jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Reproved government

Some citizens' nuisance is admitted 
Reproved government 
By: Carlos Damian                                               October 16, 2015 
In spite of the structural reformations Mexico is straggler
Mexico. -  The economic growth of the South of the country has been straggler in comparison with the North and Center, still with the structural reformations implemented by the government. Luis Madrazo Lajous, boss of the unit of economic project of the Ministry of Treasury, recognized that there is an important difference among the development of the regions of Mexico after the implementation of the structural reformations. "In economic terms, we have a great success of growth in the north and in the central part of the country, there are regions that have grown in factory exports, but we have not really brought that economy to the south part of Mexico", the official said. According to the indicator of poverty multidimensional of National Council of Evaluation of the Politics of Social Development (Coneval, for their initials in Spanish), 76 percent of the population of Chiapas State qualified as poor the year 2014, contrary to the inhabitants of Nuevo Leon State that qualified the same year, 3.5 times better.  
Madrazo next to the former governor of the Central Decree of Tunes, Mustapha Nabil, and the former minister of strategic matters of Brazil, Marcelo Neri, it assured that the last 20 years in Mexico macroeconomic stability has existed, due to its monetary politics and the drop inflation in spite of the fluctuations in the foreign currencies. Also, the federal official recognized that in spite of the recently applied structural reformations they have not generated the same benefits in all the states of the country, his objective is to democratize the productivity and to give an impulse to the economic growth.  
The government is reproved 
To develop innovation doesn't mean well-being for all, rather it is for some few people: Joseph E. Stigliz. He prize Nobel of economy of The States he says that an innovation has to do with the improvement of opportunities for all. The professor from Columbia underlines so that there is equality, first it should be evaluated which the innovation rules are according to the normative marks of governability and after it, to negotiate the productive capacities of the innovation to guarantee us that those production capacities are they give general benefit, not only of some few ones". It also exposed that he doesn't always have to do with the restructuring or the modifications to the rules that govern the economy from the countries when closing the breach of inequality or that there is more well-being. In this respect, it indicated that 30 years ago when in The States regulations were made in the rates of taxes and markets opened up to bring economic growth supposedly, it was the other way around, because they were mistaken and in their place 90% of the Americans it was stagnated their revenues.
If we remit ourselves to the results of the juvenile infantile consultation 2015, carried out in the electoral day of passed July 7, the less reliable institutions are the police and the army. A developing fact of the sample where they participated 2 million of 677 thousand 825 minor than between 16 and 17 years, in which one observes the deterioration of the image of those organizations and this situation is increased in function of the age. This way, while in the range of six to nine years the levels of trust in the police and the Army are located respectively in 80.9 and 84, only 21.7 and 25.2 percent of the children of between 10 and 13 years they said to trust those corporations. Another point happens with the credibility of the leaders: 55.9 percent of the interviewees affirmed to distrust of the government, percentage that is increased to more than 94 percent among the adolescents of 14 to 17 years. In general of the study it can be concluded that the image of the political class and the corporations of public and national security are desolated among the boys that are to obtain the condition of citizens with full political rights.  
Democratic opening 
Beyond that the adolescents take recurrent conflicts with the figures of authority, there are reasons to think that the commented results are not only explained in function of phenomenon characteristic of that critical stage of the life. In contrast, the institutional bad reputation can be attributed to the terrible deficiencies of the recent governments to guarantee conditions of subsistence in an economy without horizons of mobility; to the systematic violation of basic constitutional guarantees on the part of the authorities in episodes that bear difficulties with policemen and military in service, as well as to the fracture between the official speeches and the reality of misery, exclusion, inequality, violence, insecurity, impunity and corruption that it suffers the country. The nonfulfillment of the governments regarding responsibilities and fundamental commands: the persistence of bad habits, corruption and police abuses in damage of the citizenship; the get involving of the Army in tasks of security that are it legally other people's property, and the ineffectiveness of the civil controls to correct those anomalies and to assure that the officials of the police make be worth the right state, they are factors that are expressed in a country whose younger generations have lost the capacity to believe in a false institutionalist that has been made to protect.  
The presidency of the Republic admitted to have retired of the air the spot of promotion of the popularized structural reformations as: “That’s chole (enough!), with your complaints!", before the nuisance that the same one generated in “some citizens". From the beginning of their diffusion in YouTube at the beginning of this week, the one mentioned promotional it was difficultly criticized, mainly in the social nets. However, until yesterday it was still transmitted in the radio stations. Sources of the presidency admitted the controversy caused by the government announcement, where it reproduces a dialogue between two carpenters when they listen in the radio that the reformations are already giving results… the carpenter questions to the other one when with contempt he says that that’s enough! (chole), with the reformations, and to the twist his partner, confronts it with the supposed decrease in the collections for the electric power and the phone calls, and that he already has social security. It underlines that it is due to the structural reformations of EPN. Finally he responds him annoying: That’s chole with your complaints!, it finishes off while the other one persuades.  
Such a scenario configures us one of the more disastrous inheritances contrary to the good one to live off the governments of the last cycle of the current political class. In this context it is that it affects in great measure the principle of authority on which the régime that seeks viability for the future should be founded. All those that constitute government's apparatus and the institutes of security should remember that the authority doesn't emanate of the formal appointment in a public position, since it bears an exercise of legality, consistency and civism that it grants them an ascendancy before the citizenship. In sum they have given way all the constitutional and ethical precepts what has caused a serious one it discredit for this generation study object, and unfortunately for the whole country and to revert them is not come glimmers to solve this serious problem of trust in the institutions. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 1 – 16, October 15, 2015).

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