sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

The candidate's weakness Obama

Federal candidate
The candidate's weakness Obama
By: Carlos Damián March 15, 2012
The Mormon towns in Mexico
México. - The past 24 of January, the president emitted her third speech on the change of The States, Barack Obama defined what seems to be the main axis of its political proposal in the search of the reelection: the promise of “an economy that works for all of them"; that promotes bigger " equality " and social justice, and in the one that is stopped “the millionaires to subsidize". Something that marks in The States the outburst point for practical effects of the presidential campaign, is the presidential dissertation that gives cause to a new wave of critical from the Republican Party to the current federal executive: On Tuesday, January 24 expressed their official posture of that party around the speech, the governor from Indiana, Mitch Daniels who sustained that the politicians of Obama related with the financial sector have caused that the American fiscal crisis “is radically worse."

Mitt Romney the presidential applicant it qualified to Obama “a president's far from the reality, far away from people and of their own words” and Romney said that “their actions are so different to what says that people are surprised and shocked". The republican opposition with its intransigence legislative has not stopped to mention that the democratic candidate's proposals Obama are ballast for the reactivation of the economy of the country. Without stopping to mention the characteristic moral double of the opposition republican product of the right-side that has been embedded in this party that has impelled critical that cannot be ignored they are, in the essential, overwhelming and guessed right, constituting an indicator more than the current federal executive's political weakness.

Locate Mormons in Mexico
Mitt Romney's antecedents, rich presidential applicant, they are located in the northwest of Chihuahua, towns as Juarez and Dublan inhabited by Mormons with double nationality, are two colonies Mormons where Brigham Young, president of the Jesus Christ’s Church of the Last Days, authorized the emigration toward the north of Mexico. These towns suffered a division when in 1882 the Law Edmunds broke the practice of the polygamy or plural marriage, and that law was accepted by the Mormons of both establishments. Of there it derived the separation of the sect fundamentalist Church of the First-born of the Fullness of the Times, been founded by Joel Le Baron that moved to about 40 kilometers to the south of the ‘Nuevo Casas Grandes’, and he settled in the town of Le Baron, municipality of Galeana, where they are still practiced the plural marriage among their members.

Some Mormons intrude in the national and local politics, Jeffrey Jones was senator for the PAN and Vice-Ministry of the Ministry of federal Agriculture, it charge that he left in 2009, when he declared: "There are many things that they can memorize of the drug traffic. It is a sector that has learned how to identify the markets, they are in a noxious cultivation for the health, but that same logic is the one that it is necessary to learn for the field". On July of 2009, the Mormon leader Benjamin Le Baron and its brother-in-law Luis Widmand were murdered by a group armed in Galeana, after the community refused to pay the rescue to liberate Erick Le Baron, brother smaller than Benjamin who had been kidnapped. In spite of the strict limits of their religion that it limits them the consumption of alcohol and drugs, many members of the colonies Mormons, basically the teenagers, are addicted to the substances and the leaders of to community they have opened rehabilitation centers to assist the problem.

Presidential candidate
We cannot forget that the president prepared during the first two years of his headquarters, of the force legislative and of the necessary political capital to toss the changes promised in his first presidential campaign to walk: among the promises in campaign we remember the reformation of a financial sector and it redraw of the inequitable fiscal regime of their country. He even now has administrative imperious to undertake the necessary economic reactivation of the nation. Would be possibly the lack of political will, political calculation or for pressures of the powers factices, the current administration was caught, from its beginning, in a tangle of political and corporate interests, and he is unable to carry out the transformations that with urgency in diverse environments, the country requires changes in the social, economic, and political.

In these moments it is to conclude the presidential period, the political power in Washington continues being, similar to the last administrations: a mechanism guided to oil private business, not to offer the well-being of the American people. To make matters worse the economic reactivation promised by the first African-American that occupies, the White House staggers before the indications of a new recession. In such a way that Obama is recapturing campaign promises with the principles that should have governed its administration, far away from being sample of clarity and state vision, it is an indicator of the direction and definition lack, the lukewarmness of that have characterized its government. Shortly it seems difficult that the current president delights electorally to the population's nuclei more without of protection that have not improved with the current administration, and to the progressive and lucid sectors of the society that granted him a historical electoral victory in November of 2008. (La Jornada, politica internacional, p.p. 4 – 5 , January 31, 2012)

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