domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Mexico in the education

México in the education
By: Carlos Damian February 15, 2010
Alonso Lujambio: We are in the adjustments analysis for “powerful the budgets"
State leaders claim the lack of transparency give the negotiation with the SEP
México. - The dissenting teachers and leaders of the National Workers Union of the Education (SNTE), indicated that three weeks after the delivery of the general demands sheet 2010 of the Union of the teaching brin face to face the executive of the Public Education Secretariat (SEP), Alonso Lujambio, in the states " has not been accomplished any approximation to present the state petitions neither is known detail which are the requirements of the union to reach a salary increase"

They asserted that then of the increase in the taxes about the revenue (ISR) and to the value aggregate (IVA) outstanding from past January, to which is added an increase in middle point of percentage in the quota intended for pensions and jubilations, "most of the teachers does not arrive in order to month with their income, situation that it has obligated to the fact that proliferated the loan requests to saving boxes, and even, to pledge houses”. They warned that an increase of less than 5 percent will remain "immediately pulverized first of all the increases that face the teachers, who have been seen obligated to live practically of borrowed".

As compared to the protests, Lujambio delimits to the Executive of clippings to universities
Undergraduates expressed front to the Public Education Secretary, Alonso Lujambio their discomfort by the low supports budgets them to the education superior. When the official began his participation in the seminar The Reform of the State: a university dialogue effected in the Legal Investigations Institute of the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), some 15 youths were lifted with placards in the one which showed their rejection to the policy in education superior.

"The clipping to the budget of the public universities puts on risk to the future of thousands of youths? And you on political campaign? "Seven million of youths neither study, nor work (Nini)", "we don’t want be nini", "neither a step back (in the educational budgets)", "for 2010 were shortened to them $113 million 733 thousand dollars to the education superior", "50 percent of the youths from among 15 and 24 years do not have access to the instruction", "education, science and culture must be a national priority", "more presupposed to universities, less national problems".

The one of January the Secretariat of Treasure (SHCP) published in its webpage a smaller budget to approve by the deputies for education superior. Thus while the Legislative agreed to grant $5 thousand 758 million dollars to that sector, in the official site of the dependency was assigned $ 5 thousand 645 million dollars. Executive of several universities have accepted that there was clipping and that they transact to avoid it. The students reading a letter that attempted to deliver to the Education Secretary of the SEP, "is concern you that the education superior will not be a national priority when we know that thousands of youths do not accede to that right".

The expert of the UN reports its experiences about education
The education is a means so that the persons are developed all their capacities and potentials, and may have access to the cultural inheritance of the humanity, and it is a multiplying right since supports to exercise other human rights, civil as well as political, also economic. It is a gold opportunity for Mexico the visit of the reporter of the UN on the Law of the Education, Vernor Muñoz Villalobos, which in a tight agenda will be gathered with distinguished personalities of the educational area between 8 and 18 of this month. This Costa Rican nationality personality, but been born in Mexico City, expresses that with his report wishes to give a clear message: the education is a fundamental human right.

He adds, that "the state is obligated to guarantee it to all the persons, especially those that are found in discrimination situation. Emphasized the importance of returning to the education its real end, that they are not of solving the problems of the employers, but those of to satisfy the human needs of the persons. The education does not solve by itself the problem of the violence, if is not super this society model, characterized by be superfluous, dehumanized, consumerism and unequal. Some expert and civil organizations of the academic sector have made to know to the reporter that in Mexico about 400 thousand children from among six and 11 years old do not receive any educational attention, and that most of these are working children, laborer children. Concluded these conversations, to be expressed that while the human rights do not continue being a priority for the e’lite governing, and the education will not be conceived as a fundamental right, the educational model will not achieve the quality that is required to confront the challenges that demands the nation. (La Jornada, sociedad y justicia, p.p. 15 – 30, February 13, 2010)

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