jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Magic art

The worst scandal of human rights in the recent history: Mexico 
Magic art 
By: Carlos Damian                                     September 25, 2015 
Even when we are successful, we never give happiness: Fondebrider 
Mexico. -   From the highest levels in the government from Mexico a “scandalous concealment” of those responsible for the forced disappearance of the 43 professor’s students of Ayotzinapa Farm school exists, in Guerrero, it affirmed International Amnesty (IA). The organism stood out that the facts happened in Iguala the 26 and 27 of September in 2014 they are a tragedy, “one of the worst scandals of human rights, in the recent history of Mexico". Due to the deficiencies in the investigations and to that one year advances don't exist to know the truth, what is like evidence is that “anyone can disappear for magic art in the country, while who are in the power they are focused in covering the prints". It pointed out that the authorities have had a negligent handling of the investigation and he added that the executive will continue to eyes of the international community “as the facilitator of these horrors", unless it adopts a real action, he added.  
People that are in the power covered the prints 
Enrique Guevara-Rosas, director for the America of the grouping, remarked: "The Mexican government's unyielding determination of convincing to the world that the students were murdered by a band of drug dealers and their remains were burned in a garbage dump acting like a distraction of any other valuable investigation line". The activist insisted in that it lacks to explore the performance that they had the military ones and people that imparts justice, mainly of those who didn't intervene in spite of being aware of the abuses made against the students in the moment in that they were carrying out. She remembered that the disappearance of the professor’s students happened after they were stopped by municipal policemen of Iguala and from then on information has been given on the supposed identification of the student's remains Alexander Mora Venancio, 19 years old. Some days ago, the authorities gave certainty of another discovery: the identification for a bone of, Jhosivani Guerrero de la Cruz.  
However, it pointed out that experts of the Argentinean team of forensic anthropology have said that it is not conclusive the exam of DNA on these last remains.  When being plentiful on the flaws that it has had the Mexican government's inquest, International Amnesty it stood out that there was also negligence in the handling of the forensic evidence, because it was never processed. The officials arrived in the night in that the students were arrested in Iguala they didn't take pictures, To these and other elements, as the opposition to that it interviews to the military ones that were in the area where the professor’s students disappeared, adhere the conclusions of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (IGIE) according to which it is scientifically impossible that 43 bodies were incinerated in a garbage dump in the municipality of Cocula, under the conditions exposed by the authorities.  
Any person disappears and the state hides the crime 
They work in drug dealer -graves, women’s homicides, slaughters, extrajudicial executions and forced disappearances. Their task stops of being simple, but the Argentinean Team of Forensic Anthropology (ATFA) it has won prestige like independent group that it tries to respond the query of family of victims: explaining the possibilities and expectations of what you can achieve and that that not. We assist their doubts, because we find better than they see like it is the work and that they participate. ”It is not limited to a sample of DNA but rather an approach is made with a social anthropologist that begins relationships with people with which one works, why people don't have to believe you, all that you say". It is a form that it is clear what you are making, and it doesn't have to be so technical, and neither to believe that a found bone belongs to your son, only because they are shown. On the other hand it is to mitigate the anguish that they generate this type of cases a little. And to us it makes us well see the relatives, to have a refund on behalf of them."  
"It is important to listen a lot, to lean on in some local NGO and to study the case that is not the same thing that to investigate a common homicide. It is very different to the work of a traditional forensic surgeon that makes an autopsy in a morgue and it analyzes the sample in laboratory. "Our work is detective, journalist, social anthropologist, and historian's mixture, because that makes it is to try to understand the political, ethnic processes, and religious depending on the case. Also, it has another complexity. In general there are states that kill: the administrative machinery is. We have to try to understand that logic of killing". In occasions the families deposit the trust to arrive to the truth and you manage the anxiety to look for and not to find. "This situation frustrates, and oneself is it, the worst thing is for the relatives”. "In many cases it is necessary to know that no matter how much one attempts it will be it difficult and it will take a lot of time. It is not a television series. It sometimes is not the missing person, like it happened to those who were heady to the river during the Argentinean dictatorship”. "Anyway, even in the cases in that we are able to identify the victims, it is never a happiness. We don't return alive people. We return dead people, and we are aware of this situation."  
Inform of the IGIE it is a relating one: Campa 
We investigate slaughters and disappearances in places where the impunity exists and the perpetrators are alive, and truly we feel fear, but in general the serious problem is given for people that lives in the place when we work in the field where they pass these things, where the presence of the State is weak. We in a difficult moment can take an airplane and to leave; for that reason we are very careful. "There are places, in those that if we speak with somebody everybody it knows that that person speaks with 'the foreigners’ and that situation puts in danger to the person". Although that danger exists as knife that leaves the cheese, we see that the mobilizations acquire force. In Latin America they have been mobilized more family in the world due to the social conscience that people are acquiring. We are speaking of Argentina that where the movement of human rights watch has made pressure to know the truth of the dirty war. It is very different in weak countries of Africa, or Asia with very police states and clearly marked paramilitary repression in the civil population where is summoned to a march by the missing persons and eighty people meet.  

The parents of the missing persons of Ayotzinapa family carried out a manifestation to demand the presentation with the absentees' life and the 800 demonstrators went from the facilities of the Farm School heading for the square of the city, where they accused governor Rogelio Ortega Martinez of repressing them the one in the highway Chilpancingo - Tixtla and of impeding the step to the manifestation that would move to Mexico City. The community made responsible the Governor and the federal government of any repression against the contingents that will participate in the march - walk". In connection with the announcement that orders of apprehension already exist against the student leaders and some family parents, the group manifested: "the government's watchword is to impede the mobilizations to demand the presentation of the 43 missing students". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3 – 5, September 24, 2015).

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