viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011


The corrosive political class
By: Carlos Damián April 17, 2011
The congress is pint of blue
México. - If we check the different opinions on the Mexican political class, we find in the different informative means few popularity and credibility. In The Mexican Nation is impossible to find a good impression of our federal government and of its capacity to face the safety, the unemployment and the continuous increase of the gasoline. Few personalities upon questioning them on the chaotic situation find that we happen more difficult to the democratic transition and the period most critical of the political class subsequent Mexican to the Revolution of 1910.

In our hands we have a total disparagement of the governing class, the party in the power does not acceptance, and the candidates now of the blue party are found gray and weak. This situation in the history of our country recalls us to the twilights of the snap of the Mexican Revolution. To the margin than what think the Mexican political class that despises to the citizen common. This situation is not normal, our class governing does not have talent to govern and this deterioration of the confidence of the citizenship; it is the lack of trade of the current political class.

The miserable federal government
Humberto Moreira Valdes president of the party PRI criticizes the entrepreneurial policy, the economic and social, as well as the lack of safety in some regions of the country. Moreira accuses Javier Lozano (JL), executive of the Secretariat (Minister) of the Work and social Provision of using public resources to be promoted as aspirant to the Presidency of the Republic. Also it qualified to JL as Minister of the unemployment. In his statements, asserts "Mexico is larger than the PAN and they would have to display better efforts to convince President of the Republic, which is put to work to combat the poverty and to stop the increase to the prices", indicated.

Since began the federal administration of Calderon the fuels have increased each 30 days, being increased 35 percent more every time. The poor Mexican have increased 10 million, without until the moment may have given us the federal administration the face because of this misery situation generalized in the country. The lack of safety and of dead has been increased with schizophrenia palpable in the country. "Calderon must recognize his failure in social policies and to yield accounts to the Mexicans", added Moreira.

When it was questioned, the national leader of the PAN, Gustavo Madero (GM), by the accusations of wrong government of the current federal administration, and that bring face to face the political costs in 2012. Acknowledges receipt GM, about the indirect massage of the tri-colored president on the incompetent and fraudulent administration the President of the Republic. Madero response: This body (Moreira) has a strategy called "very miserable". "In the one which tries to generating discouragement, uncertainty, and on the up and up loss in Mexico", itemized.
The war in Mexico
The government has been returned timorous of the organized citizenship and reluctant to recognize the war that it has been unleashed countrywide. This situation madness was out of control around the end of 2007. With more than 42 dead journalists and hundreds threatened in the nation. The federal administration reacted to the international pressure creating the Special district attorney's office for the offenses attention assignments against the expression freedom. In 2010 was created the Advisory Committee depart the Evaluation and Recommendation of Prevention and protection Actions to journalists. In this committee do not appear represented the journalists, neither the civil organizations that defends these rights, in spite that the Human Rights Commission (CNDH), and the UN proposed them.
The attitude of the federal government toward the journalists is contradictory, we recall ourselves to Groucho and Chico Marx: if someone is so cloddish to seek help in the policeman deserves be treated as suspicious and in Mexico as guilty, until not demonstrate the contrary. A circular in Cuernavaca, Morelos in April, 2010, to an electronic mail with the list of 27 "drug-trafficker - traitorous journalists", that they would be "kidnapped, executed, buried, and bodies without skin" by have betrayed to the “Big brother" Great Chief. In this list was appearing Angelina Moral Albarran of ‘El Sol’ of Cuernavaca, who confronted the threat, being approached by support various organizations against the crime, PGJ of the state of Morelos City, AFI, PGR, and SRE of Mexico. To the president of the Republic is forgotten to him that it is the chief of a bureau that lacks clear limits on the protection vulnerable groups. In this context we find an authority vacuum and federal laws that protect to the journalist, of which emerges a frontal assault to the expression freedom, and lack of veracious information to the people.
Brave government
The current political class has a lack of so large trade, that has a corruptive political culture, centennial and they have a creed in the one which the economic order is not changed in such a way that is not distributed the wealth and that either is make to grow it. This political system makes until what is impossible by closing the road to the politicians that act in opposite sense to the dominant. In this situation the politicians change their speech to convince the electors, which go to change all, that go them to eliminate the corruption and the lack from transparency in their actions.

In this brave of the federal government denied by the statements of the neighboring of the north, in diplomatic documents, before the lack of response of the federal army and fear to answer to the aggressions of these criminal bands. In these civil protests of the citizenship nothing passes, and the dead bodies continue increasing as the cold figures of the statistics. What would have to make is to channel the dissatisfaction to concrete measures, where we would carry to establish political and judicial mechanisms to the corruptive politicians, that they have carried us to the death, unemployment, political crisis and lack of safety in our households.
These politicians sell more illusions than ancient selling of oil by the towns, syrups that cure all wrong of the body and of the spirit. But once they are in the power are more deceptions and thefts than the previous governing in the state. In this labyrinth created by the current class of politicians, we do not find by any side the exit the crisis, due to the fact that the candidates by the political alternation resulted more cloddish and thieves than the previous federal and state administrations. (La Jornada, política, p. 9, 18 de Abril, 2011).

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