viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014


The questions without answering and the politicians' knocking
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 19, 2014
The secret graves and massive murders, daily in Guerrero, MX
Mexico. -   The executive of the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR), Jesus Murillo Karam, made official yesterday (10/14/14) that the human remains found in secret graves the past 4 of October in the vicinity of Iguala, Guerrero they don't belong to none of the Rural School 43 students from Ayotzinapa before kidnapped eight days for police troops of that municipality. It lacks to carry out, it is inferred, the one compares of the relatives' ADN of the missing teenagers professor's students with the discovered bodies in the subsequent days. Although that informed by the official contributes hope to the relatives of the missing and given students, in accordance with the official information, to a group of the organized delinquency, the fact, far from being soothing, allows to see that the barbarism in Iguala is even more extensive and more serious of what allowed to see the police aggression and perpetrated between the night of 26 and the dawn of the September 27th, 14. Now it is necessary to add at the six murdered and at the 43 kidnapped of those hours, 28 unknown corps, more what they have been found in other secret cemeteries, and to surrender before the evidence that in that and other municipality of Guerrero and of the country a terror state and death that it doesn't keep relationship some with the normality that one shows off from the institutional domes reigns.  
In parallel form it multiplies the task of the state and federal authorities: to the obligation of finding the missing students, to locate to the entirety of the responsible intellectuals and materials of these disappearances and of the six homicides of passed September, to clarify Arturo Hernandez Cardona crime and other two social activists murdered by the fugitive mayor Jose Luis Velazquez Abarca in May of last year, the state and federal authorities have before they the obligation of identifying the remains that have left finding in these two weeks. Plus it is still without hiding with necessity to clarify, to explain and to act legally so much before the chain of indolence, shortcomings and possible concealments that allowed, in the state environment as in the federal one, the enthronement of the delinquency organized in the city council from Iguala. The panorama gets complicated in that so much Guerrero's government as the PGR that are instances that are fundamental to carry out the investigations of the massive crime carried out by the squadron of murderers, and they are in a crossed fire of points out for omissions and negligence in the matter.  
Pathology of the power 
As Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and Joseph Stalin, we have some examples of a widespread pathology, they have the power and they are authorized to take drastic measures against all those that denounce, they criticize, and they are opposed to the abusive acts, however the criminals, corrupt, and political thieves that deviate for their usufruct personal millions of dollars that they are generated by the system are protected by the elites that govern our country. In these moments we are impacted by the massive murder of the 43 adolescent boys and we live under an economic system - social barbarian and wild, still shocked that we don't hit upon to react with normality. In the late-night of the massacre, the mayor's wife from Iguala, it communicated a report of works in front of the municipal DIF, accompanied by a great party with electoral political ends and of the one which their husband the following day it would present their official report of activities. The students like part of their daily activities carried out a social activism that put in risk these official ceremonies, the police force they received definitive orders to stop to the undesirable ones and in turn to impose them exemplary punishments, so that it didn't repeat these facts that they attacked the presidential couple noble from Iguala. 

The policemen carried out their operation dominated by a band of the organized crime, and to the murderous squadron it belongs as manager one of the siblings of the mayor's wife. In this string of complicities among political applicants, candidates and authorities that they sent this hot potato to the federal cabinet and with a political crisis and unsuccessful state one has up from this fireworks’ dust to governor Angel Aguirre Rivero.  This model of state authoritarian product 80 years old of being governed by the PRI-PAN reproduces to federal level, state and municipality in the whole country, with controls means and high exercising with a compulsive obsession this crushing, and draconian headquarters to the Mexican citizens. We can see a small reflection of the national image in the state of Nuevo Leon that Rodrigo Medina governs who will surrender its “report" yearly of works, but in this beautiful episode the ghost of the social activism of the students of universities rises from the state when making presence in pedestrian’s bridges from Monterrey of their social protest. These students decided to place blankets denouncing a small "pillage", made by a signature, Gafelek Co, and according to the official data that it prepares this source it has gotten contracts ant, without bid, and with managerial activities exaggeratedly diverse that will have reported him utilities of approximately 667 thousand 67 dollars, in this context of figures plundered to the treasury are a trifle.
In the capital of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey  the policemen of the Civil Force hurried to assist the order and they taught the students that were holding the blanket with the legend: "Of state millions to company that to everything it is devoted and all work embraces". To national scale no police force is qualified to stop and to hit those that hang blankets with the drug dealer legends, to those who place naked cadavers hanging of roads complex, alive beings they rush in barrels full with diesel, or they incinerate almost alive to the students of Ayotzinapa - and erasing its ashes because they throw these to the river forever,  according to the priest Solalinde - here they dared courageously to put to the jail to 21 students that were walked during hours by the city -missing persons -, and taken to the police spaces in an agency of investigations of the juridical order near the local penitentiary for the avenue Abraham Lincoln. Certainly we will have the governor with empty rhetoric denouncing the freedoms that we enjoy the ‘regiomontano citizen’; we have respect to the law and honesty in the handling of the public resources, in their fifth government report. 
In this context the candidacies will come, the elections and with the PAN in their favorite casino hoping to recover the lost square, but accompanied by Margarita Arellanes who is still mayors of Monterrey, and the PRI undecided to be written down in a political war of fight of sexes, being aimed in the first place Ivonne Alvarez, Marcela Guerra or in their case of Cristina Diaz that at this time is contained in the CEN of the PRI in the Federal District but with desires of to participate and to return to the electoral war  hers state. The last politics has been sacrificed in services to the national system, but in the National PRI it is spoken of a feminine candidate or in its case we will have the federal secretary of economy, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal.  
The sudden indignations, the altered demands of justice, and the doubtful empathy samples with the students of Ayotzinapa, they are used against electoral opponents, and it is omitted, in all the cases the own responsibilities. Without counting that each one of the three identified political segments clearly has generated a climate of hostility during years against the students of the Rural School occupied by poor people and of the rural area but with desires of educating the children from Mexico, and they are also guilty of consenting the infiltration of criminals' Cartels and mafias in all the levels of national institutionalism. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 2-10, 15 de Octubre, 2014).

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