viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

The martyrs are product of the fantasy of the Catholic fanatic

He mounts it represents more than 50% of the budget of public work
The martyrs are product of the fantasy of the Catholic fanatic
By: Carlos Damián January 28. 2012
There were not martyrs there were fanaticized hosts
México. - The he announcement of the visit of the Pope XVI Benedictous in the last week of the year 2012 seeks to capitalize it the municipality of Tlaquepaque. The city council potter promotes his arrival to the ‘Sanctuary of the Martyrs’, and in reason of it, the Council of Municipal collaboration will invest 11.7 million dollars in the pave with concrete hydraulic of means of communication around the property. In the book 100 martyrs of the History of Mexico", of historian Laura Campos Jimenez (LCJ) discover in a rehearsal the falsehood of the Catholic Church when pointing out that the clergy never combated with the weapons in the hand during the 'Cristera War', demonstrating that the supposed "martyrs" canonized today and for who a sanctuary is built and the city council of Tlaquepaque outlines a multimillionaire investment in roads, streets and avenues to give accesses to its parishioners, they were part of the fanaticized hosts that they murdered and they violated at hundred of innocent people to “long live Cristo Rey’s” scream.

When entering to the UAG for Av. Homeland in Gda. You’ll find a monument to the fanatic cristero
Jose Maria Gonzalez and Valencia, archbishop of Durango and president of the Commission of Mexican bishops in Rome, Italy during the cristero’s conflict, gave to know to its faithful ones the approbatory words of Pious XI concerning the armed rising. "The supreme pontiff encourages you to all, priests and faithful, to persevere in your firm and resolved attitude. It encourages you to not fearing anything neither anybody, and yes, it is only to fear making betrayal to your conscience". It was the publication of the XI papal encyclicals of the Pious XI and the pastoral letters of the Mexican bishopric exactly what motivated many Catholic priests to incite their parishioners to the armed rebelliousness, from the pulpit, the confession boxes and the promise of indulgences to who it was given of high in the “army liberator", the futures “sacred martyrs”.

The present rehearsal reminds the violent answer of the Catholic clergy directing the fury of the Catholic fanatic toward the Mexican town murdering, stealing and violating innocent people; making a rememorize of the facts that happened in the Catholic crusades when invading the Middle East in persecution of dissidents -Muslims, Jews, and Protestant - making a blaze for the heretics in this case transferred it their blind fanaticism to the Mexican government, violating the biblical precepts of, “you will love your neighbour like yourself” or “you won't kill" they were absent in the speeches and the high dignitaries' Sunday sermons during the time of the rebellion of the movement cristero.

The rebellion cristera charged the life of professors lay considered heretics
There are some books that they relate the cristero’s fanaticism like the one of ‘Cristiada, crimes of faith' of Salvador Fausto Crotte, relates a murder in 1935 of the rural teacher Maria R. Murillo in Huiscolco, Zacatecas, hardly one of at least 200 documented crimes of teachers considered "heretics" for not uniting to the revolt for common sense. There were also priests that made it of commanders and they pushed people common of the field and of the towns; by means of their sermons they washed them the brain and already fanaticized they directed from the Vatican. Among the priests impelled by their violent fanaticism Jose Reyes Vega (JRV) it stands out the “soutane’s Pancho Villa", famous for their impulsiveness and their pleasure for the women, it was priest of Arandas, Jalisco State and then general cristero.

Many testimonies of the ‘Altos de Jalisco’ exist about these violent crimes of the fanaticized hosts and directed by violent Catholic priests, although it is worth the expression, in these latitudes one has for more important the cristera war that the Mexican Revolution, to which many citizens of the occident of Mexico escaped it as venereal illness. The 'Pancho Villa cristero' in company of Miguel Gomez Loza and other priests making a murderous sheaf, they participated in the assault to the train of La Barca, April 19, 1927, where hundred of passengers murdered to shots died, gone by knife’s steel and many cadavers appeared charred after the criminal assault.

Among these anecdotes of the guerrilla cristera it is known by a lot of people the fact that JRV, a murderer with soutane and crossed cartridge belts in his chest didn't separate his weapon neither of his Bible, since when it killed prisoners with a hand he gave the acquittal 'in article mortis' to the wounded and with the other hand it seized his own gun, delivering the shot of mortal grace to the lay professor. Other accomplices of the murderous sheaf were the priests Aristeo Pedroza and Jesus Angulo, however to achieve the maximum alignment of seriousness and it disciplines of the troop it put the fear in the body to the fanatic beginners as if it was in some gang of criminal drug dealers.

This carried out it killing some outstanding character of the troop, and it is mentioned to Victorian Ramirez with nickname 'el catorce', sending it to execute for orders of Aristeo Pedroza to break the rebellious attitudes of 'el catorce'. Later at the end of the guerrilla they reward Jesus Angulo for the services to the Catholic clergy sending it to Villahermosa, Tabasco, anointing him bishop of this city. In this string of crimes against the Mexican town on behalf of Christ and of the Catholic religion it is mentioned to the intellectual author of the blood spilled in the train of La Barca, to the archbishop of Guadalajara City, Francisco Orozco and Jimenez next to another soutane murderer, Miguel Dario Miranda that later would be Mexico’s archbishop.

In this list of criminals of the Mexican holocaust at the beginning of the XX century, it is included to: Gabriel Gonzalez, Enrique Morfín Carranza, Thorny Jose. Clemente Garcia, Miguel Guizar Morfin, Jose Maria Martinez, Miguel Pérez Aldape, Enrique Ochoa, Leopoldo Galvez, Francisco Carranza, Jesus Anguiano, among other murderers. Among the list of accomplices the cardinal, Jose Garibi is nicknamed Rivera 'Pepe dinamita', also called Mariano Reyes, names used by the Mexican curia to hide of his misdeeds and criminal facts. These criminals were pursued by the Mexican army but supported by the oligarchy of that time in which you discussed if the Catholic church should be subject to the orders of a foreign government as the Vatican, in Europe or being subject to the Mexican laws and the money of the Catholic church should be a correspondent for benefit of the Mexicans in Mexico. In that recent time after the Mexican Revolution the money was needed to lift the cities, roads and bridges of Mexico. (La Jornada, política, p. 5, 27 de diciembre, 2011).

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