lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

The magisterial conflict

National During 7 hours the CNTE “fenced” the Palace of Covian The magisterial conflict is administered By: Carlos Damian September 8, 2013 The union leader demand the SG not “to administer” conflict of educational reformation Mexico. - Thousands of members of the National Coordinator of Workers (CNTE, in Spanish) they installed last Friday (8/30/13) for almost seven hours ‘a human fence’ around the Department of the Interior (SG, in Spanish) the executive Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MOC), to demand to the officials that “stop to administer the provoked conflict”. As the professors they affirm it, for the shipment to the Congress of the Initiative of educational reformation negotiated in the Pact by Mexico. The measure caused the partial suspension of activities in the dependence; most of the employees “were invited” from early hour to retire. "It is the dialogue or the confrontation. Next hours will be decisive", he noticed in the afternoon Juan Jose Ortega Madrigal (JOM), leader of the union section 18 (Michoacan), at the end of a meeting with the undersecretary of Government of the SG, Luis Enrique Miranda Nava (LEM), with the one who have met many times in the recent months, in dialogue tables of those that it derived the realization of national forums of consultation on the proposed legislation. They look for dialogue with Osorio, as last agreement space The official, near to president Enrique Pena Nieto, even from before it was his secretary of Government in the Mexico State, he received the past 17th of July, of the CNTE leaders’ hands, the book 'Memoirs and resoluteness' of those forums. Before the media he committed to take, that same day, the proposals of the dissident teaching to the advice rector of the Pact for Mexico that is a conclave of political negotiation and definition of legal amendments, in which partisan leaders and the federal government's representatives participate. In accordance with the promise of LEM, parties and officials would make a precise revision of the proposals there pointed out whose axis is a position contrary to the federal government's strategy in the restructuring of the educational system. However for the CNTE is urgent to obtain a concrete answer, for what teachers' thousands continue in mobilizations in the capital of the country, although they assure that their intention is not to damage the activities of third. This Friday (8/30/13) it played the visit from the educational ones to the palace of Covian, headquarters of the SG to whose regular to the teachers they want to be sat down in the negotiation table with the legislators. They affirm that the governability of the country is in its hands and that, together with the Ministries of Public Education, Emilio Chuayffet and of Treasury, Luis Videgaray, they should fix them –they express - what they disordered. "We made the position but he tells us (LEM) that it doesn't manage the notebook of MOC, like to tell him “you go"… for us today is the last space to look for an agreement professor JOM, pointed out. The Minister was not yesterday in his office of Bucareli, but in his alternating office, concentrated in the preparations of the delivery of president EPN'S first report, so he entrusted to LEM the attention of the CNTE. Before the table with legislators (to the one that finally any federal official was not presented), the leader of the section 18 alerted that it would be decisive to delineate the next plan of this (CNTE) coordinator's action in the Federal District, he pointed out. Meanwhile, the new delineated strategy was configured in several ways: the magisterial leaders called it “reflection stage" that means return to their origin places “to thoroughly reorganize the resistance until achieving the abrogation of the reformation"; “peaceful civil resistance from the classrooms, without giving up the mobilization", and “to define or not new overwhelming actions". Yesterday’s protest was carried out without incidents. They affirmed that “they won't give reasons so that they come to repress us". In this journey professors of the seven regions of Oaxaca participated, as well as other coming from Michoacan, Puebla, Morelos State, Federal District and Mexico State (by means of the popular magisterial Coordinator), among other that left of the Zocalo until Bucareli, guarded by hundred of federal policemen and some 250 elements of the police of the capital. The teachers suffer lacks and lack of understanding During the last thirty years from the installation of the neoliberal system, the State become a generator of conflicts to unprotect and to retire the padlocks of security of social protection, these currents impel an economic politics that generates more formal employments without social benefits, without education of quality, the precarious quality of life has been generated in growing form by these federal administrative systems, and in sum to result the social disintegration, impelling the organized delinquency as only goal to progress economically and in the violence many youths have seen a ‘new work’. The looting and pillaging strategies that have been imposed and coordinated from the government they have made its work in silence to the offensive against the majorities and stateless persons, for what they have looked for spaces of survival in the illegality; the most civic and articulate sectors, however they have appealed to the horizontal organization, to the social mobilization trying to stop the devastation under way. It is lamentable that the main media like: Organizacion Milenio, Televisa Co., and TVAzteca they look for to incite to reject social toward the forms of the teachers' fight that they call on all to repress and to attack the demonstrators when in fact they are them those responsible for the official decisions that have caused the restlessness and the social dissatisfaction. It is indispensable to request the demonstrators that exercise their constitutional rights with civility and respect to the citizenship. On the other hand the teachers have not fallen in the anarchy and the illegality; they should charge full conscience of a simple fact: the social manifestations in the street are a symptom, not the illness. The resource gives to the repression and the moral lynching of the teachers that are manifested, far away from remedying the wrong, it will increase it and to harm the federal government. "The decision is already made": Miguel Barbosa The parliamentary group of the PRD in the Senate rejected the pretense of using the public force to repress the mobilizations of the teachers of the CNTE, and it denounced that there are indications that the federal government seeks to give a violent exit to the magisterial conflict. Accompanied by senators and of federal deputies of the PRD, the coordinating Miguel Barbosa (MB) he said that they fear that the determination of using the public force “is already taken” and it demanded EPN to open a real space of negotiation with the teaching. It is required; he insisted that the Government’s Secretary, and of Public Education Secretary, “behave with political will of solving the conflict". Questioned they are the indications that show the intention of turning off the magisterial conflict by means of the violence, MB on which it responded that from the cancellation of the soccer games on Sunday, to differ the message of the presidential report, the presence of police forces around the Deputies and of the Senate Chamber, the inflexibility of the government positions in the negotiation table with the CNTE and the hurry with which it is to approve the Law of the Educational Professional Service. One show off that the legislators don't read the laws that approve, they only act for watchword, for orders and according to the civic consent they make them in the knees, and with sanitarium paper, after a hangover in the one that they celebrate the quicley approval. According to senator Alejandro Encinas qualified as lamentable the performance of the president of the National Commission of the Human Rights (CNDH) Raul Plascencia who “practically he requests the public intervention to repress the teachers and it accuses from omission to the Government of the Federal District". It is not that, he emphasized, the paper of the federal organ that should guarantee the respect to the human rights. He added that the declaration of the ombudsman is “part of a campaign that looks for to discredit and to lynch the teachers to make a favorable scenario to the repression". Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forwar (La Jornada, los maestros indignados, p. 6, August 31, 2013).

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