to promote its candidacy to the delegation Benito Juarez, defines that who want to carry out mobilizations in the city they will request permission before two days to the DF’s Government and to name a representative. The verdict defines that the authority of the Capital will be able to deny the authorization with the argument of the contamination, and even to dissolve, “with respect to the Human Rights", any not authorized manifestation, although it doesn't make reference to the law of the use of the public force that is effective in the Mexico City. Two high-priority topics that we mention previously is: a face of this juridical polyhedron is the authoritarian and repressive mentality that impregnates the representatives of the three mentioned parties and that in recent times it has had a worriment it advances in the institutional sphere of the country. This interference episode gives us the impression that, as the governing group advances in the sowing of factors of social dissent -the labor, educational, fiscal and energy reformations, the deliberate paralysis of the economy, the stubborn in restoring an all-embracing and overbearing presidency -, it looks for to close the peaceful escape valves of the popular dissent of the deep Mexico. In that measure, the intent to mutilate the civic freedoms in the Capital city constitutes an unnecessary and dangerous provocation that should be reverted in the full one of the Congress of San Lazaro building. Although we are sincere, this fact evidences us the urgent necessity to advance in a political reformation for the DF that consecrates the full equality of this regarding the rest of the federative entities. Otherwise, the forces of the authoritarian right and Fascist will continue taking advantage of the subjection of the capital to the federal powers to intervene in the political life of the capital of the Republic. It must be considered that the parties that approved the mentioned verdict are minority in the DF, and they don't have in consequence, genuineness, not representativeness some to determine the legal norms that must govern the matters of the capital city. However, in spite of everything they impose repressive and aggressive classifications with a Fascist expression and of a lack of republican spirit. In the immediate thing the citizens of the DF owe to express their rejection to an authoritarian imposition of EPN with their parties that are acolytes, and to demand the rights and prerogatives that it corresponds more to a federative entity. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-42, December 11, 2013).

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