viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

The federal government's pantomime

The responsibility is of the state, non matter of the organized crime:
The federal government's pantomime
By: Carlos Damian                                        October 13, 2014
The Mexican town condemns the murders vigorously in Ayotzinapa
Mexico. -   The National executive committee (CEN) of the PRD it is divided around the support to governor Angel Aguirre, with who the leadership closed lines before the demands that it gives up the position, after the crimes made against the professor’s students from Ayotzinapa Rural School Manuel Isidro Burgos (MIB) -. Carlos Navarrete, national president of the Aztec sun, discarded declaration shortly in the headquarters of the party to accept the resignation of Aguirre in exchange for that of Egidio Torre Cantu and Eruviel Avila, leaders fromTamaulipas and Mexico State, respectively, like it has been mentioned. It indicated that the topic “has not played it in those terms, in any sense", after leaving premature way of the meeting of the CEN that yesterday had place, (10/8/14).  

On the other hand Carlos Sotelo member of the secretariat considered that Aguirre should give up the position and the PRD to make a serious critic “for action and omission of the state’s governor'". The spokeswoman of the PRD, deputy Amalia Garcia, informed that yesterday the CEN agreed the creation of a special commission to give pursuit to the situation in Guerrero. They will invite experts it -transcended that among them Edgardo Buscaglia - to elaborate a combat proposal to the situation of violence. In the same way, for second day, in the secretary of Government any information was not diffused about Guerrero, even when versions of the presumed knowledge of the mayor's criminal activities circulated of Iguala with license, Jose Luis Abarca. Although it has transcended that the main officials of the dependence prepare in way intensive reports around the situation in Guerrero, with the purpose of feeding the federal strategy for that entity.  
This organization reiterates the energetic condemnation of the disappearances and murders of the teenager professor’s students from Ayotzinapa that we will see making from the past 28 of September. We demand punishment without consideration to the responsible materials and intellectual, be who is. The facts are terribly serious. It should not have impunity and concealment of any type. The municipal, state and federal authorities that are responsible for action or omission should surrender facts in the face of the justice. It should also be protected to the families of the victims and to present to the missing persons with life. The case of Iguala isn’t only. In the whole country there are very serious cases of violence, repression, insecurity, violation to human rights, abuses of authority and criminalization of the social protest. We make responsible Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderon’s governments, and of having generated the climate of violence and impunity that it deprives in Mexico, and of using the intelligence instruments to pursue opponents instead of preventing the delinquency and the organized crime. 

The federal government's voice 
The federal government has sowed and made worse the violence with his neoliberal reformations. There is not government; there is not attention to people's problems and of the country. You don’t see combat the corruption. The economy doesn't grow and it is always to levels first floor. We support the peaceful mobilizations of the relatives of the murdered teenagers and missing; let us also add it to people's indignation in the whole country and diverse parts of the world. We call to the town of Mexico to continue fighting peacefully for the abolition of this inhuman and cruel system.  
The federal government's efforts to consolidate the conditions of peace that the Mexicans demand, in particular the clarification of the disappearance of 43 students in Iguala, “they will be reported journalistically and in a transparent way so that inside of and outside of the country one can give part that this lamentable episode will be resolved according to right and it will continue, in terms of the big numbers, this tendency that was observed positive as regards security", the executive of the Secretary of External Relationships, Jose A. Meade affirmed. When being interrogated on the form in that ambassadors and consuls from Mexico credited abroad should defend the politics of the government's security, although instances like the Organization for the Education and Economic Development (OEED) they locate to the country in the last place in that matter. Meade sustained that the general strategy has been positive, as they show it the reflected results of public facts and to those that periodic pursuit can be given and reveal with all width in the month to month."  
Hurt humanity's crime, they affirm: UNAM, UPN, and the Colmex 
The murder of three students of the MIB Rural School, from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, and the forced disappearance of 43 adolescents, are elements that “constitute hurt humanity's crime according to precise definition of United Nations", outstanding academics of three institutions of superior education assured, among them seven emeritus.  They added that before these facts, the municipal president from Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez, and Guerrero's governor, Angel Aguirre Rivero, they cannot avoid his responsibility. Professors and investigators of the Universities: Autonomous National university of Mexico (UNAM, for theirs initials in Spanish), National Pedagogic University (UPN, for theirs initials in Spanish), as well as the School of Mexico (Colmex, for theirs initials in Spanish), they signed a document in which they point out that this crime “has been executed by the police from the Iguala City, Guerrero, and for the public force of the state", together with the national army when being present and for omission in the complicity found in the place in facts.  

The text is subscribed by 64 investigators of the three houses of studies. The past 26 of September, in the Rural School from Ayotzinapa municipal policemen they attacked to shots to the vulnerable teenagers, professor’ students, leaving a balance of six dead people (three students of that school), more than 20 wounded and 43 missing persons. It has transcended that the disappeared could be given to members of the organized crime. Joined them, the weekend authorities of the state found secret graves with several remains of roasted bodies, for what has been demanded that necessary inquests are made to determine in diverse sectors if it is the missing poor students. In the one mentioned document it is underlines: "The collusion and collaboration among the public force, their patrol cars and weapons, and the bands participant the facts of the criminals in hurt humanity's crime are proven and recognized by all the investigations”.  
They emphasize that the adolescents of the rural schools of the country “are part of the teaching of our nation, so urged of education, health, revenues, social rights, freedom, equality, democracy and peace. They are our students' part and they are also our colleagues. Them and their families are counted today between the poorest and unprotection, and for decades they have been and they continue being object of systematic aggressions, discriminative, and racist denigrations. Guerrero's governors cannot avoid their responsibility and participation in these criminal facts. It is requested to the town of Mexico solidarity´s facts with the relatives, with their school and with the town of Mexico that demands the total clarification of hurt humanity's criminal facts. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-8, October 9, 2014).

