jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Dialogue in suspense

National/ political
This administration must analyze how they have been come making the things: MOC
Dialogue in suspense
By: Carlos Damian                                             June 29, 2016
It isn’t time of you uncovered course to the 2018 since this would bring festering
Mexico. -   Little more than five of each 10 elementary schools of the country do not have covenants all the basic services: water, light and drainage, and at least 3.1 percent lacks totally these benefits. Furthermore, only 52.6 percent of the facilities are considered sure due to the type of material employed for the roofs construction, walls, floors and perimeter fence. The results, on infrastructures, furniture and material of educational support in the elementary schools detected in the basic conditions Evaluation for the teaching and the learning (ECEA, for their initials in Spanish) 2014 reveal that between 30 and little more than 40 percent of scholastic centers of this educational level have problems with their electrical facilities, hydraulic, banisters and staircases, but also in walls, roofs and floors by damages caused by dampness and splits.  Only eight of each ten facilities have electrical energy every day, and in 7.7 percent of scholastic centers do not count on access to electricity. The lack that face in basic services more than half of the elementary schools of the country were qualified of "look after" by the National Evaluation Institute of the Education (INEE, for their initials in Spanish), the one which applied the ECEA to a representative schools sample, students and educational during the scholastic cycle 2014-2015. 

Without light more than 50% of facilities
It is asserted according to the information that in their conclusions "it is concern you that less than half of the facilities count on electrical energy, water and drainage; even though it is certain that there are schools located in localities where are not offered this service, it is good moment so that from motto the school is the step center to the improvement of the facilities and of the context that surrounds them". According to the results, in 13.7 percent of the primary there is a scholastic salons deficit of teaching, therefore it cannot cover the requirement of a group of students by salon of classes. It was detected that three of each master ten of quarter, fifth and sixth degree of primary consider that their salon is small in function of the number of pupils that they should attend, and little more than 30 percent estimates that the ventilation and lighting conditions are not the most adequate. With respect to equipment, indicates that in 23.5 percent of groups of quarter to sixth of basic primary the deterioration of the blackboard prevents to use it to write. Only in four of ten schools the kids can accede to a computer that functions, and in hardly 23.3 percent of facilities there is access to Internet for all the community. 

To them is added that almost 46 percent of schools does not count on a sports field and 33 percent it does not has courtyard or civic square in their facilities. In the event of emergency, 20.9 percent it does not count on courses again to face it, while the safety measures more known by children and educational are routes of evacuation and safety areas in the school. The hygiene conditions are other of the challenges, since 33.8 percent of facilities reported   that never it has been smudged and in 11.5 percent it has not been given maintenance neither cleanliness to water tanks and cisterns, while only 42.5 percent of schools have water purified to give to drink to students. 

On the other hand the government of the Republic "it will not fall in more provocations" before acts of the dissenting teaching, as the retention of two federal policemen the Monday past (06/27/16) and the highway stops, declared the president of Mexico, EPN. Reiterated the "arrangement of tending dialogue bridges, understanding and search of solutions before any conflict", but at the same time summoned to the educational   to exercise their social vocation with work in favor of the communities and no generating problems to there. In this press conference in Canada together to the prime minister of this country, Justin Trudeau, intervened in the topic to indicate the preoccupation "with respect to the tragic events that we have seen, but also the need of building dialogues and to strengthen the state to right “. “The government always will attend the dialogue tables - do not exist physically neither morally -, and approximation in order to distending and of power to surpass any difference that has with the educators. One must to say: we are not facing them, we are conferring" and is them requested to attend the structural change - the educational reform - to assure to the new generations a teaching of better quality. "It is a change paradigmatic", and as such faces resistances, assumed the leader. 

The teaching is organized after the severe repression
The extended encounter that supported officials of the SG and integrating of the CNTE that concluded the awoken of this Tuesday, threw a confluence in the determination to explain the facts of Nochixtlan, Oaxaca. However, they were maintained the differences in connection with the force of the administrative reform -educational, as well as the preservation of the demonstrations in the Oaxaca and in Chiapas State.  More than six negotiation hour threw that the Interior Ministry secretary, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MOC), receive tomorrow 18 hours the relatives from you victimize of the confrontation of the 19 of June. In their message of awoken MOC indicated that in table that will attend Nochixtlan, will be presented the commitment of the federal government of carrying in depth the inquiries, and the form in the one which will be approached the repair of the damage to the relatives of who lost the life and the attention to who continue injured and confined in various hospitals. For the CNTE, the encounter is a principle of solution to the “restrictive actions" undertaken by the Federal Policeman (PF). MOC censured that in connection with the administrative reform -educational, the only one proposed will be the derogation: "it did not saw a position that it would not be the abrogation of the reform of part of they. The solution is built between both parts and it cannot have on the one hand positions, while of the other the conditions continue as all we know, particularly in Oaxaca and Chiapas State."

The Coordinator (Union) considered that it has been achieved to advance in an agenda related to the occupational reform - educational to reach a solution of fund and not to return to the short term tensions. Both parts agreed to postpone the discussion on central demand of the Coordinator: the abrogation of the reform. According to the teachers, the conversations are part of the construction of an agenda. Other aspect with found positions turns in connection with the magisterial mobilizations to support their demands. In spite to recognize advances, the dissenting teaching announced that will maintain their protest mobilizations against the administrative reform. Osorio said: "They must work in which they are given the tranquility and stability conditions in the regions, in fact that arrive input supply to many municipalities, particularly to Chiapas and Oaxaca, and above all, they should attend the in fact that it cannot conclude the scholastic cycle". In a communicates it give issued yesterday, The CNTE recognized: "Without doubt, the process of the work table is going and slow by what is complex of the conflict, but also we repeated the resolutely of our decision instances". Detailed that as Commission Unique of Negotiation (CNUN, for their initials in Spanish) was agreed to maintain the dialogue and negotiation table with the federal government; to build an integral agenda proposal; to double efforts for the incorporation of a greater number of teachers to the mobilizations session; to maintain their joint with the social movement: and to support the action plan in all the states where have presence. (La Jornada, sociedad, p.p. 4-8, June 15, 2016).

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