martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Educational theater

The union will make be worth its guarantees if it grants them help: lawyers 
Educational theater 
By: Carlos Damian                                               June 24, 2015 
The Court takes a year and half in solving thousands of habeas corpus
Mexico. -   We see that when legislating on the “educational” matter, it was made forcing the constitutional principles foreseen in the Fraction III of the article 3rd Constitutional that in their part they prepare that: "the State will guarantee the quality of the obligatory education so that the materials and the educational methods, the school organization, the educational infrastructure (…) as well as in the international treaties as regards human rights of those that the Mexican State forms part, when making consist as unique factor, until this moment, of the quality of the education to the educational one, without considering the previously mentioned factors, what transforms them into only responsible for the educational quality. And in this resolution of the court there were watchwords and conditionally in the design of the legislation in this matter, of the authors of the Law of the National Institute for the Educational Evaluation and the General Law of the Educational Professional Service and of the modifications to General Law of Education, and when being approved, the constitutional principle was forced from the full respect to the constitutional rights of the workers of the education, as the own fraction III of the article 3rd.
If we observe the mentioned legislations and in particular of the General law of the Educational Professional Service, it is sought to simulate that it is an educational legislation, when in essence that that less it contains it is an educational, pedagogic project or that minimum is sought at least a renovation of the content of the General Law of Education, in search of a project that it truly consolidates, strengthen and make sense to the at least National Educational System, rather it is a change of the administrative process. In this context it charges bigger relevance the positioning of the INEE made in September of 2013, through their president Sylvia Schmelkes in the sense that the reformations not well “educational” calls: “it is not a pedagogic reformation, it is not a curricular reformation, and it is not a reformation of the initial formation of the educational one. It is a reformation that puts the conditions so that these reformations are possible, but all the truly important ones are necessary us. It is a reformation that puts the conditions so that these reformations are possible, but all the really important ones are necessary us."  
For the workers are forget the human rights 
This positioning, contrasts with the one that now has, the INEE when sustaining, among other points that it would not be guaranteed for all of not being applied the educational evaluation an “education of quality”. For what the relationships of work of the educational ones are regulated by the Federal law of the Work and the Federal Law from the Workers to the Service of the State, regulation of the Constitutional article 123 and international treaties of where the existence of the unionization rights comes and of collective negotiation and that now they are violating in the workers' damage of the education, for secondary laws. In this situation it is no way applying in a retroactive way the constitutional article 14 in damage from the workers to the service of the education. The application of the evaluation is also rejected in the terms that it outlines the General Law of the Educational Professional Service because it is discriminatory, punitive, inequitable and unaware to the reality of the conditions in those that the OPD’s operates; It is expected that the new legislature it puts the piles so that they have the enough sensibility to understand and to assist them necessity to harmonize the laws in educational matter with the labor legislation that indeed, privilege the quality of the education, without damage of the human rights and guarantee the labor and social stability. 
It is considered that: exist an absolute respect to the human rights of students and educational, same that are contemplated in the Great Letter; for the abrogation of the General Law of the Educational Professional Service and the Law of the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education; In this legislation it is continued respecting the entrance procedures, promotion, permanency and recognition settled down under the collective contracts and general conditions of work that are aided by the labor legislation and the 123 constitutional; a lack of respect is observed the students, to the workers of the education and all the Mexicans the announcement of the suspension indefinitely on the part of the SEP of the dates of educational evaluations until having “new elements to consider in the evaluation process", when it only left that they passed the elections to retract. It is not possible that in ten days it is already had the conditions that were argued like cause of the suspension of the dates for the evaluation; it takes the responsibility a SEP, INEE and to the Coordination of the Educational Professional Service of the actions that the workers of the education see each other to undertake for their side. A law is not even counted for the students;  of the students with regard to the teacher, since the excess of discipline lack is not regulated; the aggression among students, call it 'bullying', of student against student; the lack of respect to the symbols of the homeland, for fanatic students, and other irregularities inside the class living room.. In Mexico they don't believe in the living room of rebellious and idlers to where the problematic students are sent, since when one of these students happens (clients) who pays the broken plate it is the teacher and it is dismissed immediately
The Court and their resolution 
Before the adverse resolution of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to the habeas corpus against the educational reformation, the dissident teaching will appeal to international instances of human rights watch, because several treaties and agreements of the international community would be violating, which have been ratified by the Mexican State. Antonio Castro Lopez and lawyer Manuel Fuentes Muniz, they demanded to the ministers of the Court that make be worth the rights of the educational ones and grant the habeas corpus solving that the educational reformation violates human rights. Lawyer Fuentes explained that the applications of habeas corpus trial -were a hundred thousand displeased - they are claimed a series of violations to the human rights and labor, among which highlight the principle of retroactivity, the audience guarantee and the bilaterally in the work relationship, besides annulling all right of the union organization. In any event, the dispositions contained in this reformation would be applicable to the workers again entrance and not to those that already have a base and they were hired with other characteristics and conditions, but the reformed legislation doesn't make distinctions.  
One has foreseen that this week the SCJN discusses about the legality of the educational reformation. It has also transcended that minister Fernando Franco Gonzalez Salas will propose in his project to deny 26 help promoted by teachers that add thousands of more files.

Antonio Castro CEND of the SNTE informed that the international instances to those that will appeal are the Interamerican Commission of human rights, in Washington, and the American Convention of human rights, in San Jose Costa Rica. This June 22, it will go with a representation of the magisterial dissidence and of the ANAD it will go to the headquarters of the Court to give a letter to the ministers, where they are demanded to respect the Constitution and with it the rights of the workers of the education. To the conference they also attended a dozen of leaders of the union sections who together with lawyer Fuentes, they questioned the performance of the ministers of the Court and of the judges that have put “absurd” obstacles to impede the defense of the rights of the teachers. They criticized that the Court has in its hands for 18 months the habeas corpus applications and you grieve today, when they are imposing the evaluation, the ministers decide to solve the case. It is criticized that the Court takes year and half in solving the collective habeas corpus of the teachers, while other judges grant in question of hours the help obtained by Primero  Mexicanos of Televisa against the decision of the SEP. (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 7-8, June 22, 2015)

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