La pantomima

La responsabilidad es del estado, no asunto del crimen organizado: familiares
La pantomima del gobierno federal
Por: Carlos Damián                                        13 de Octubre, 2014
El pueblo mexicano condena enérgicamente los asesinatos en Ayotzinapa
México. -   El comité ejecutivo Nacional (CEN) del PRD se encuentra dividido en torno al apoyo  al gobernador Ángel Aguirre, con quien la dirigencia cerró filas ante las exigencias de que renuncie al cargo,  tras los crímenes cometidos en contra de los estudiantes normalistas de Ayotzinapa -escuela normal Manuel Isidro Burgos (MIB)-. Carlos Navarrete, presidente nacional del sol azteca, descartó en breve declaración en la sede del partido aceptar la dimisión de Aguirre a cambio de la de Egidio Torre Cantú y Eruviel Ávila, mandatarios de Tamaulipas y Estado de México, respectivamente, como se ha mencionado. Indicó que el tema “no lo hemos tocado en esos términos, en ningún sentido”, después de salir de manera anticipada de la reunión del CEN que ayer tuvo lugar, (8/10/14).

Por otro lado Carlos Sotelo integrante del secretariado, consideró que Aguirre debe renunciar al cargo y el PRD hacer una crítica seria “por acción y omisión del gobernador del estado”. La vocera del PRD, la diputada Amalia García, informó que ayer el CEN acordó la creación de una comisión especial para dar seguimiento a la situación en Guerrero. Invitarán  a expertos –trascendió que entre ellos Edgardo Buscaglia- para elaborar una propuesta de combate a la situación de violencia. Por otro lado, por segundo día, en la secretaría de Gobernación no fue difundida  ninguna información acerca de Guerrero, aun cuando circularon versiones del presunto conocimiento de las actividades delictivas del alcalde de Iguala con licencia, José Luis Abarca. En cambio trascendió que los principales funcionarios de la dependencia preparan de manera intensiva informes en torno a la situación en Guerrero, con el fin de alimentar la estrategia federal para esa entidad.

Esta organización reitera la condena enérgica de las desapariciones y asesinatos de los adolescentes normalistas de Ayotzinapa que venimos haciendo desde el pasado 28 de septiembre. Exigimos castigo sin miramiento a los responsables materiales e intelectuales, trátese de quien se trate. Los hechos son terriblemente graves. No debe haber impunidad ni e3ncubrimiento de ningún tipo. Las autoridades municipales, estatales y federales que sean responsables por acción u omisión deben rendir cuentas ante la justicia. Además se debe proteger a las familias de las víctimas y presentar a los desaparecidos con vida. El caso de Iguala  no es único. En todo el país hay casos muy graves  de violencia, represión, inseguridad, violación a derechos humanos, abusos de autoridad y criminalización de la protesta social. Responsabilizamos a los gobiernos de Felipe Calderón, y Enrique Peña Nieto de haber generado el clima de violencia e impunidad que priva en México, y de usar los instrumentos de inteligencia para perseguir a opositores en lugar de prevenir la delincuencia y el crimen organizado.

El gobierno federal  ha sembrado y agudizado la violencia con sus reformas neoliberales. No hay gobierno, no hay atención a los problemas de la gente y del país. No se combate la corrupción. La economía no crece y siempre se encuentra a niveles bajos. Respaldamos las movilizaciones pacíficas de los familiares de los adolescentes asesinados y desaparecidos, además nos sumamos a la indignación de la gente en todo el país y diversas partes del mundo. Llamamos al pueblo de México a seguir luchando pacíficamente por la abolición de este sistema inhumano y cruel.

Voz del gobierno federal
Los esfuerzos del gobierno federal por consolidar las condiciones de paz que los mexicanos exigen, en particular el esclarecimiento de la desaparición de 43 estudiantes en Iguala, “serán reportados periodísticamente y de manera transparente para que dentro y fuera del país se pueda dar parte de que este episodio lamentable será resuelto conforme a derecho y habrá de continuar, en términos de los grandes números, esta tendencia que se observaba positiva en materia de seguridad”, afirmó el titular de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, José A. Meade. Al ser interrogado sobre la forma en que embajadores y cónsules de México acreditados  en el extranjero deben defender la política de seguridad del gobierno, a pesar de que instancias como la Organización para la Educación y Desarrollo Económicos  (OEDE) ubican al país en el último lugar en esa materia. Meade sostuvo  que la estrategia general ha sido positiva, como lo muestran los “resultados reflejados de hechos públicos y a los que se le puede dar seguimiento periódico y transparente con toda amplitud en el mes a mes”.

El crimen de lesa humanidad, afirman: UNAM, UPN, y el Colmex
El asesinato de tres estudiantes de la Escuela Rural MIB, de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, y la desaparición forzada de 43 adolescentes, son elementos que “constituyen  un crimen de lesa humanidad según precisa definición de Naciones Unidas”, aseguraron destacados académicos de tres instituciones de educación superior, entre ellos siete eméritos.  Agregaron que antes estos hechos, el presidente municipal de Iguala, José Luis Abarca Velázquez, y el gobernador de Guerrero, Ángel Aguirre Rivero, no pueden eludir su responsabilidad. Profesores e investigadores de la Universidades: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  (UNAM), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), así como el Colegio de México (Colmex), firmaron un documento en el que señalan que este crimen “ha sido ejecutado por la policía de la ciudad de Iguala, Guerrero, y por la fuerza pública del estado”, junto con el ejército nacional al estar presente y por omisión en la complicidad encontrada en el lugar de los hechos.

El texto es suscrito por 64 investigadores de las tres casas de estudios. El pasado 26 de septiembre, en la Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa policías municipales atacaban a tiros a los adolescentes estudiantes de la Escuela Rural, dejando un saldo de seis personas muertas (tres estudiantes de ese plantel), más de 20 heridos y 43 desaparecidos. Ha trascendido que los desparecidos pudieron ser entregados a integrantes del crimen organizado. Aunado a ellos, el fin de semana autoridades del estado hallaron fosas clandestinas con varios restos de cuerpos calcinados, por lo que en diversos sectores se ha exigido que se efectúen indagatorias necesarias para determinar si se trata de los normalistas desaparecidos. En el mencionado documento s subraya: “La colusión y  colaboración entre la fuerza pública, sus patrullas y armas, y las bandas delincuenciales participantes en este crimen de lesa humanidad está probada y reconocida por todas las investigaciones.

