viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Justice for Ayotzinapa

The action of the State is requested to avoid officials' bonds with the underworld
Justice for Ayotzinapa
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 15, 2014
They were taken alive to the students, alive we want them: the relatives demand
Mexico. - The future elections should not be “an election in place state or militarized” that it injures fundamental rights, Lorenzo Cordova, president of the Electoral National Institute (INE, for theirs initials in Spanish), he outlined. At the beginning the process was darkened with the case of the mayor with license, Jose Luis Abarca, fugitive and investigator for their bonds with the drug traffic, called to the citizenship, to the parties, to the institutions and the media to shield the election together against the interference of the crime organized in the voting. When leaving a forum in Colmex, he regretted that they are not sporadic the histories of bound officials to the drug traffic, for what requested an action of the Mexican State, because the INE is not alone in its task. Last Tuesday, the PRD pointed out before the General Council of the Institute of voting that is not Public Ministry to investigate its candidates, in reference to the mayor from Iguala who militates in its lines. Cordova outlined in this respect that the parties are the first ones responsible in avoiding questionable postulations.  
He announced that the INE requests them again that they place the curricula of theirs registered in the Webpage of the INE, with the purpose that any person can make points out on the applicants. "Without minimizing the topic of the security, we should achieve that this election transcends the challenges that it imposes him the organized crime rate that unfortunately exists in many areas of the country, without erode the vocation and the democratic quality of the own election", he explained. Due to the above-mentioned, it considered that the citizens should have a lot of information and you parties are open to hear points out and warnings on their candidates, and to create this way a collective context of demand. Kevin Casas secretary of political matters of the OAS, he commented that it is unavoidable the infiltration of candidates linked to the delinquency, for its brutal penetration capacity in all the environments. To demand to the parties that eradicate the problem is more than those that can request, it pointed out, although it mentioned that there are examples of hard legislations, as that of Brazil that prohibits the postulation of people with penal condemnations; however the Mexican doesn't have these padlocks. 

Previously, before experts in electoral and political topics of the region, Cordova sketched an adverse scenario for the beginning of the elections because of the poverty, the inequality, the lack of rendition in facts, the impunity, the precarious political culture and the insecurity. On Tuesday, partisan consultants requested to the INE, not to become the “great autistic organization” in a country affected by the violence and the poverty. Today the executive of the institute seemed to mention to the topic, when pointing out that “our more serious problems are not solved with the elections, but with political public". However, it emphasized that the problems yes they affect the democracy, and it put of example the poverty that causes the clientele. For that reason, it pointed out that the challenge of the elections is to see “how much poverty, inequality, insecurity and impunity tolerate the democracy." 

Eliminated band of kidnappers 
In an operative group, personal of the attorney's offices: PGR and PGJDF (for theirs initials in Spanish) arrested the members of the band of kidnappers that the past 29 of September plagiarized Julian de Nicolas Gutierrez, the director's brother of the company manufacturer Homex.  In a conference in the one that they participated the procurator of justice of the capital, Rodolfo Ríos; the official of the SEIDO and the director in boss of the Agency of Criminal Investigation, Tomas Zeron de Lucio, were given to know the apprehension of 13 plagiarists, and that the leader of the band, identified as Jose Luis Paak Diaz who prisoner is in Santa Maria Acatitla's prison, ordered their relatives during the days of visit who the victims of his criminal group would be. Julian of Nicolas Gutierrez was taken out of the offices of Homex that are located in the Alvaro Obregon Delegation, in the Distrito Federal, for a group of armed men. 
In accordance with the information provided by Zeron de Lucio, the past 3 of October the Sinaloa’s manager was able to escape from its kidnappers (who they got drunk and the victim was able to escape), and he requested help to the police of the Mexico State, what allowed to locate the house of security where he was captive, in the Chalco Municipality. Initially the detention of six of its plagiarists was achieved and information of the modus operandi of this band was obtained, which had privileged information because Jose L. Paak’s brother, worked in Homex.  The inquests allowed identifying to more integral of this criminal organization, which would have made nine kidnappings in four months, independent of the plagiarism of the Sinaloa’s manager. 
Justice for Ayotzinapa and that the barbarism ceases 
We have today in the Mexico City marches and protests in Mexico and the world because of the allowed barbarism and adopted for political corrupt and bound at drug dealers of diverse parties and government's levels, while in Monterrey the president was given town bathrooms and in the end of the critical audacities he accepted, hurt humanity's crime like "signs of institutional weakness", but his applied government will have to solve and to transform into strength this weakness that Felipe Calderon inherited him, but “with a strong, resolved and exact will in front of the rhetorical excuses of the PRD to Guerrero's state, and to Iguala in particular”. In this context of the little security from Mexico, the director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) it segment from America, Jose Miguel Vivanco, made a contribution for the buyer of the presidential seat, EPN, and it was the question so that he specifies us which the areas are where there are signs of institutional weakness. The valuable contribution of HRW is that he sent a letter to Osorio Chong and Murillo Karam in which says that they are insufficient and contradictory the efforts of the presidential cabinet in critical cases as: Tlatlaya and Ayotzinapa.   
Vivanco when using its apparatus GPS, found that to less than 200 kilometers of the capital of Mexico, at three hours in car, of the Federal District, we find that it is not a remote place, it is not in the lost, distant forest and of difficult access, but the political members of the PRI didn't answer immediately for political calculations this difficult question. Let us keep in mind that the president worries about it more their political image that to have a believable solution of the situation where three students died and 43 adolescents that had saved the life, many of them for a call of the cabinet were kidnapped. In these times we don't have a similar fact to which have in the hand, we are regretting it and I believe that we have to go back to the slaughter of Tlatelolco, October 2nd, 1968. With this attitude and action said HRW that the Mexican Army is disqualified to go of blue helmets of the UN, since this evidences us, it doesn't have culture of the human rights and it doesn't have a record that can serve as antecedent.

When making memory we go back to those disastrous days of the student repression of the 68, with the former president Gustavo Diaz Ordaz to the federal government's front, government's secretary Luis Echeverria Alvarez and general Hermenegildo Cuenca Diaz also comes to our memory. As for the bloody massacre of Ayotzinapa, the one claims of the Mexican citizen and abroad, it is that it doesn't happen again, but they also demand justice, peace and it thrills, in no way they accept demagoguery, simulation, repression and lack of patriotism. In these times already anything is believable with so much deceit, and in the walk for the building of the PAN are wife of Calderon, Margarita Zavala del Campo “exploring” the possibility to look for the presidency of the Republic. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-12, October 9, 2014).

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