miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Electoral wear

International/South America 
The man electoral victory of the candidate of straight Macri
Electoral wear
By: Carlos Damian                                             November 24, 2016
Offer " personal development" and "poverty zero"
Mexico. -  In the second return of the presidential election in Argentina, that was accomplished Sunday past (22/11/15) with massive and peaceful voting, the oppose Mauricio Macri (of the right-wing coalition Cambiemos) defeated to the candidate official and ex vice-president Daniel Scioli (De Frente para la Victoria, center - left-wing), upon obtaining more than 51 percent from the suffrages. It was confirmed thus the turn of the right that is there was prefigured from the general elections from the past 25 of October, in those which Scioli was unable to countersigning the victory in first obtained return four years ago by the current chairwoman, Cristina Fernandez, and procured hardly a marginal advantage on Macri. This at the same time knew to unify to the oppose electorate, and in the weeks elapse between the generals and yesterday balloting, headed the preferences in most of the polling-booth. It is a political rout for the project Kirchnerista that it has governed the south nation from makes more than a decade, the one which achieved advances invaluable in the lands of what is political, what is economic and what is social. In effect, the arrival of Nestor Kirchner to the power in the South American country that put an end to an extended political crisis and began to soar the economic disaster in which the neoliberalism had sunk to the country from final of the years 90’s. 

Exist preoccupation by the future of the country in their relationship to Latin America and by the announcements on internal policy that they could end with the Kirchnerismo legacy, that he has promised to observe, but contradict it the few measured up until now announced in this regard. The Argentines have elected to the right-wing candidate, in the first that is celebrated in the country, to end with Cristina Fernandez. This formulation of the Republican Proposal Mauricio Macri - Gabriela Michetti, that headed the alliance Cambiemos, which means a change in the policy of 180 degrees. It was imposed with 51.40 percent of votes to the formulation of Daniel Scioli - Carlos Zannini, of the official Frente para la Victoria, which governs from makes 12 years the country, and that obtained 48.60 percent of votes, with 99.17 percent of polled suffrages. Macri arrived with their family to the center of conventions Costa Salguero, in a mounted stage very to the style of their political force with quantities of yellow globes and followers clearly of mean and high class. In a speech that was not separated of his style " evangelical shepherd" that many criticize and other celebrate, in the same tone of the electoral campaign, the night of this Sunday (11/22/15), used repetitively the word "change", that resulted key during their campaign, though it did not explain of what will consist. "The Argentine people has much that to provide to the world in the cooperation schedule", said. The analysts consider the first message as a “empty speech, without content and not political".

Doubts and expectations emerged in various political sectors by the ideological path and of management of the elect president, Mauricio Macri, by their close relationships to international right-wing foundations and with the United States embassy. Especially it exists preoccupation by the future of the country in their relationship to Latin America and by the announcements on internal policy that they could end with the legacy of the kirchnerismo (political line), that he has promised to observe, but contradict it the few measured up until now announced. Current mayor of the Buenos Aires City, Macri it is civil engineer and entrepreneur; his political career beginning after have been president of the popular club of football Boca Junior, from 1995 to 2007. In 2007 it was elect Buenos Aires mayor and reelected in 2011. Studied in the Catholic University Argentina and in United States universities. Worked in automotive industry, food and construction of their father, Franco Macri, it was very favored during the government of Carlos Menem (1989 - 1999). Faced to the justice by the purchase of the Argentine Mail in the years of the privatizations that it was recovered by the government of Nestor Kirchner. In 2003 formed the party Compromiso por el cambio, which became 2005 in Propuesta Republicana. It was representative between 2005 and 2007, severely criticized because never was listened to him in the representatives room, and it was absent in 277 of 321 votes, (la Jornada, Stella Calloni).

In the same way, the ‘kirchnerismo’ took steps important in the consolidation of a respectful legal order of the human rights and of the historical memory and put an end to the impunity that sheltered to the genocides soldiers that stained with blood during almost a decade to that nation. The electoral defeat must be understood as a rejection of the Argentines to the advances registered between 2003 and 2015, but to the factors sum exogenous and endogenous so much of the current national and hemispheric context; the destabilization oligarchical that beating systematically to the governments Kirchner men, the media was pestering and the interference international; but also the own wear of the exercise in the power, the depletion of the economic growth cycle by the summit of the matters outweigh, and the cases corruption within government. In that sense, the electoral turn that was lived in the voting pasts must be seen with spirit auto-critic additionally governments, as Brazil and Venezuela, that experience also an internal wear combination and under pressures and external destabilizing conspiracies. 

The analysts recalled the night of this Sunday their special relationship with the United States embassy. In the informative cables (according to Santiago O'Donell) is realized that Macri attended in 2007 to the legation, where presented their electoral offer: "we are the first party that we favor to the market and to the businesses in about 80 years of the Argentine history that is ready to assume the power". In that moment Macri had the Foundation Creer y Crecer, that was working with the United States Republican Institute and with the Foundation Konrad and Adenauer from Germany in the training of new leaderships, as informed their hosts. On other topics referred to the ‘kirchnerismo’ spoke Macri and then, the political consul Mike Matetra, who indicates that Macri it is an opposition leader that it have "sufficient resources and it is it sufficiently young as to compete with the ‘kirchnerismo’ in the long run".  In 2008 was found in the American embassy with Carl Meacham, official of the Committee of Relationships of the Senate. It said to him that the "Argentine would be glad of seeing to fall the government of the Kirchner".

Macri it is to the front of the foundation Pensar, bound to the American Heritage and to all the right-wing foundations, as those which presides Jose Maria Aznar, and Mario Vargas Llosa. Between their guest are found personages as the ex-president of Colombia Álvaro Uribe and Alejandro Pena Esclusa, president of the Foundation Unoamerica, they are formed by ex-military of the Latin America dictatorships for "to overthrow" to the governments of left-wing of the region. Peaked their empty speech to their fans with: "I am here, you carried me to this place and them I request please not abandon me, we continue together", after promising a wonderful stage" for the country, and ended with a repeated: "we go, Argentina". Macri will govern four years, from December 10, 2015.

To return to the victory of Macri, analysts agree in which the arrival of the ex-mayor from Buenos Aires at the Casa Rosada will imply a return of the neoliberal directors that carried to Argentina to the ruin at the beginning of this century XX, and were converted in a serious economic crisis and of governability and representation. Will correspond to the lucid and committed sectors of that society to defend the political changes, social and economic undertaken during the presidencies of the Kirchner and to avoid thus the institutional renovation process that was developed during these 12 years and is crumbled in the wake of a neoliberal restoration, and the federal administration has valuable aspects beyond their defects that could have it. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 33-34, November 23, 2015).

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