Enfatizan que los adolescentes de las escuelas rurales del país “forman parte del magisterio  de nuestra nación, tan urgida de educación, salud, ingresos, derechos  sociales, libertad, igualdad, democracia y paz. Ellos son parte de nuestros estudiantes y también son nuestros colegas. Ellos y sus familias se cuentan hoy entre los más pobres y desprotegidos, y desde hace décadas han sido y siguen siendo objeto de agresiones sistemáticas, discriminativas, y denigraciones racistas. Los gobernantes de Guerrero no pueden eludir su responsabilidad y participación en estos hechos criminales. Se solicita al pueblo de México solidarizarse con los familiares, con su escuela y con el pueblo de México que exige el total esclarecimiento de los hechos criminales de lesa humanidad. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 6-8, 9 de octubre, 2014).

A State trafficker of drugs

The commission pursuit legislative to that case, declared in permanent session
A State trafficker of drugs
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 13, 2014
For the town it is insufficient and ' hypocrite' to ask for forgiveness: senators of the PRD
Mexico. -   The Chamber of Deputies will mention this Thursday to the executives of the Secretary of the National Defense (Sedena), general Salvador Cienfuegos, and of the PGR, Jesus Murillo Karam, so that they appear before the Bicameral Commission of National Security with object of approaching the homicides and the disappearances of teenagers students from Ayotzinapa happened in Iguala, Guerrero. The vice-coordinator of the PRI, Manuel Anorve Banos, affirmed that the Meeting of Coordination Political gathered yesterday, it determined to also mention the president of the CNDH, Raul Plascencia Villanueva. They will demand to the ombudsman to explain to the commissions of human rights and of Justice the deficiencies in their performance and the omissions for serious violations to those individual guarantees. The Chamber has agreed in two occasions Plascencia Villanueva's appearance, but this has refused to be presented before the commissions in San Lorenzo building. On the citation to Cienfuegos and Murillo, the vice-coordinator of the PT, Lilia Aguilar Gil, regretted the decision that it made an appointment to the secretary and the procurator before this commission, because in her senators and deputies of the three main forces politics only participate in the Congress.  
Before, when being integrated the special commission of pursuit to the investigations on the facts happened in Iguala, the president of this work group, Jorge Anaya (PAN), it presented a project that it was rejected for “inefficient and bureaucratic". The reaction contrary to the proposal of the president of the commission get worse when this suggested the deputies “not to only fall once in stridencies” and to seasonal once a month. Lilia Aguilar, in representation of the PT; Lizbeth Rosas, of the Aztec sun, Ruth Zavala, of legislator’s group of the PVEM, and Ricardo Mejia Berdeja, of Civic Movement was constituted in a block that reproached the president's scarce seriousness before “a case of extreme graveness that deserves efficiency and answers attached to the truth". Jorge Anaya's participation like president of the commission was defined last Monday, when the legislator’s group of the PVEM sought Ruth Zavaleta to head the works. Nevertheless, their past of the PRD and the differences that he has had with governor Angel Aguirre generated doubts among the members of the Meeting of Political Coordination (integrated by the parliamentary coordinators of each one of the political forces) who pointed out such a possibility like no-way, because the commission would rot to avoid to make political the matter and being used to demand the renouncement of the leader of Guerrero's state. 

With that antecedent, yesterday the members of the work group met. Anaya surprised its partners when presenting a project of work of four sheets, of which three were copied entirely of the agreement approved by the Chamber’s full to create the work group. The legislator only contributed sheet of proposals he mediates without bottom content. To such an uncertainty in the document the pretense was added that the group of work sessions once a month in the Legislative of San Lazaro building, suggestion that filled the patience of four deputed already mentioned. Immediately Lilia Aguilar and Lizbeth Rosas, supported by Ricardo Mejia, noticed that the commission would not be right some if to make session once a month in the Chamber of Deputies, reason why it was declared in permanent session.  

The legislators demand to explain the support to mayor Abarca 
Senators Dolores Padierna and Armando Rios Píter of the PRD noticed that it is not enough with which the new president of its party Carlos Navarrete, ask for forgiveness to the citizens of Guerrero State for the fugitive mayor's responsibility from Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez (JAV), in the murders and disappearances of professor’s students from Ayotzinapa. He should explain why they nominated JAV, and why their wife, Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa is state consultant of the PRD, position to the one that was proposed by New Left in passed September, they pointed. Padierna sustained that she informed the previous leader of the PRD personally, Jesus Zambrano that was Abarca the one that murdered Arturo Hernandez Cardona, but anything made and in the last internal elections of September, New Left postulated as consultant in Guerrero to Maria de los Angeles Pineda.  
In conference of press Ríos Piter it coincided in that is required more than a public excuse of the leadership of the PRD, and it was delimited of any personal relationship or politics with Abarca Velázquez. He added that the pictures that were published in the media, where he is done with the mentioned mayor, they were taken in public acts, to those that he had to attend as senator. It exposed that it played him to carry out campaign in 2012, but in “any moment we had to do with the account of decisions it has more than enough candidacies". Ríos Píter sustained that Carlos Navarrete, the now president of the PRD, and like part of New Left, it should clarify who they determined that that character with antecedents so dark was the candidate of the PRD to head the third bigger municipality of Guerrero.  Both legislators also coincided in that the PGR has responsibility for not having acted on time, still with the accusations of the illicit facts for Abarca Velazquez. A group of militant of the Mexican Communist Party (PCM, for theirs initials in Spanish) it took yesterday during one hour Guerrero's government's representation in the Federal District, in protest for the forced disappearance and the extrajudicial execution of the adolescent students of the rural School from Ayotzinapa, as well as for other repressive acts made by Guerrero’s governor's administration.  
Policemen transfer from Iguala to Tlaxcala 
Hundred ninety four policemen of Iguala they were transferred today to the sixth military region, with headquarters in Tlaxcala, where they will be made to exams of trust and they will receive training courses, Juan Carlos Diaz Garcia informed, taken charge interim personal of the security of Guerrero's town.  The corporation had 480 elements until Friday 26 of September, when a group of uniformed attacked students of the Rural Normal School from Ayotzinapa, with balance of three corps, several wounded and 43 missing persons. Twenty-two policemen are detained for this criminal fact. On Tuesday the first 14 agents of the corporation were transferred, with which add 308 the correspondents to Tlaxcala so that the army certifies if they are capable to give security. Of the 15 remaining agents, Diaz Garcia said to trust in that go more to be correspondents to Tlaxcala in next hours.  

