viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

First floor presupposed

The NGO criticizes the drop in the budget to investigate the cases of disappearance
The first floor presupposed in security
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 15, 2014
They are open the investigations for the case Tlatlaya
México. -    The efforts of Mexico to solve the great quantity of cases of forced disappearance and people taken against their will, happened in the whole country during last years, they have obtained very limited results, as it demonstrates it the fact that there is not an alone one consigned by these crimes, HRW pointed out. In a letter sent the secretary of Government, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, the organization of human rights said that although Enrique Peña Nieto government has started to find people whose whereabouts was ignored, to offer attendance to its relatives and to investigate and to pursue abuses penalty, the results have been very limited and the actions have been plagued of inexplicable delays and contradictory public announcements. "The disappearances represent a crisis of human rights of enormous proportions for Mexico. However, the government of EPN is very far from to fulfill his commitment of clarifying what it happened to the thousands of people whose whereabouts is ignored", Jose Miguel Vivanco, executive director for the America of HRW indicated. A sample of it, underlined it is that now, even, it clipped the budget of the special unit of the PGR that this same government created to be in charge of these cases, and not yet the special segment has been created for kidnapped in each state of the Republic. 
February 2013, the community publishes the report “The missing persons from Mexico. The persistent cost of an unknown crisis", where 250 disappearances happened during the government of Calderon are almost documented, included 149 cases in which existed convincing evidences that it was forced disappearances with participation of different forces’ agents of security of the country. After the publication of the report, HRW, Osorio Chong was plentiful it recognized the existence of a list, made by the previous government, of more than 26 thousand people that had been denounced as missing or misplaced, and he promised to examine these cases and to determine with more precision the magnitude of the problem. However, instead of clarifying the problem, Peña Nieto's government has emitted a series of contradictory announcements that they have raised more queries of those than they have responded", Vivanco observed. 
To one year that they created the Executive Commission of Attention to Victims (CEAV, for theirs initials in Spanish) it has given support to more than 20 thousand people, in the whole country that they have suffered diverse crimes, the president Sergio Jaime Rochin del Rincon (SRR ) assured. With the purpose of assisting traffic victims, traffic and it is about people and smaller of age, the CEAV inaugurated two modules of first contact in the terminals 1 and 2 of the International airport of Mexico City (AICM, for their initials in Spanish). 
Julia varies in hers declarations: PGR  
The federal Public Ministry maintains open the investigation against integral of the 102 Battalion of infantry and military controls of the 22 Military Area with headquarters in Toluca, as for the penal responsibility in that could have incurred with relationship to the execution of 22 people inside a cellar of Tlatlaya, Mexico State, the past 30 of June, collaborators of Jesus Murillo Karam pointed out. As long as, military chiefs indicated that in the Secretary of the National Defense conflicts exist for the accusations that have self teach against three military of low range like responsible for that happened in San Pedro Limon's community, municipality of Tlatlaya. The sources referred that they exist military of high range that they consider that no member of the armed forces should be judged because he fell to criminals, and others that consider that the responsibility should extend until the controls of the 22 military Area that had knowledge of that happened and they have not been called to appear. 
On the other hand, during interview broadcasting, the executive of the PGR, Jesus Murillo Karam, informed that it already appeared for second occasion before the Federal Public Ministry, Julia, the key witness, and the official mentioned that the woman varied hers declarations and she gives a version different to what declared to the magazine Squire. "Yes, what says in the magazine is not there what declares to us, there is a big difference", supposedly in the way in that the military ones knocked down the 22 criminals killing them. Also, Murillo Karam said that in that slaughter “the Army from the beginning manifested me that it had doubts on the correct pursuit to the protocol: it act the Army with a great clarity and with a great honesty. Then, with the information of the Army, the Attorney's office continued, and we reach the conclusion that if there was even an excess that is to my pleasure, homicide in criminals even.       
The SEP ' co-helped” to the parents of murdered teenagers of Ayotzinapa 
The executive of the SEP, Emilio Chuayffet, said before senators that the case of Iguala, where they were disappeared and murdered students of Ayotzinapa, “it shouldn’t never repeat", it assured that the Rural School for professors won't disappear, since the federal government's commitment is to give them the whole support. The official responded to questions around Guerrero's recent facts that it formulated him first Javier Corral (PAN) and then Fidel Démedicis (PRD). This last he told him that it is a matter that has twitched to the country and that one speaks that he/she seeks to close that normal of Guerrero. "Because they are revolutionaries' nest", as teacher Genaro Vazquez Rojas and Lucio Cabañas (them that were part of the forces of self-defense of the area, but the government ignored them and he murdered later on since they were opposed the caciques of the area). Chuayffet responded him: "you can be revolutionary, what is wanted ideologically, but you cannot be irresponsible": He insisted in that president EPN'S commitment is to strengthen those educational centers, because he believes in the professor’s School", but it should have co-responsibility among students, professors and family parents. 

It stood out that the murder of the students from Ayotzinapa, “overturns absolutely to all" this pain, since the “death of a single Mexican wears mourning to the country". He before, to the questions of Corral who it asked him to specify what support he will give a SEP to the parents of the youths' family executed in Iguala, Chuayffet answered that the dependence to its position will make what the penal authority instructs him. "We are ready to fulfill the co-helping as soon as it is requested us". The official coincided with Raul Moron (PRD) in that many, “for not saying all", the schools normal superiors are under truly “deplorable conditions", and it highlighted that the pretense is that there are schools comparable to the superior education in all orders. He added that the normal ones rural that were created in 1933,”they should continue having a central paper, and for it will be required it flexibility in the new study plans and in the new educational model for those educational centers”.  
Around the conflict that the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) lives, Corral pointed out him that it is him who should be to the front of the solution of that educational conflict, not the executive of Government, Miguel A. Osorio Chong. He responded that that official assisted the petition that they formulated him in the Chamber of Deputies of to recognize the movement of the students of the IPN and to look for a solution by means of the dialogue immediately. Chuayffet responded to senator Carlos Alberto Puente (PVEM), on the voluntary school quotas, him emphatic he said that the system cannot do without of them, since they help to the schools and by means of these the family parents contribute to the maintenance of the schools. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 15-17, October 9, 2014).

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