viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

The impunity in the dirty war

It is presented with testimonies in the hand the executions and forced disappearances
The impunity in the dirty war
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 15, 2014
The combat to the guerrilla in 60’s derived in crime of State
Mexico. -   In eves that it is given to know the final report of the Commission of the truth (Comverdad, for theirs initials in Spanish) on the sequels of the war contra-insurgent in Guerrero between 1963 and 1979 -Chilpancingo, Guerrero -, the commissioned Pilar Noriega Garcia (PNG) and Nicomedes Fuentes Garcia (NFG), they meditated on the current situation in that state convulse: "The impunity subsists today it was gestated from those years", the summary execution and without federal court to the 43 students of the Rural School of Ayotzinapa that were died by the organized crime and burned immediately. During 30 months, five commissioners -the president, Enrique Gonzalez Ruiz; Aquiles Gonzalez, Hilda Navarrete, Pilar Noriega Garcia (PNG) and Nicomedes Fuentes, this last secretary - they removed old files, they made excavations and searching, they carried out forums in the communities affected around conflict, to generate trust and they found, Nicomedes Fuentes says us that in spite of the four lapsed decades, in the affected communities and among the survivors the fear subsists. 

Flights of the death 
"But at the end it was stronger the necessity to know what happened, was where they were their parents, their husbands and siblings. And to think that of all this we could only avoid it if the Secretary of the National Defense (Sedena, for theirs initials in Spanish) it decided telling the truth that he says what happened, was and specify what surely knows: where they were people of those that it never became of them anything is not known again". The commissioned NFG was political prisoner in the 60, and when leaving free it left to the secrecy and it was added to the armed fight of those times. Among the novelties that it contributes the report of Comverdad they highlight the unknown evidences up to now on the “flights of the death", in those that the military ones hurtled to the Pacific Ocean to opponents and presumed guerilla fighters in the context of the war contra-insurgent. "We are able to obtain witness declarations that up to now had not declared, as much survivors as pilots that participated in those flights that enlarge the versions that up to now know each other", PNG, lawyer specialist in penal matter says. These declarations, compared with the line of the time and the routes of the armed conflict with hundreds of internal documents of the Sedena and other institutions, confirm and they enlarge a -gathered narration in the ‘Forced to kill’ book - on these flights of the death had revealed for 26 years by the military deserter Zacarias Osorio during a trial to obtain asylum in Canada.  

The association Comverdad adds to the narrative of those happened that decade three new stories: those of two survivors and of a pilot of the Mexican air force (FAM, for theirs initials in Spanish) that reveal details up to now unknown, “minutely described", on the under-flights that weighed political prisoners that were heady on board to the sea. "They are meticulous descriptions on the form of operating, have more than enough how the airplanes descended to throw the bodies, how the flights traveled bigger distance sea inside and the military ones began to put the victims in ‘ixtle’ sacks full with stones. Also when in the coastal communities some remains began to appear that size the possibility to carry out a search in the marine channel in certain places in a moment. But after consulting with plungers. Professionals desist, since the possibilities to find something were little bit and the cost was high", PNG clarified. During 30 months, the investigators of Comverdad suffered threats of deaths, lootings to their offices, even an attack with firearms against the life of them, PNG and NFG say. In the last semester, the state Congress their lolled the delivery of the budget assigned by law for their operation in the final phase. It was exactly after an exhumation in the community of ‘El Posquelite’, municipality of Coyuca, of Guerrero's state that gave positive in the discovery of the remains of a dead guerilla fighter. 

Hurt humanity's crimes 
Perhaps we step some you tweet, some you interest and the legislators didn't feel committed with the truth, PNG says. The date of the discovery in this place, inspected around June of 2014 coincided with an attack that PNG and NFG suffered in the highway among Iguala and Chilpancingo. Without more funds and the money retired by the legislators' orders we had to give the last departure account and many investigation lines were pending. "You couldn’t thoroughly arrive", of the truth, PFG says. The central challenge of the association points out PFG, it will be to demonstrate that in the decade of 70’s in the XX century in Mexico, and especially in Guerrero State, there was massive repression and generalized in those that now call themselves “self-defense groups", and that the series of crimes made for military and state and federal policemen constitute, legally hurt humanity's crimes that will have to be trial matter in the Interamerican Court of Human Right (Coidh, for theirs initials in Spanish). The report documents 463 cases of severe violations to the humanitarian right that you/they understand 24 summary executions, 230 forced disappearances, and let us have in mind that the previous verifications didn't take into account that 205 cases of survivors of forced disappearance, what is means, people that passed long seasons in secret jails of the Army - Field Military Number one in D. F. and 35 Military Area of Chilpancingo -, and they were able to survive, (Blanche Petrich).  
We also “demonstrate us, with searching exhumations, analysis of official documentation, internal correspondence of the Sedena and new testimonies that were made crimes that have not prescribed, massively although they have passed between 35 and 45 years. In this context we prove that all the crimes like: illegal detention, forced or transitory disappearances, it tortures extrajudicial executions, all these they are entitled to repair of the damage, according to the approach of the Coidh, hit remarks. They were raked and they digitized hundreds of files deposited in the General File of the Nation and the funds of the documents of the extinct corporations of policemen, detectives and agents of the Secret Police, DFS, DIPS-UNAM, Sedena, PGR from D.F. In the most critical moments in the conflict is considered that they were outstanding up to 24 thousand soldiers to combat to the insurgency and to control the population in the areas where they happened military operations. The routes of operative militaries were reconstructed, as the one denominated Spider’s web Plan, for the control of populations, deployed of April till June of 1971 and described in more than 100 writings and military maps. 
Crimes that have not prescribed and they are prison object the culprits 
If you crossing data among these operative ones military against rebels and the evidences of violations to the human rights is to identify if the army was only met to combat to the guerilla groups and if it also attacked and it caused damage to communities without rebellious presence to the government. Eighteen routes settled down in those that incidents of this type took place. The facts were documented with so much 3763 testimonies of family of victims like of survivors of forced disappearance. To these testimonies 10 cases were added documented in previous investigations.  In 2001 the National Commission of human rights watch recognized that during the dirty war in Mexico registered 536 cases of forced disappearance. Exactly in Guerrero it registers most, with 332. However, in this report they didn't take into account the cases of hundred of survivors of forced disappearance, (La Jornada, politica, p. 6, October 14, 2014).

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