The state should assume its commitment and to give them priority because it is innocent students", and in second because it is in game the credibility of the Mexican State in the international context. The national leader of the PRI, Cesar Camacho Quiroz, we call “to avoid making political the matter” of the investigations of the crime in group. The Movement of National Regeneration (Morena) manifested its support to the social mobilizations of the relatives of the murdered adolescents and missing, it also demanded exemplary punishment with perpetual condemnation to the material authors and intellectuals of this bloody homicide. Of visit in Oaxaca, the apostolic nuncio in Mexico, Christopher Pierre, also requested that it is punished with the whole weight from the law to the responsible ones, be municipal, state or federal authorities. Ricardo Anaya expressed that the PAN won't request Guerrero's governor's renouncement, to which supported then that its candidate, Marcos Efren Gomez, declined in its aspirations. Among the reasons for not requesting the resignation is in that the process already began. Electoral to renovate the gubernator in next June. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 6-8, 9 de octubre, 2014).


La comisión legislativa de seguimiento a ese caso, declarada en sesión permanente
El narcoestado
Por: Carlos Damián                                        13 de Octubre, 2014
Para el pueblo es insuficiente e ‘hipócrita’ pedir perdón: senadores del PRD
México. -   La Cámara de Diputados citará este jueves a los titulares de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), general Salvador Cienfuegos, y de la PGR, Jesús Murillo Karam, para que comparezcan ante la Comisión Bicameral de Seguridad Nacional con objeto de abordar los homicidios y las desapariciones de adolescentes estudiantes de Ayotzinapa ocurrida en Iguala, Guerrero. El vicecoordinador del PRI, Manuel Añorve Baños, afirmó que la Junta de Coordinación Política reunida ayer, determinó citar también al presidente de la CNDH, Raúl Plascencia Villanueva. Demandarán al ombudsman explicar a las comisiones de Derechos Humanos y de Justicia las deficiencias en su actuación y las omisiones por violaciones graves  a esas garantías. La Cámara ha acordado en dos ocasiones la comparecencia de Plascencia Villanueva, pero éste se ha negado a presentarse ante las comisiones en San Lorenzo. Sobre el citatorio a Cienfuegos y Murillo, la vicecoordinadora del PT, Lilia Aguilar Gil, lamentó la decisión de que se citara al secretario y al procurador ante dicha comisión, debido a que en ella sólo participan senadores y diputados de las tres principales fuerzas política en el Congreso.

Antes, al integrarse la comisión especial de seguimiento a las investigaciones sobre los hechos ocurridos en Iguala, el presidente de dicho grupo de trabajo, Jorge Anaya (PAN), presentó un proyecto que fue rechazado por “ineficiente y burocrático”.  La reacción contraria a la propuesta del presidente de la comisión se recrudeció cuando éste sugirió a los diputados “no caer en estridencias” y sesionar sólo una vez al mes. Lilia Aguilar, en representación del PT; Lizbeth Rosas, del sol azteca, Ruth Zavala, de la bancada del PVEM, y Ricardo Mejía Berdeja, de Movimiento Ciudadano se constituyeron en un bloque que reprochó la “escasa seriedad” del presidente ante “un caso de extrema gravedad que merece eficiencia y respuestas apegadas a la verdad”.  La participación de Jorge Anaya como presidente de la comisión se definió  el lunes pasado, cuando la bancada del PVEM pretendía que Ruth Zavaleta encabezara los trabajos. No obstante, su pasado del PRD y las diferencias que ha tenido con el gobernador Ángel Aguirre generaron dudas entre los integrantes de la Junta de Coordinación Política (integrada por los coordinadores parlamentarios de cada una de las fuerzas políticas), quienes señalaron tal posibilidad como inviable, pues la comisión podría politizarse y ser utilizada para demandar la renuncia del mandatario del estado de Guerrero.

Con ese antecedente, ayer se reunieron los integrantes del grupo de trabajo. Anaya sorprendió a sus compañeros al presentar un proyecto de trabajo de cuatro cuartillas, de las cuales tres fueron copiadas íntegramente del acuerdo aprobado por el pleno camaral para crear el grupo de trabajo. Sólo aportó el legislador media cuartilla de propuestas sin contenido de fondo. A tal vaguedad en el documento se sumó la pretensión de que el grupo de trabajo sesiones una vez al mes en el Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro, sugerencia que colmó la paciencia de los cuatros diputados citados. De inmediato Lilia Aguilar y Lizbeth Rosas, respaldadas por Ricardo Mejía, advirtieron que la comisión no tendría razón  alguna si sesionara una vez al mes en la Cámara de Diputados, por lo cual se declaró en sesión permanente.

Los legisladores exigen explicar el apoyo al edil Abarca
Los senadores Dolores Padierna y Armando Ríos Píter del PRD advirtieron que no basta con que  el nuevo presidente de su partido Carlos Navarrete, pida perdón a los ciudadanos del estado de Guerrero por la responsabilidad del alcalde prófugo de Iguala, José Luis Abarca Velázquez (JAV), en los asesinatos y desapariciones de normalista de Ayotzinapa. Debe explicar por qué nominaron a JAV, y por qué su esposa, María de los Ángeles Pineda Villa es consejera estatal del PRD, cargo al que fue propuesta por Nueva Izquierda en septiembre pasado, apuntaron. Padierna sostuvo que ella informó personalmente al anterior dirigente del PRD, Jesús Zambrano, que fue Abarca el que asesinó a Arturo Hernández Cardona, “pero nada hizo y en las pasadas elecciones internas de septiembre, Nueva Izquierda postuló como consejera en Guerrero a María de los Ángeles Pineda.

