sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

The dispute for the business

International The reformists look for to hold the system to the manager The dispute for the business By: Carlos Damian January 4, 2012 The educational system will evaluate to educational with standardized tests Mexico. – At the country of the official rhetoric and the military exercises to prove new weapons exits of advanced technological laboratories, there is a war overlapped by the official factory of lies and to disguise the future of the democracy: the great national case around the public education. The offensive of the auto-proclaimed reformers of the education in which can find some of the most powerful forces in the country, and surprisingly among them we have the richest men in The States, the financial sector, the federal government, the financial sector, the big media and the lobbyists, among those who are those that affirm that the central problem of a public education system in decomposition is the teachers of low quality and its unions that defend the status quo. They propose as solution, the financing of thousands of millions of dollars in private funds, to hold the education system to a managerial model guided by executives, where it is evaluated to the educational one, exclusively around standardized exams and everything is measured by outlines of data under ones rules that are applied to the private sector. Simultaneously it is looked for to apply to the private sector like the public sector, this solution, finding the “free market” for the educational sector, with efforts to privatize some segments and this way to hire more services of the private sector in the public teaching, as if the private sector was the panacea of the solution for the public sector. In this "war" against the public education, the declared enemy is the teachers and theirs unions to who the status quo looks for to accuse them of resisting to the change, to protect its selfishness interests that put above the students, to who the system supposedly is protecting of the “educational monsters", and certainly search to accuse to socioeconomic factors for its deficiencies. In this context a movie that tries to reflect this state of things is perhaps, 'Waiting to Superman', 2010, the one which reflective an obliging educational system of mediocre and conformist teachers that they follow a bureaucratic model, with family parents frustrated by the neoliberal system, and with an union that has stopped to protect to its unionized, where the own teachers for inertia some are protected to the other ones. This movie has been ahead to the aggression that now the system educational American public lives, proposing as solution the schools called charter that receive public funds, administered by the private initiative, although with several exceptions: not to hire unionized teachers, operating with goals of lucre, and with a database of professional teachers used as “labor slaves", and sharing among these schools with neoliberal model the private documents of these teachers as if they were own, without nuisance some of human rights, the attorney's office of the consumer's defense, and of the federal government. The critics accuse that this neoliberal model is the tip of lance of the privatization of the public school. It is recognized that there is more of 4 thousand schools charters in 40 states of the country, and that now they add 5 percent of the public schools included in the "war". The lack of efficiency and mediocrity The supposed inefficiency and the lack of success of the public school that so much rises the reformers size, the mercenary politicians to attack the educational system, and groups paid by the private initiative, it has fed for reports of institutions and outstanding personalities. They are in this political line, Arne Duncan education secretary, as some of the most influential media in the American nation. Some characters with enough wealth to make turn to the public opinion in this question, he is Bill Gates that argues that the public education system no longer produces the quality of workers of high technical training that requires the country to compete at world level, something that president Barack Obama has reiterated in many occasions when saying that “the students cannot compete with the Korean workers" (educated under the premise that the letter with blood enters). Some outstanding ones political among them Condoleezza Rice, she gave the alert about the supposed poverty of the national educational system, when announcing a “serious threat to the national security", although this educational poverty since the company was invented The States called it was always palliated from all over the world by the immigrants, when being educated by the American system and to stay to work, caught by the “American dream". The debate that has become worse nowadays is owed partly by the government's ideological fight like guarantor of the common well-being and the competition of the market as a potential creator of excellent professionals that they will serve to the country. Although the power, the money and the good employment don't leave aside it, in this ideological fight between the socioeconomic left-wing and the right-wing. It is considered that the students in facilities with public education are 90 percent, and around 50 millions the figure is calculated at the moment. In the public expense, so much federal, state as municipal it overcomes 600 thousand million dollars a year. It is considered that this educational war has the gewgaw of more than 20 years, in which thousands of millions have been invested in programs of public privatization of schools (schools charter), what they have been able to bend the national opinion for these dates, and this way they have been able to impose its notebook to national scale. (La Jornada, politica educativa, p.p. 2- 3, January 3, 2013).

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