miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Invention of the Government

Academic demand to make of side the banalities
El Chapo: invention of the Government
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 18, 2016
Resume conversations Mexico - USA  to extradite to the illegal drugs leader
Mexico. -  The University experts in topics of safety demand to make of banalities side so that the criminal leader reveal the complicities net - entrepreneurial and governmental - in Mexico and abroad that permitted to him be the greater drugs distributor in the world, and not in banal conversations that maintained with the actors: Sean Penn and Kate del Castillo. It is indicated that far from be distracted with the conversations cellular route with the actress, as they have made several media and authorities, the fund of the problems is to investigate the financial systems, entrepreneurial and governmental that they have permitted money wash, the weapons flow and the businesses of the organization. In this context the Department of United States Justice began conversations with Mexican authorities to achieve the extradition of the El Chapo of the drug traffic. The shipment of the Il C(h)apo to United States to face to the justice was discussed in Miami intervening the general attorney of Mexico, Arely Gomez and representative of Justice of the neighboring country of the bars and the stars. The meeting in Miami was the first meeting of many that they have been seen, and is commented that the extradition will carry somewhat more than a year. 

The neighboring country has issued more than a petition to extradite to the man more wanted, by the justice foreign. Means Mexican have said that after their apprehension officials presented to him to Guzman Loera copies of two pending extradition requests. At least according to the foreign source the federal district attorney's office of San Diego, in California, and El Paso, in Texas have presented before Mexico in the past extradition requests of El Chapo. It has not been wanted to specify how many more  they have been presented neither which fiscal accusing foreign it have made. In case that certainly it will be extradited other district attorney's office with similar cases against Guzman Loera will request will be to carry it to the judge once in The States. The district attorney's office of Chicago, Miami, Brooklyn and Manhattan have case in against of the criminal leader more wanted in The States.   

Discussion of the marijuana authentic
The consumption "ludic" of marijuana, their sows and personal use are to discussion. Before the national discussion on the topic, announced by the Governance secretariat (SG, for their initials in Spanish), to them which will be accomplished between January and March, through five regional forums, organizations of the civil society presented the initiative Without Speck Are More, in order to "to protect the children and youths health". In press conference, called to legislating and authorities to the fact that take into account the effects of the consumption in that sector of the population. For Leopoldo Rivera Rivera, the Supreme Justice Court already validated the use ludic. "The discussion is not if makes damage; no longer makes sense. Anything of the proposals that there is to regulate the marijuana includes the use on the part of children; all protect to the minors. In fact, the regulation means to draw from the market to the criminals so that the infants could not accede to the marijuana". It is assured that the information of the thrust virtual platform this week by the SG, in the one which the citizens will be able be registered to participate in forums already mentioned, contains information with tendencies to bad interpretation.

"Include some questions about how controlling the use of the marijuana, when not always it is necessary to control it; the users of the herb know how much to consume. Apparently they use the discussions to delay the authorization. What must be discussed is how to regulate it, since the Court was pronounced in this regard, above all that is recognized the right to the users to cultivate their own plants, but by it tendencies to bad interpretation of the information in the platform the discussions will not go in that sense", it insisted. The president of the Mexican Studies Association on the Cannabis, it says that they do not discard to participate in the discussions, though be added or created a front of organizations that they will not attend, since demand a serious controversy and that consider public policy actions. On Thursday (01/14/16), organizations that are opposed to the consumption of marijuana, between them are mentioned, Clinic of the Tobacco, Association Living Together without Violence signed an adhesion agreement with Editorial Trillas. They informed that about 150 groups will participate in the discussion of the marijuana so that it will not be legalize with end ludic. 

"We´re citizen, parents, entrepreneurs concerned about the health of the population, above all of the youths, and about the confusion that could generate the discussion that it is being accomplishing on the policies of the authorization of the marijuana. We want to alert them of the risks of the consumption of marijuana and to promote a great preventive campaign". Though the prohibition of consuming marijuana "vulnerary the right to the persons to obtain pleasure in the form that each who wish it. Even though it is addictive in a percentage under, all individual must have the option of choosing if uses it or not", considered Passing Herminia Ordonez, investigating of the UNAM. Emphasize that it is not easy to accomplish studies scientifically controlled about the effects of the miraculous herb; "because regularly who consume it accompany it of products as tobacco, alcohol or other substances psychotropic". The winner of the national sciences premium and arts (2001) underlines that the decision of the supreme Justice Court of the Nation (SCJN, for their initials in Spanish),  of granting a protection to four persons for the use "ludic" of this herb, their sows and consumption for personal use, without including trade, supply and distribution was attempted. The interviewee decided to transact a habeas corpus to pay to the fact that is sat jurisprudence and they will be the person those which decide if consume it or not. 

Decide the citizen if consummate it, and not the Big Brother
The scientific explained that the tetrahidrocanabinol is the principal component of the herb that generates effects in the brain. But emphasized that the science yet it cannot define which are the alterations that cause the herb cannabis. The organization produces their own "cannabis natural", that they are the endocanabinoides. "When it is consummated cannabis, this enters the sites where acts our "cannabis natural" but it is more potent, therefore has greater pleasure effects. The problem is that cannot define if their consumption affects emotions, report, decision making and the process cognitive. They are made experiments with animal, but here there are controlled groups, with the same weight and antecedent; it is injected to him a controlled quantity of the substance and are measured the levels in the blood. The first difference of the marijuana, is that is not injected within the veins, but is smoked, reason for which cannot be known what quantity of the active principle of the magic herb arrives to the brain.

"To certify an experimental group we have problems: it should be to know the individuals, which may have a similar QI, to know that is the state of their brain and until their familiar precedents. Therefore who make investigation are very prudent, they do not speak than what saw will be only by cause of the marijuana. This is something very important that it should be to stress". From their point of view to the discussion in connection with this product and their contingent regulation must be given scientific criteria and without political positions. Indeed EPN a priori rejected the use of the marijuana being an absurdity, since 'impulse the discussion' if no longer makes sense for the national executive their authorization. "We go to find all kinds of obstacles of part of the state. The government is reacted, since EPN acted in a way classic not rational upon fixing his position. If he says "make the discussion, but we go to be in against", that gives the impression of the fact that the discussion will have all kinds of biases", bad interpretations and truth hosieries. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-4, January 15, 2016).

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