viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011


The war front is wrong
By: Carlos Damián April 15, 2011
Priority to the prevention of the consumption and money wash
México.- In the war against the crime that the federal government accomplishes to daily one must take into account money wash that make banks in United States, as Wachovia established in 1879, whose executive whitened million of dollars for the Mexican cartels. The governments so much of Mexico as of United States if wanted to release a war with few blood against the Cartels to the States south. ( In the assassination of Juango (Juan Fco. Sicilia) your father Javier Sicilia has converted his personal tragedy into a social mobilization: diagnostic of the criminal situation, the rotten bud of Mexico, and to put on the cover it the sense of the war against the drug traffic, demanding with these reflections a change in the policy and war against the drug - traffickers.

To accomplish these considerations agrees to examine the methods, the good successes, and the Mexican lives that they have been paid, and the human costs that will pay the Mexican people in the following six years of government federal. The Mexicans we lived in a war conflict without knowing why, in this military siege we move away ourselves early finishing of darkening, and the rest of the day we lived under siege of the cartels criminal, thefts and kidnappings assignment additionally criminal bands being used of the confusion, and the fear of the policemen.

The bells bend by the Mexicans
This war was declared makes time by United States in the beginning of the century 20, product of its foreign invasions, where defined its posture against the drugs. These consist of defining as illegal the production the production and drugs consumption type; opium, narcotic that they had dealt in Asia, English, French and American. Proposing to finish with the "flowers of the wrong", putting aside the consumption and traffic of the drugs, having as stage distant lands. For Mexico, this decision of criminalizes the opium consumption, marijuana, cocaine and the methamphetamines had negative consequences.

For Mexico, in 1969, the topic of the drugs was a matter without importance. But from Operative Interception put in operation that year by Washington, humiliated subordinating to the federal government in its north frontier paralyzing it completely. Continuing with the operations keynote, it was created the Condor Operation, with the objective of destroying planted of pot and poppy. Having a temporary success. After with the decrease of drugs production in Turkey and the close of the route of Florida for the Colombian cocaine.

In this war context against the drugs that Mexico let of be route for the drugs that were demanding the American clients, it was converted in center of the stage of an international war that it is not own. United States already had obligated it to intervene in the World War II, after in the famous cold war and now it is the central actor of a war that United States making in Mexican territory. In Mexico we lived in an emerging situation, this due to the fact that the state institutions are weak, the federal government is devoted to break the local chiefs dominance in the trade and allotment of the drug being used the seven cartels of the drugs to master such zone of the country since count on great quantity of money infiltrating and corrupting the authority structures.

As opposed to The States that they do not need to insert horror and fear to its citizen, controlling to the local chiefs, to the criminal gangs of the drugs, having in the wake of their " criminal war" to 2 million in prison, to 5 million at large conditional and their cartels in peace with their capos di tutti capi of the drugs making business in complicity with the state, to control to their population as in the past made it with political organizations as the " Black Panthers". In Mexico the cristera’s war in the setting of the country was brutal but short, being negotiated the peace with the great catholic Clergy. The call “dirty war" in 70 was geographically located in Guerrero and Oaxaca, the guerrilla rural small and without resources. In contrast the current war encompasses to all Mexico.

From the war front
The war front always they have determined it the States from 1848 that we let of be the navel of the world. With the call "Plan Mexico" and after they changed to it for make up "Initiative Merida", a war plan that they have paid to enter as Pedro by his house to Mexico, humiliating it and subordinating it in all as a The States province, and that they have accepted the president of Mexico and the legislators in the high Chamber and decrease. They are paying the loss of sovereignty and this massacre of 50.000 persons to Mexico by the ridiculous sum of thousand 500 million of dollars.

We propose in these lines, instead of the war against the crime and the absurd Mexicans massacre to convert the war of the crime against the banks, the change houses, the casinos and other involved in dirty money wash product of the drug traffic, gathered by executive of account in clean money. Then our war front would be the responsible for the businesses that whiten dirty money. Reducing the dead and the smell of gunpowder, also the patrol group that insert the fear to the citizenship, the misbehaviors of the army, the navy, and the “collateral damages". That created laws the legislators to punish and sanction economically to the bankers and executive of businesses that whiten dirty money. To insert to the jail to the weapon dealers though they will be foreign. As well as the government of Mexico for the United States demands sends its capos of the crime to Yankee jails, thus Mexico demand to The States and Central America dealers punishing with jail in Mexico, with an alternate plan American calling it "Operative gunrunner". Stop to the foreigners’ impunity in México. (La Jornada, política, p. 11, April 16, 2011).

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