En conferencia de prensa Ríos Piter coincidió en que se requiere más que una disculpa pública de la dirigencia del PRD, y se deslindó de cualquier relación personal o política con Abarca Velázquez. Agregó que las fotografías que se publicaron en los medios de comunicación, donde se le ve con el edil mencionado, fueron tomadas en actos públicos, a los que él tenía que asistir como senador. Expuso que le tocó realizar campaña en 2012, pero en “ningún momento  tuve que ver con la toma de decisiones sobre candidaturas”. Ríos Píter sostuvo que Carlos Navarrete, el ahora presidente del PRD, y como parte de Nueva Izquierda, debe aclarar quiénes determinaron que ese personaje “con antecedentes tan obscuros” fuera el candidato del PRD para encabezar el tercer municipio más grande de Guerrero.  Ambos legisladores coincidieron también en que la PGR tiene responsabilidad por no haber actuado a tiempo, aún con las denuncias de los ilícitos por Abarca Velázquez. Un grupo de militantes del Partido Comunista Mexicano (PCM) tomó ayer durante una hora  la representación del gobierno de Guerrero en el Distrito Federal, en protesta por la desaparición forzada y la ejecución extrajudicial de los adolescentes estudiantes de la Escuela rural de Ayotzinapa, así como por otros actos “represivos” cometidos por la administración del gobernador de Guerrero.

Trasladan policías de Iguala a Tlaxcala
Ciento noventa y cuatro policías de Iguala fueron trasladados hoy a la sexta región militar, con sede en Tlaxcala, donde serán cometidos a exámenes de confianza y recibirán cursos de capacitación, informó Juan Carlos Díaz García, encargado interino de la seguridad de esta localidad de Guerrero.  La corporación tenía 480 elementos hasta el viernes 26 de septiembre, cuando un grupo de uniformados atacó a estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, con saldo de tres muertos, varios heridos y 43 desaparecidos. Veintidós policías están detenidos por este hecho criminal. El martes fueron trasladados los primeros 14 agentes de la corporación, con los cuales suman 308 los enviados a Tlaxcala para que el ejército certifique si son aptos para dar seguridad. De los 15 agentes restantes, Díaz García dijo confiar en que en las próximas horas acudan más para ser enviados a Tlaxcala.

El estado debe asumir su compromiso y darle prioridad porque se trata de “estudiantes inocentes”, y en segundo porque está en juego la credibilidad del Estado mexicano en el contexto internacional. El dirigente nacional del PRI, César Camacho Quiroz, llamo a “evitar la politización“ de las investigaciones del crimen en grupo. El Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional manifestó su apoyo  a las movilizaciones sociales de los familiares de los adolescentes asesinados  y desaparecidos, además exigió castigo ejemplar con condena perpetua a los autores materiales e intelectuales de este homicidio sangriento. De visita en Oaxaca, el nuncio apostólico en México, Christopher Pierre, también pidió que se castigue con todo el peso de la ley a los responsables, sean autoridades municipales, estatales o federales. Ricardo Anaya expresó que el PAN no solicitará la renuncia del gobernador de Guerrero, al que apoyó luego que su candidato, Marcos Efrén parra Gómez, declinó en sus aspiraciones. Entre las razones para no pedir la dimisión está en que ya se inició el proceso. Electoral para renovar la gubernatura en junio próximo. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 6-8, 9 de octubre, 2014).

Justice for Ayotzinapa

The action of the State is requested to avoid officials' bonds with the underworld
Justice for Ayotzinapa
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 15, 2014
They were taken alive to the students, alive we want them: the relatives demand
Mexico. - The future elections should not be “an election in place state or militarized” that it injures fundamental rights, Lorenzo Cordova, president of the Electoral National Institute (INE, for theirs initials in Spanish), he outlined. At the beginning the process was darkened with the case of the mayor with license, Jose Luis Abarca, fugitive and investigator for their bonds with the drug traffic, called to the citizenship, to the parties, to the institutions and the media to shield the election together against the interference of the crime organized in the voting. When leaving a forum in Colmex, he regretted that they are not sporadic the histories of bound officials to the drug traffic, for what requested an action of the Mexican State, because the INE is not alone in its task. Last Tuesday, the PRD pointed out before the General Council of the Institute of voting that is not Public Ministry to investigate its candidates, in reference to the mayor from Iguala who militates in its lines. Cordova outlined in this respect that the parties are the first ones responsible in avoiding questionable postulations.  
He announced that the INE requests them again that they place the curricula of theirs registered in the Webpage of the INE, with the purpose that any person can make points out on the applicants. "Without minimizing the topic of the security, we should achieve that this election transcends the challenges that it imposes him the organized crime rate that unfortunately exists in many areas of the country, without erode the vocation and the democratic quality of the own election", he explained. Due to the above-mentioned, it considered that the citizens should have a lot of information and you parties are open to hear points out and warnings on their candidates, and to create this way a collective context of demand. Kevin Casas secretary of political matters of the OAS, he commented that it is unavoidable the infiltration of candidates linked to the delinquency, for its brutal penetration capacity in all the environments. To demand to the parties that eradicate the problem is more than those that can request, it pointed out, although it mentioned that there are examples of hard legislations, as that of Brazil that prohibits the postulation of people with penal condemnations; however the Mexican doesn't have these padlocks. 

Previously, before experts in electoral and political topics of the region, Cordova sketched an adverse scenario for the beginning of the elections because of the poverty, the inequality, the lack of rendition in facts, the impunity, the precarious political culture and the insecurity. On Tuesday, partisan consultants requested to the INE, not to become the “great autistic organization” in a country affected by the violence and the poverty. Today the executive of the institute seemed to mention to the topic, when pointing out that “our more serious problems are not solved with the elections, but with political public". However, it emphasized that the problems yes they affect the democracy, and it put of example the poverty that causes the clientele. For that reason, it pointed out that the challenge of the elections is to see “how much poverty, inequality, insecurity and impunity tolerate the democracy." 

