lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Killing to the gringo

For a Mexican League against slander for Mexican in The States
Killing to the gringo
By: Carlos Damian                                             March 14, 2016
The demographic revolt of the Wasp, headed by Donald Trump
Mexico. -   It is incredible that up until now the government of Mexico may have begun to repudiate publicly to the American candidate Donald Trump. During months was kept quiet sepulchral in connection with the incendiaries and miserable statements of the republican candidate, and he was seeking that the government answered to him to increase the electoral possibilities, to remain to the head of the nominated by the republican party. In spite of the statements that the Mexican government, the secretariat of Foreign Relationships, and political others make of their pronouncements will be similar to those of Benito Mussolini, and to that of Adolf Hitler. Actually if we put ourselves to listen well we do not know to who are directed, but clear remain that vary between the silence and the stridency of Trump, the conservative government of Enrique Pena Nieto does not know what measures to take before the popularity of the candidate that was puts on high the phobias and fillies of the Wasp American-Saxons white protestants), as: the expulsion of the migrants; the impervious border wall for Mexican; the kidnapping of many Latino children in search of their family; and the criminalization of the undocumented. The damage made by the statements of Trump has changed the political panorama, commercial, social and economic. Yet if he loses the migrant discussion seems to go to the failure. 

In reality the discussion is not if Trump triumphs and it is president is a politician that represents to the sector Wasp, and the proposal is that is going to go to the war, it goes to go to the third World War, it is going to support to the religious cartel of the Daesh, and that the empire of the north goes to split into 10 nations - state. All these proposals to us the citizens of Mexico do not import, since if it is president Hillary Clinton is going to be what is same. It actually interesting is the proposal of many Mexican upon impelling the Mexican League against slander in The States, similar to that of Jewish population sector formed in 1913 to educate to the population against the national feeling against Mexican and the religious prejudice, and indeed to offset many falsehoods that the decadent racist American maintains against the Latin population. Similarly it must be created the legal arm of the Latin culture in The States, met to carry to the court cases of discrimination, assassination, defamation and legal conference to the Mexican migrants. 

The racist supremacy against the Latino-American
It can be seen an ideas convergence between the current driving of the white supremacy (KKK), Donald Trump and Samuel Huntington, theoretical of the permanent war of eight civilizations, the difference is that Trump is rejected by the military complex - industrial, and Huntington it is venerated. Both with Mexicanphobic, and Islamphobic, you see they hate all what will not be Wasp, but Huntington, it is an apologist of the apartheid of South Africa, it was the coordinator of the planning of safety in the National Security Council with James Carter, and it is recognized by Harvard, Chicago and Yale universities. It is said in the book "Who are us?" that "in 1930s, the Wasp are the dominant group, and they are the great in number of the American society, though ethnically they have let of be a society American-Saxons. However the Wasp have gone losing proportional weight in the population, the Anglo - Protestant culture of their forebears English colonists has survived during 300 years as element definitely of the identity". The Anglo- Protestant culture it mentions that it has combined institutions, practical political and social inherited of England, with the concepts and values of the religious dissenting Protestant that the colonists brought of their country mother.

To judgment of Huntington the immigration "Latino - catholic" represents a cultural threat for The States, that it can divide it in two populations, two cultures and two languages, which in reality in their origins are more than two cultures that represent to the citizen American. To be Huntington a Wasp, Protestant Episcopalism, it can be seen to a Protestant Presbyterian Trump, ignorant of the catholic Bible that to each moment sees abominable in their to walk to the presidential chair, but he will happen to the history by have annihilated to the Bush dynasty, and represents the excrescence of the toxic white supremacy, Wasp.  In Trump is observed to a political clown accomplishing his work in a Reality Show, accompanied of a controverted shepherd Norman Vincent Peale, Mason of the Scottish rite degree 33, who tried to relating the psychiatry and Theo-psicotherapy religion through of the “positive thought". Mitt Romney is a converted Mormon of the polygamist Church of Utah, which assaulted on Trump with greater sarcasm. In this circumstance has to Brent Scowcroft, Mormon and ex National Security counselor with Daddy Bush and Ford, that in their arrived the CIA and FBI have been covered the posts by recruited  of the Romney Church. In our vision are before they arrive of a religions war, of the Argentine Jesuit Pope, and the Wasp Presbyterian Trump of Scottish mother and German grandfather. The be identified with the percentage of white population (64 %), it is not an idea of Trump, this found figure is of Baby Bush from 2006, in the third part of the trans-frontier to a cost of 3 thousand 400 million of dollars; with the " enchilada complete" of the jocular and fugacious chancellor of Vicente Fox, that after Calderon opted for the shameful silence. In this domestic diatribe Trump as Baby Bush has many followers in the political class of the "Item´s neoliberal Mexico ".

The neo-conservators Straussians are closer to Hillary Clinton that of Trump, ironically, they are the responsible for the social and political line of Trump, when the lion's share of the Americans are working class without university education. If their values and their interest are not represented seriously by the think tank, academic publications, or anyone of the political factions, will find someone that represent them, maybe it will be a star of the Reality Show. In this line is Trump who represents this circumscription electoral. From a horizontal point of view were lost the classic electoral frontiers, and with some atypical elections, this clown attracts a sector of the working class Wasp that is felt abandoned and that it is voting of the democrat side, but for the Jew "socialistic", Bernie Sanders. But on the other hand we have to the voters that support to Hillary Clinton: Mexicans –- American but ‘Guadalupano’ - (4 %), African-American (12 %), added of Goldman Sachs, and the Zionist coalition of George Soros and Haim Know (Univision owner). Clinton has in their baggage electoral several corpses - from spurious gifts until the assassination of The States ambassador in Bengasi -, and above all, the ominous investigation of the FBI and their "private" governmental e-mails. Washington thinks about recapturing in extremis to the democrat party, with Joe Biden to the head. To the Mexican people not interests to them if it is Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, since any operating of the Empire of the North is going us to go equal, always we have lost. In reality what must concern us is that the Mexicans should have a champion in the American court, an institution that has an attorney’s stable that know to earn and that know publicity. The Mexican State has resources to offer services to their citizen, that they are about 60 percent of the total of Latino-Americans. This government of right is discovering something late the need of defending to the Mexicans abroad and needs to insist on the responsibility and the interest abroad. It is not with domestic diatribes with the infectious Trump as go to solve the problem. It is needed to support an educational policy, of means, of lobbying and judicial, supported and coherent The decadent policy that throws the blame of the American working and middle-class problems is a historical mistake, the load is not from migrant men reviled and criminalized. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 18-21, March 9, 2016).

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