domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016

Government lies to approve reforms

National/ occupational
The guilty Deputies  of the increases: PRI
Government lies to approve reforms
By: Carlos Damian                                  August 4, 2016
Guatemala does not has oil and the gasoline is cheaper than in Mexico: Pathetic
México.-  Morena’s President, AMLO, supported that the gasoline import is a business of 500 billion of pesos that lets earnings of 80 billion of pesos to "a lad minority", this because Pemex is liquidated with a ruinous infrastructure. "Neither the Chapo (Guzman) makes a business thus. Rob more the white neck criminals", exposed in a video. It is pathetic that in Guatemala will be cheaper than in Mexico, country that it does not has oil. Turned out to be it that "the corruption in Mexico, impels the increase of prices in the gasoline and diesel. This government of Grandson Rock " is writhing to him/her/you the neck to the hen of the gold eggs: Pemex and CFE. They are being making juicy businesses deprive to the protection of the public power. With the energetic reform the gasoline no longer sells it Pemex, (president) granted grants to import gasoline from any part of the world", exposed. The corruption, "is destroying to the country. It is not possible that Mexico has crude oil and is bought gasoline to benefit to a minority. We have the salary 10 smaller times to that of The States, and thus, How we go to compete with other nations with gasoline and expensive electrical energy?  Ended AMLO requesting to the citizenship not to lose the amazement capacity neither be remained quieted before the increase to the prices of the energetic, nor before the "cynicism and the corruption that prevail in the country".

Before the critiques by the new increase of gas, in force from yesterday, the PRI made responsible to the Deputies House of authorizing "a band" of fluctuation of fuel prices. That band, said Enrique Eight Prays, president of the tri-colored, "is about ceiling" authorized, until three percent superior respect to the price of the fuels in force during 2015, for the Great gasoline and Premium, "but still it is down in diesel". To be questioned if the population is being cheated, because the message that justified the energetic reform was centered more in which no longer would have more increase to the gasoline, answered: "What you seek is a head (of newspaper)". The leader of the PRI, summoned to a meeting of "approximation" with media. Before the questions with respect to if the energetic reform did not operate, exposes that so much this of applies lock, stock and barrel, what must make the government is to guarantee the supply of the fuels, subject to the international prices. Insisted in which they were the legislating those which authorized, in the Expenditures Budget of the Federation of 2016, which the prices of the gasoline and the diesel will be fixed as of variable three: the international price, the exchange rate and the fiscal regime. To see to:

Indicated that as of this that during this year the fuels reduced in the price to public and that the gas, in force from yesterday, it represents a "a light increase", though the increase of the liter of Great went from 13.40 to 13.96 pesos (an increase in 56 cents), the Premium went from 14.37 to 14.81 (44 cents more) and the diesel of 13.77 to 13.84 (21 cents).  on the other hand the workers of Pemex are resented than the government them has lied with the energetic reform, that they went to be reduced the prices of the gasoline, electricity and the gas; on the contrary, they continue increasing their cost and affect the pocket of the Mexicans, indicated integrating of the National Technical personnel Union and oil Graduates, in a meeting that carried out yesterday to Energy Secretary. Added that they have been affected their occupational rights, as that of medical service, and they are finishing with their collective work contract. 

With blankets in those which were demanding the abrogation of the cited reform, due to the fact that it was impelled by the authorities with lies, the technical personnel and Graduates oil made to see that it is not sustainable a modification of laws that  it has become in a bleeding for the Mexicans. "The federal government has lacked to their word", indicated. It has not been neither a benefit for the people, but only for the great capital with the modification of laws in energetic matter, exposed in the mobilization and called to stop "to shatter the infrastructure" of national oil industry. In the meeting they read a pronouncement in the one which supported that in addition to that the energetic reform is letting in foreigner hands a strategic sector for the country, it has not been stopped bid farewell it of personal technical specialized in Pemex, and either it has been fulfilled the governmental commitment that would be observed the squares and occupational conditions. Considered very serious the cancellation of the medical services for the workers of Pemex and the shortage of medicines. Indicated that that occurs from 2010, when to the active and retired workers that appeal to the medical service them began to, more than 2 working thousand to deny the medicines supply, and in most cases must buy them in commercial pharmacies, making then various procedures for the refunding of the expenses. 

On the other hand the miners denounce that the federal government is " entrepreneurs puppet as German Larrea, Alberto Bailleres González, Alonso Ancira Elizondo and Carlos Slim proprietary Helu respectively of the consortiums Mexico Group, Peñoles Group, Siderurgical Cardenas - Las Truchas, and Group Frisco, assured in press conference Jesus Jimenez Jimenez (JJJ), member of the Mining Union that heads Napoleon Gomez Urrutia. Also, JJJ it demanded to the president EPN that "already unlock the political conflict" that maintains closed the deposits San Martin de las Lomas municipality, Zacatecas; Taxco, in Guerrero, and Cananea in Sonora. Those industrial complexes, in those which the occupational union exhibits legally the ownership of the collective contracts, recalled JJJ, already fulfilled nine closed years, because the entrepreneurs do not want to solve the problems of lack of safety, concretely German Larrea Mota Velasco. Due to the strikes, more than 2 working thousand cannot work therefore they do not receive any salary. "Is difficult, after nine years in strike, that the company Mexico Group does not want be sat to talk, to negotiate, with no of the three union sections that are found in legal strike. 

It is cannot be presented that the three levels of the Mexican government are lent and bead to the service of several millionaire entrepreneurs and not them interest the working class, neither the sources in employment, underlined. Indicated that directing and members of the Mining Union "they are in the better arrangement of the fact that those three conflicts arrive to their term already. We wish that once and for all, we sit ourselves with the federal government to talk and with the entrepreneur. We have endured these nine years, and perhaps the time that lack. Those three sections in strike we explode them we the workers by the insecure conditions that there were in our work centers" 

Tailor booth
Integrating of the Alliance of Workers of Health and Public Personnel, headed by Antonio Vital, and accomplished yesterday a meeting as compared to the central offices of the IMSS, in the one which denounced greater medical services subrogation to private institutions. The protest began in the Plaza of the Jaguar of the National Medical Center Century XXI, of where departed to the headquarters of the Institute and it was integrated for the most part by laboratory men of the IMSS. Vital indicated that the mobilization had the purpose of denouncing it suspension of laboratory studies and microbiology on the part of IMSS, circumstance that form part of the strategy to dismantle and privatize the services that grants the Security Institute. In the protest demonstration were made known figures of the services subrogation on the part of Institute, the one which has grown in 100 percent from 2010, figure that super 30 billion of pesos that annually pays the Social Security to companies deprive by various services that lend, as laboratory studies. The workers denounced that this situation not only means the “silent privatization of the services that lends the IMSS, but also the theft of work matter" for them, what puts on risk their employment, and those of several specialists of the Institution. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 8-10, August 2, 16).

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