Eliminated band of kidnappers 
In an operative group, personal of the attorney's offices: PGR and PGJDF (for theirs initials in Spanish) arrested the members of the band of kidnappers that the past 29 of September plagiarized Julian de Nicolas Gutierrez, the director's brother of the company manufacturer Homex.  In a conference in the one that they participated the procurator of justice of the capital, Rodolfo Ríos; the official of the SEIDO and the director in boss of the Agency of Criminal Investigation, Tomas Zeron de Lucio, were given to know the apprehension of 13 plagiarists, and that the leader of the band, identified as Jose Luis Paak Diaz who prisoner is in Santa Maria Acatitla's prison, ordered their relatives during the days of visit who the victims of his criminal group would be. Julian of Nicolas Gutierrez was taken out of the offices of Homex that are located in the Alvaro Obregon Delegation, in the Distrito Federal, for a group of armed men. 
In accordance with the information provided by Zeron de Lucio, the past 3 of October the Sinaloa’s manager was able to escape from its kidnappers (who they got drunk and the victim was able to escape), and he requested help to the police of the Mexico State, what allowed to locate the house of security where he was captive, in the Chalco Municipality. Initially the detention of six of its plagiarists was achieved and information of the modus operandi of this band was obtained, which had privileged information because Jose L. Paak’s brother, worked in Homex.  The inquests allowed identifying to more integral of this criminal organization, which would have made nine kidnappings in four months, independent of the plagiarism of the Sinaloa’s manager. 
Justice for Ayotzinapa and that the barbarism ceases 
We have today in the Mexico City marches and protests in Mexico and the world because of the allowed barbarism and adopted for political corrupt and bound at drug dealers of diverse parties and government's levels, while in Monterrey the president was given town bathrooms and in the end of the critical audacities he accepted, hurt humanity's crime like "signs of institutional weakness", but his applied government will have to solve and to transform into strength this weakness that Felipe Calderon inherited him, but “with a strong, resolved and exact will in front of the rhetorical excuses of the PRD to Guerrero's state, and to Iguala in particular”. In this context of the little security from Mexico, the director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) it segment from America, Jose Miguel Vivanco, made a contribution for the buyer of the presidential seat, EPN, and it was the question so that he specifies us which the areas are where there are signs of institutional weakness. The valuable contribution of HRW is that he sent a letter to Osorio Chong and Murillo Karam in which says that they are insufficient and contradictory the efforts of the presidential cabinet in critical cases as: Tlatlaya and Ayotzinapa.   
Vivanco when using its apparatus GPS, found that to less than 200 kilometers of the capital of Mexico, at three hours in car, of the Federal District, we find that it is not a remote place, it is not in the lost, distant forest and of difficult access, but the political members of the PRI didn't answer immediately for political calculations this difficult question. Let us keep in mind that the president worries about it more their political image that to have a believable solution of the situation where three students died and 43 adolescents that had saved the life, many of them for a call of the cabinet were kidnapped. In these times we don't have a similar fact to which have in the hand, we are regretting it and I believe that we have to go back to the slaughter of Tlatelolco, October 2nd, 1968. With this attitude and action said HRW that the Mexican Army is disqualified to go of blue helmets of the UN, since this evidences us, it doesn't have culture of the human rights and it doesn't have a record that can serve as antecedent.

When making memory we go back to those disastrous days of the student repression of the 68, with the former president Gustavo Diaz Ordaz to the federal government's front, government's secretary Luis Echeverria Alvarez and general Hermenegildo Cuenca Diaz also comes to our memory. As for the bloody massacre of Ayotzinapa, the one claims of the Mexican citizen and abroad, it is that it doesn't happen again, but they also demand justice, peace and it thrills, in no way they accept demagoguery, simulation, repression and lack of patriotism. In these times already anything is believable with so much deceit, and in the walk for the building of the PAN are wife of Calderon, Margarita Zavala del Campo “exploring” the possibility to look for the presidency of the Republic. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-12, October 9, 2014).

Justicia para Ayotzinapa

Se solicita la acción del Estado para evitar vínculos de funcionarios con el hampa
Justicia para Ayotzinapa
Por: Carlos Damián                                        15 de Octubre, 2014
Ellos se llevaron vivos a los estudiantes, vivos los queremos: demandan los familiares
México. -   Los futuros comicios no deben ser una “elección en estado de sitio o militarizado” que lesione derechos fundamentales, planteó Lorenzo Córdova, presidente del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE). Ensombrecido el inicio del proceso con el caso del alcalde con licencia, José Luis Abarca, prófugo e investigador por sus vínculos con el narcotráfico, llamó a la ciudadanía, a los partidos, a las instituciones y a los medios de comunicación a blindar juntos la elección contra la injerencia del crimen organizado en las votaciones. Al salir de un foro en Colmex, lamentó que no sean esporádicas las historias de funcionarios ligados al narcotráfico, por lo que pidió una acción del Estado mexicano, porque el INE no está solo en su tarea. El martes pasado, el PRD señaló ante el Consejo General del Instituto que no es Ministerio Público para investigar a sus candidatos, en referencia al alcalde de Iguala, quien milita en sus filas. Córdova planteó al respecto que los partidos son los primeros responsables en evitar postulaciones cuestionables.

Anunció que el INE volverá a pedirles que coloquen los currículos de sus abanderados emn la página de Internet del INE, con el propósito de que cualquier persona pueda hacer señalamientos sobre los aspirantes. “Sin menospreciar el tema de la seguridad, debemos lograr que esta elección trascienda los desafíos que le impone la criminalidad organizada que desafortunadamente existe en muchas zonas del país, sin erosionar la vocación y la calidad democrática de la propia elección”, explicó. Para ello, consideró que los ciudadanos deben contar con mucha información y os partidos están abiertos a escuchar señalamientos y advertencias sobre sus candidatos, y crear así un contexto colectivo de exigencia. Kevin Casas secretario de asuntos políticos de la OEA., comentó que es inevitable la infiltración  de candidatos vinculados a la delincuencia, por su “brutal” capacidad de penetración en todos los ámbitos. Exigir a los partidos que erradiquen el problema es más de los que pueden pedir, señaló, aunque mencionó que hay ejemplos de legislaciones duras, como la de Brasil, que prohíbe la postulación de personas con condenas penales, sin embargo la mexicana no tiene estos candados.

Previamente, ante expertos en temas electorales y políticos de la región, Córdova esbozó un escenario adverso para el inicio de los comicios a causa de la pobreza, la desigualdad, la falta de rendición de cuentas, la impunidad, la precaria cultura política y la inseguridad. El martes, consejeros partidistas pidieron al INE, no convertirse en el “gran autista” en un país afectado por la violencia y la pobreza. Hoy el titular del instituto pareció aludir al tema, al señalar que “nuestros problemas más graves no se resuelven con las elecciones, sino con políticas públicas”. Sin embargo, enfatizó que los problemas sí afectan la democracia, y puso de ejemplo la pobreza, que provoca el clientelismo. Por eso, señaló que el desafío de los comicios es ver “cuánta pobreza, desigualdad, inseguridad e impunidad aguanta la democracia”.

