domingo, 24 de julio de 2016

Unstable empire

International/ political
The senator and the pre-candidate democrat is assembled to evaluate actions against Trump
Unstable empire
By: Carlos Damian                                             June 14, 2016
Daily USA Today says that 3 thousand 500 working have demanded to the republican candidate
Mexico. -  It is thought that the instability is found in the global south, with respect to these regions and countries the political experts and the researchers speak of "Vain States" where tend to occur "civil wars".  In reality the life is insecure for these inhabitants, and make efforts in massive form to flee to zones more sure of the blue planet, and purportedly also has a life bonus with good standard of life and employment.  If we put ourselves on Mexico we note northward as a migrant objective, but in these days has changed radically this criterion.  If we soar ourselves to the period of 1945 - 1970s have to bead to the power hegemonic in the America north have to bead a developed country that was offering to their inhabitant the associate improvement - economic. The migrants that achieved to surpass the political barrier not all achieved the good fortune, and yet other are believed this dream and want to achieve this impossible nightmare. These migrants are the political and economic mercenaries that if Mexico might have wanted to retain it might have made but by far time were unknown and ignored for the political system. But as an astounding fact this American dream has been gone rescinding slowly from 1970s, and it can be seen this fact within The States and the attitudes of the government and citizen toward the foreign world. 

If we submerged ourselves currently in the presidential campaign is observed an irregular transformation change where a huge segment have been mobilized in against of the establishment, and many citizen Mexico - American have been gone in for the first time in the electoral process. In this dissatisfaction of the citizen Donald Trump has been mounted to be nominated republican candidate, in against of the traditional republican militant. Of the side of the democrat party also it is happening something similar, with Bernie Sanders but with a left center rhetoric in against of the official speech of Hillary Clinton that anyone might have believed that was not challengeable. Though seems that it has been able to divert toward the left center to the Democrat Party, and achieved it without be have presented in an election as democrat. But upon returning the waters at their regular level will be nominated as candidate presidential to Hillary Clinton accompanied of the normal right judgments, acclaimed by Barak Obama and supported by the consensus of Washington. When we see to our around we opened the newspaper The New York Time of May 23, 16 in a text that it does not approach you slaughter them with fearful massive gunfire, and in that written in front page was approaching the violence with weapons "without end but ever listened".  Though tends to pursue the events  with firearms that the policeman calls incidents and that regularly they are against Hispanic and Afro-Americans with an anesthetic regularity, almost invisible that they are murdered and in the newspaper are criminalizes, and is increase the incidents every time, with the yielded and defenseless assaulted Hispanics are murdered with a overwhelming regularity, and in the newspaper are criminalizes giving the reason to the repression militarized against the American population. 

These incidents have been returned regulars for the population and died those by police repression and soldier are converted something normal for the establishment and these are murdered "without end but never listened" leaving of the black zones and coffees where leave to the world the videos of these poor men, giving reason to the disappointed  of the fact that The States has ended with a cycle and try to reviving to this dead that stinks, and bet in their fillies and phobias on a candidate that swears that will try to reviving to this establishment dead, giving the slogan of making great to America. Sanders tries to giving to them to the electorate something of what is loss of the gilded era and Clinton seeks seeing toward back what has lost The States in their to travel by the world. Some disappointed have been grouped in organizations they contradict to the State; Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF), Tea Party, Skin Heads bother with the system and they are acting using the weapons that the system them provides. The CCF argues that the government them land acquaintance for their gained, and   the system does not has right to shatter their life system, then the local and federal government tries to facing with negotiations this small problem, using the force to fight when the negotiations fail, being scattered these actions all over the American territory. It is not issue of be moved toward the right-wing but of stopping the serious violence against the citizen, and this protest seems that is going toward a national civil war.   

The common citizen sees these actions and observes as The States is going reducing their be able in the world and their authority in Mexico, Donald Trump it has been focused speaking wrong and pronouncing speeches against this nation that from 1847 has been and it is a slave country, and consider that it is reversible all this, but they have not thought that The States is a global associate, weak and without safety for nothing. But see the last black drawer actions and the powerful religious cartel of the Islam in against of the western system, included The States. Exposed the foregoing is not only for the commercial associates as: Canada, Great Britain, and Saudi Arabia, but also for those that they are opposed to the policies of the White House: Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba and Brazil. On the up and up feeling has reduced and continued decreasing, the gilded era has left behind and it will not return ever something that the white American citizen (Wasp), it does not accept. If to this situation we add to them that to live in The States has been returned less sure, and is increase the migration in the global north, and it is not because standard high has of life but the world is an insecure zone, without employment, and fills with gangs, cartels criminal, and religious. To North America (Canada, The States and Mexico) with their high standard of life only they could migrate the most privileged sectors, and now is pointed out that the disappointed middle classes and the sectors most unprotected they are those which make their attempt of sharing these social privileges. 

It is observed in the red numbers that the establishment makes in the angry population, and in the reactions upon assuming violently with social movements and protests in the streets their annoyance and repudiation to this global situation. Many Americans have assumed their role in this change paper and they are turning in their around beginning these neighbors making a better world and trying to assuming this change with smoothness and giving the best of themselves, to forget this gilded era that never it was gilded for nobody in the global world. 

Tailor booth
The senator Elizabeth Warren countersigned in these days their support to the candidate presidential Hillary Clinton without answering to the press the strategies to defeat to the republican Donald Trump. Apparently it is firm that she will be the classmate of formulation of the candidate democrat, though the senator denied in an interview for the channel MSNBC, on Thursday past, have been evaluated for the vice-president in charge. Bernie Sanders and Warren share points of view in matters as the control of the excesses of Wall Street and the struggle against the inequality of the income. It is added that Warren it has been certain in their route assaults Twitter against Donald Trump. The multimillionaire has been demanded in the pasts 30 years at least 3 thousand 500 working, revealed the newspaper USA Today, all they have made occupational judgments by payments nonfulfillment by the work that accomplished in their real-estate emporium. "The consistent circumstances of these demands and other complaints by payments nonfulfillment provoke question on the judgment of Trump as entrepreneur and commanding in chief", underlined USA Today. (La Jornada, politica, p. 10, June 29, 2016).

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