martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

Official version

National Next week the legislators will decide to define the “critical route” of the reformation Official version By: Carlos Damian August 20 , 2013 Official version: the critics to the energy reformation are "myths" México. - The members of the three commissions of the Senate, in charge of ruling the energy reformation will define next week the critical route, to continue that will include to ear, in public consultations to experts in the matter. The president of the Commission of Constitutional Points of the Senate, Raul Cervantes (RC) of the PRI, he commented that the leader of Morena, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), he will be able to participate in that consultation if it is proposed by some of the parliamentary fractions. For separate, Alejandro Encinas (AE) of the PRD he called to the unit of all the parties and left-wing movements. "It is necessary that all participate in the oil consultation impelled by the PRD for next day 25 (August) and also in the assembly summoned by AMLO for September 8, in order to accompany the initiatives and actions to stop the national delivery to the transnational of Pemex, and the Federal Commission of Electricity. The situation is so serious, he said that the left –wing should channel the civic answer, without sectarian", because only through the unit “we will be able to defend the sovereignty of the nation." Senator AE insisted in the importance that the left-wing acts as an unitary front that allows to counteract “wave growing advertising", so much inside as outside of the country that presents “federal government's denationalize reformation like the panacea” and “it appropriates of the memory and the historical weight that former president Lazaro Cardenas represents, the attention of the enormous setback that is sought to deviate”. As long as, senator RC said that, it already circulated to the commissions of Energy and of Legislatives Studies that David Penchyna of the PRI and Raul Gracia of the PAN that they heading, the proposal of the critical route of the energy reformation that will be approved once it concludes the extraordinary period, next week. Of entrance he said that a comparative square of the proposals of the president's initiatives and those of the parties PAN and PRD that it is to be presented will elaborate. For separate, those that argue the total surrender from the national oil company to the transnational ones; it emerges of the dark past and contrary to the practical favorable legislatives to the homeland the senator of the PAN, Ernesto Cordero that insists that they are included in the verdict of the energy reformation their retrograde proposals contrary to the energy sovereignty of México,(it staying like an empty shell and without property of the Pemex’s logo), among them that the opening is bigger to the one than EPN outlines -and that instead of contracts of shared utility there are concessions - and in to delimit and to limit “the privileges of the oil union." The myths of the critics to the energy reformation “What they don't deceive you"! It calls the federal government as entrance to the campaign texts in Internet to argue against 13 "myths" in connection with their initiative of energetic reformation presented this week. With the label of “false”, in each one of the picture, it assures Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), it won't be privatized, neither they will go up the taxes neither the prices of the gasoline will be increased. Other beliefs or perceptions around the government reformations to which tries to give answer in this section of the Webpage, refer: it is not certain that with the reformation the investors will keep the national oil rent, or that Pemex will leave strategic areas to put them in hands of particular companies. Also, they insist on convincing on the attachment from the government project to the ideals of the general Lazaro Cárdenas whose reformations in the matter -assure in another space – “if they allowed the participation of privates in different activities of the chain productive oil company". this way, the president's administration describes as "myths" the diverse critics straightened by specialists and political leaders against its reformation project to the articles constitutional 27 and 28 to open of oil and of electricity sectors totally to the private capital. Because the society requests, not to be deceived when they assure you that the energy reformation looks for to accelerate the production of petroleum to export it to The States, because apart from this, it explains, that country “has developed big oil resources and it is known that it will more even have in the future", and it will even stop to import that energy one. Reformations as the one outlined “have been successful in other countries and they have generated growth economic and big benefits to their societies", and it is affirmed in the same page. Certainly in passing it denies a premature beginning of the privatization with the sale of a part of the facilities of Pajaritos, in Veracruz. Pemex is not selling, that neither another company", it indicates the federal government's text aimed at be mistaken. Also search to toss the argument below about the superior profitability of the gasoline regarding the raw one. "The business is one of the most profitable of the world. In Mexico, to sell petroleum leaves us much bigger gain that the sale of the gasoline", and the presidential initiative “generates mechanisms so that in our country we can impel both activities". It assures the official propaganda that, it is false that the energy reformation will put in the governing' hands the earnings of the petroleum, because the reformation outlines new transparency mechanisms to put the utilities from the oil industry to the service of the development of Mexico." Finally as always with that false language of the federal government's publicity, and to leave those who locate in Pemex the necessary financial funds to carry out investments in passing and without requiring the participation of the private sector, the government insists: the initiative recaptures, word for word, what the president Cardenas “left written” of investing the resources of the company the State’s property company in the projects “that more gain leaves their". It is sought then that “it decides what projects they interest their and if it needs to go alone in association with other companies". On the other hand civic Alliance and the Civic Council of the Consultation about the Fiscal and Energetic Reformation gave to know yesterday the questions that will subject to the public opinion August 25 and the first of September on these topics. In connection with the fiscal matter it will be interrogated: “Can you charge VAT in foods and medicines?, do you agree with this event? About fiscal matter; can special treatments and privileges be eliminated in the payment of the tax on the rent (ORT), of those that some companies and rich people benefit?, do you agree with this event?, can you charge bigger percentage of taxes to those people that more revenues obtain?, as it establishes the Constitution. Do you agree with this event?” For that it does make to the energy topic, will the following questions be asked: “Can it modify the Constitution to allow private investment in the exploitation and transformation of petroleum and gas in Mexico? Do you agree with this situation?” Other questions that are included in the national consultation are: “Is Pemex able to without additional company to invest in Mexico to build refineries, to produce gasoline and diesel, as well as in other industrial plants for the fertilizers that we use?, do you agree with this event? Can you agree in that, already covered the operation necessities and development of Pemex, can the benefits of the oil industry be used, and are they used exclusively in public investment as constructions of hospitals, schools, railroads, scientific investigation and rural development?" The organization and the council informed, in conference of press that they will settle five thousand voting tables in public squares and parks, and a participation of a million and half of people is expected. On first of September will be given to know a first court of the results, and two days, the complete numbers will surrender to the National Congress. Some of the members are: Cuauhtemoc Cardenas junior, Carlos Tello, Ifigenia Martínez, Rolando Cordera, and Antonio Gershenson. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 7 - 12, August 16, 2013).

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