Banda de secuestradores eliminada
En un operativo conjunto, personal de las procuradurías: PGR y PGJDF detuvo a los integrantes de la banda de secuestradores que el pasado 29 de septiembre plagiaron a Julián  de Nicolás Gutiérrez, hermano del director de la empresa constructora Homex.  En una conferencia en la que participaron el procurador de justicia capitalina, Rodolfo Ríos; el funcionario de la SEIDO y el director en jefe de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal, Tomás Zerón de Lucio, se dio a conocer la aprehensión de 13 plagiarios, y que el líder de la banda, identificado como José Luis Paak Díaz, quien se encuentra preso en el penal de Santa María Acatitla, ordenaba a sus familiares durante los días de visita quiénes serían las víctimas de su grupo delictivo. Julián de Nicolás Gutiérrez fue sacado de las oficinas de Homex, que se localizan en la delegación Álvaro Obregón, en el Distrito Federal, por un grupo de hombres armados.

De acuerdo con la información proporcionada por Zerón de Lucio, el pasado 3 de octubre el empresario sinaloense logró huir de sus captores (quienes se emborracharon y la víctima logró escapar), y pidió ayuda a la policía del estado de México, lo que permitió ubicar la casa de seguridad donde estuvo cautivo, en el municipio de Chalco. Inicialmente se logró la detención de seis de sus plagiarios y se obtuvo información del modus operandi de esta banda, la cual contaba con información privilegiada porque un hermano de José Luis Paak, laboraba en Homex.  Las indagatorias permitieron identificar a más integrantes de esta organización criminal, la cual habría cometido nueve secuestros en cuatro meses, independientes del plagio del empresario de Sinaloa.

Justicia para Ayotzinapa y que cese la barbarie
Tenemos hoy en la ciudad de México marchas y protestas en México y el mundo a causa de la barbarie permitida y prohijada por políticos corruptos  y ligados a narcotraficantes de diversos partidos y niveles de gobierno, mientras en Monterrey el presidente se daba baños de pueblo y en el extremo de las audacias  críticas aceptaba, este crimen de lesa humanidad como “señales de debilidad institucional”, pero su aplicado gobierno habrá que resolver y convertir en fortaleza esta debilidad  que le heredó Felipe Calderón, pero “con una voluntad férrea, decidida y cabal” frente a las disculpas retóricas del PRD al estado de Guerrero, y a Iguala en particular. En este contexto de la poca seguridad mexicana, el director de Human Rights Watch (HRW) segmento  las Américas, José Miguel Vivanco,  hizo una contribución para el comprador de la silla presidencial, EPN, y fue el cuestionamiento para que nos precise cuáles son las zonas donde hay señales de debilidad institucional. La aportación valiosa de HRW es que envió una carta   a Osorio Chong y a Murillo Karam en la que dice que son insuficientes y contradictorios los esfuerzos del gabinete presidencial en casos críticos como: Tlatlaya y Ayotzinapa. 

Vivanco al usar su aparato GPS, encontró que a menos de 200 kilómetros de la capital de México, a tres horas en carro, del Distrito Federal, encontramos que no es un lugar remoto, no queda en la selva perdida, distante y de difícil acceso, pero los miembros políticos del PRI no contestaron inmediatamente por cálculos políticos esta difícil pregunta. Tengamos en cuenta que al presidente le preocupa más su imagen política que tener una solución creíble de la situación donde murieron tres estudiantes y fueron secuestrados 43 adolescentes que por una llamada del gabinete hubieran salvado la vida, muchos de ellos. En estos tiempos no tenemos un hecho similar al que tenemos en la mano, lo estamos lamentando y creo que tenemos que remontarnos a la matanza de Tlatelolco, el 2 de octubre de 1968. Con esta actitud y acción dijo HRW que el Ejército mexicano está descalificado para ir de cascos azules de la ONU, ya que esto nos evidencia, “no tiene cultura de los derechos humanos y no cuenta con un récord que pueda servir” como antecedente.

Al hacer memoria nos remontamos a aquellos nefastos días de la represión estudiantil del 68, con el ex presidente Gustavo Díaz Ordaz al frente del gobierno federal, el secretario de gobierno Luis Echeverría Álvarez y también viene a nuestra memoria el general Hermenegildo Cuenca Díaz. En cuanto a la masacre sangrienta de Ayotzinapa, el reclamo del ciudadano mexicano y en el extranjero, es que no vuelva a ocurrir, pero además demandan justicia, paz y esperanza, de ninguna manera aceptan demagogia, simulación, represión y falta de patriotismo. En estos tiempos ya nada es creíble con tanto engaño, y en el paseo por el edificio del PAN nos encontramos a la esposa de Calderón, Margarita Zavala del Campo “explorando” la posibilidad de buscar la presidencia de la República. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 4-12, 9 de octubre, 2014).

All of them at Ayotzinapa

The Maria Pineda’s father collaborated with Beltran Leyva up to 2009
All of them at Ayotzinapa
By: Carlos Damian                                           October 9, 2014
The current leader of the criminal group is Santiago Mazari Hernandez: IM
Mexico. -   The General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR) he investigates Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa (daughter of Salomon Pineda Bermudez, one of the collaborators of the siblings Beltran Leyva), it handcuffs of the mayor with license from Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez (JAV). Obtained data refer that the current leader of the criminal Cartel calls him Santiago Mazari Hernandez (SMH), with nickname ‘El carrete’ or ‘Mr. of the horses’, Alfonso Galician deputy's nephew, and legislator Alfonso Galician Miranda belong to PT. It also heads that criminal group Federico Figueroa, singer's brother call Joan Sebastian in the atmosphere artistic, who together with Mazari -SMH - it has been able to form a net of mayors and municipal policemen that allow the traffic of drugs and other crimes in several municipalities Guerrero’s citizens, according to intelligence reports. In that context, presumably Maria de los Angeles Pineda (MAP) and JAV, they would be part of the group criminal ‘Guerreros Unidos’ that arose of a division of the cartel of the Beltran Leyva (BL), and for the nexuses that his wife has with ‘El Chucky’, identified as the criminal leader that ordered the policemen in passed days from Iguala Guerrero and members of the squadron of murderers that executed students of the Rural Normal School of Ayotzinapa, federal officials they indicated.  

The inquests of the Federal Public Ministry against ‘United Warriors’ (GU, for their initials in Spanish) they will be able to extend to other municipalities of Guerrero, Morelos and Mexico State, they pointed out the sources. The group GU arose after Arturo Beltran Leyva death, ‘El Barbas’, leader of the organization BL, and its first boss was Mario Casarrubias Salgado (MCS), nickname ‘El Sapo Guapo’, former escort of several operators of the cartel of the siblings BL. Before, the siblings Mario and Jose Alberto Villa Pineda (JPV), together with their father, they controlled Warrior's area.  Salomon Pineda Bermudez, ‘Don Salo’ (character confined in a prison of maximum security processed by organized delinquency), as long as their children JPV, the one ‘El Borrado’, and Marco Antonio and/or Pineda Villa (MPV), the MP, they were murdered in 2009. Among the siblings Villa Pineda that are in freedom and they have been identified as operators or leaders of GU Salomon Pineda Villa (SPV), ‘El Molon’, identified as boss of square of that criminal organization in Iguala, Guerrero.

The group has operation areas in Cuernavaca, Morelos, and in the Mexico and Guerrero States, “their primordial activity is the smuggling and traffic of narcotics, as well as to take and to carry out the kidnappings express, executions and Mexican tortures type". The executive of the PGR, Jesus Murillo Karam, assured in an interview broadcasting that the institution to its position will investigate the rural leaders of political filiation homicide Arturo Hernandez Cardona (PRD), in which the municipal president is involved from Iguala, JAV, as well as to the wife of this for his nexuses with criminal groups. 

They carried out the investigations wrong and late 
The organization defender of the individual guarantees Human Rights Watch (HRW) it criticized today the late answer of the president from Mexico, EPN, before the disappearance and slaughter of 43 students of professor in Iguala. Jose Miguel Vivanco, executive director of the division of the America of HRW, considered that Mr. President reacted “late and bad when sustaining that it was a problem from Iguala municipality. The problem is not of Iguala, the problem is from Mexico and the responsible one last for the luck, the security and the life of those students is the federal government, they are the maximum Mexican authorities", the Chilean activist said.  He affirmed that “they worry about Mexican authorities more their government's image that to solve the situation of the kidnapped students". Vivanco regretted that the topic of the human rights is not priority for the Mexican government. "They are topics that try to hide under the carpet because they saw this bloody event as bad publicity for Mexico", it pointed out the responsible for HWR. 
In accordance with the investigations, municipal agents, allies with the cartel of GU, they were involved in the murder and the Ayotzinapa’s youths from the Rural Normal School disappearance September 26 in Iguala, located about 200 kilometers to the south of Mexico City. "Hopefully this is a call of attention, such a strong pull of ears for the current government that it forces them to take with the seriousness that deserves", Vivanco trusted. For HWR, the disappearances represent a crisis of human rights of enormous proportions for Mexico."  
The pantomime of the state 
The forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions inflicted to teenager students of Ayotzinapa should not be seen as matter of the organized crime, because the responsibility is of the Mexican State, they pointed out family and the victims' partners. Accompanied by representatives of International Amnesty (IA) and the Center of human rights of the ‘Mountain Tlachinollan’ - who qualified of  "pantomime" the supposed search of the missing youths on the part of the government -, they affirmed that they don't believe the version that the bodies found in the secret graves of Iguala  they belong to their dear beings. "The means have undertaken a campaign to create a slant of attention of the case. They seek to make believe that who disappeared to our partners they are of the organized delinquency, but that is not the topic. We know that they were municipal policemen. The culprit was the State and to it we attribute it the blame", Omar Garcia underlined in press conference, representative of the student committee from Ayotzinapa.  The activist pointed out that Angel Aguirre Rivero (Guerrero State’s governor) he has already made before other aggressions against students of the Normal Raul Isidro Burgos (Rural School). 
It proves of that which they are the murders in 2011 of Jorge Alexis Herrera Pino and Gabriel Echeverria de Jesus, when they participated in a blockade in ‘Freeway of the Sun’. For such a reason, it indicated, among the students there “is absolute distrust in the Mexican State and their institutions". It emphasized that they are not "for games of the political parties, for their pantomimes of searching". Of equal it forms, the representative of the professor’s students denied that the past 26 of September will have interrupted a public act of the mayor's wife from Iguala, JAV, and he narrated that after being attacked to shots by the police municipal, effective military they subjected them, instead of offering them it helps. "The army arrived in minutes, it removed us the cellular ones and the soldiers told us: "did they want to put on with little men? Then, tie you the pants, you looked for it to him". We ask them to help us to assist our partner Edgar Andres Vargas that had received a shot in the face, but they told us that we were quiet and they didn't speak to an ambulance", he regretted the misfortune. 

In turn, Meliton Garcia and Cruz Bautista, family of victims, they asserted that they don't believe that the remains found in the secret graves are those of their dear beings and they demanded that they are given all the facilities to the Argentinean team of forensic anthropology to identify the 28 bodies found up to now, instead of to stop it and to put obstacles to the investigation. Perseo Quiroz, executive secretary of Mexico IA asked that the authorities protect the relatives of the victims and the activists that accompany them, and he called to “not falling in the curtain of smoke to hide the forced disappearance and the extrajudicial execution” made by public servants against the rural boys from  Ayotzinapa school  . After affirming that the search carried out by the state and federal governments to give with the whereabouts of the poor boys is a "farce" and a "pantomime" more than the state made it, Quiroz gave to know a series of recommendations to the authorities. Some of which are: to carry out inquests of the highest level, to support to the Argentinean team of forensic anthropology, to give information in a constant way and to assure the integral repair of the damage, included the non repetition in facts. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 7-9, October 9, 2014).