sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Bad offer for petroleum

This is a good opportunity so that the State rectifies 
Bad offer for petroleum 
By: Carlos Damian                                      August 5, 2015 
The low prices of the petroleum are to harm Mexico so that the bandage in a trifle
Mexico.- The National Commission of Hydrocarbons pointed out yesterday that will reduce the requirements demanded to the national companies and outsiders interested in participating in the second phase of bids of the call round one, for that which gave a term of presentation of new proposals that it finish the next one September 30. With the decision taken yesterday (04/08/15) for command of the secretaries of Energy and Treasury, the companies or consortia that participate in the bid of nine fields of shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico they will no longer need to have corporate guarantee of 6 thousand million dollars. On the other hand, they will hire an insurance of “civil responsibility and control of wells” for only a thousand million dollars to cover possible accidents or spills. Also, if before the companies should present 2.5 million dollars like guarantee of seriousness for each contract in which will participate, now they will be able to win multiple contracts only presenting that quantity. As the own energy secretary, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, it recognized that in their moment, this State’s flexible in the requirements to participate in the bids one takes place due to the disappointment of the phase of the first beat, carried out the past 15 of July.  

In the official's words, the previous rules “scared” the potential investors to who it is looked for to make more attractive to obtain in exploitation a portion of the national territory. It fits to remember that in the bid made two of 14 offered oil blocks they were only awarded and 2 thousand 600 of the 17 thousand millions calculated by the federal government was collected. Mexico in its “garage sale” has relaxed the minimum regulations waited in financial operations of this magnitude by what the federal government gives to the pressures of the cold war that supposedly go directed to the oil industry of Russia, but Mexico picks up the negative actions and when being placed vulnerable to these artful aggressions of the Empire of the North it opens the door to diverse uncertain and unfavorable scenarios for the town of Mexico as well as the impossibility of repairing environmental damages that could return unusable the sea or the coastal areas so that the citizen of Mexico dies from hunger when not being able to eat of its fishing in the boundaries of the sea dedicated to the indigenous, tourist fishing and of survival. 
In this context of war among world empires should remember that are not in game simple operations among privates, but the surrender to the transnational of important portions of the national territory by means of the calls bids, and having as bottom to a weak and vulnerable State due to the drop of the price of the petroleum, the dollar revaluation (18.00 pesos M/N) the financial crisis - politics, and the pressures of the foreigners. For what is not understandable the urgency to finish off our petroleum, gas and electricity to the lowest possible prices, and in critical moments in that the corporations don't show interest some in them. It would be sensible -that which they don't show our authorities - to finish off our valuable natural -Pemex and CFE - it is handcuffed to compete and the fall in the international rates of the alone petroleum takes to think of the ridiculous advantages for the resources of the nation and to make fun of the common citizen that was never consulted.  
The cabinet of EPN refuses to see the reality where it should rectify the direction, should strengthen the national oil industry and to meditate on the future of this abandoned sector and rejected for more than 30 years for federal administrations, but stealing him its own resources by means of Treasury to hang the hen of the eggs of black gold; being that it has been the pillar of our development, and the authority has before your eyes the opportunity to correct the direction and the misleading of a ruling class that you don't go beyond its nose and it doesn't visualize that the decision will impact in a transcendent way the configuration of the country. 
The government relaxed the conditions for the one it finishes off 
Five Mexican oil companies of the 26 pre-qualificators are ready to participate in the second bid of the round one for the extraction of hydrocarbons in nine fields distributed in five production contracts shared in shallow and territorial waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Inform of the National Commission of Hydrocarbons (CNH, for their initials in Spanish) they point out that the five companies are: Pemex, company ' unproductive' of the State which possesses the biggest experience in this type of fields; the Diavaz Group, considered after Pemex like that of more experience, because it began operations in 1973 like a diving company and today it is profiled like one of the first ones in taking advantage of the energy reformation. The other Mexican competitor is Petrobal, subsidiary of Group Bal, that integrates companies of different sectors like the mining Penoles and Fresnillo, and spread as ‘El Palacio de Hierro’, but it lacks experience in the oil environment, although he has directive of the highest level, as the former director of Pemex, Exploration and Production (PEP, for their initials in Spanish), Carlos Morales Gil. 

The other company that will compete is Sierra Oil & Gas, of outsider and Mexican capital that neither it possesses operative experience in Mexico, but it has a team experienced in the oil sector yes it is the winner of two blocks in the first bid. Lastly, Controladora of oil Infrastructure Mexico, group subsidiary Mexico, of German Larrea, company that it has lent services to Pemex and it has perforation platforms for sea and the directional perforation and lease of perforation modules. Last Tuesday (04/08/15) the federal government agreed flexibilizar the conditions to participate in the second convocation of bids of the round one that includes five extraction contracts in nine fields that embrace 280.9 square kilometers. Contrary to the first bid, in which the contracts were for exploration, the second convocation consists on production contracts shared for the extraction of hydrocarbons in the fields Amoca. MIzton and Teocalli that form the first block; Hokchi only in the second contract, Xulum like only field of the third contract; ichalkil and Pokoch in the fourth contract. The fifth contract is integrated by the fields Nak and Mison.  
To make more attractive the bid the CNH remembered that the interested ones pay 2.5 million dollars like guarantee of seriousness for all the contracts that win and not for each one like it was specified originally. They will also be able to participate as interested singular at the same time that they participate in a consortium, with the only condition that they don't present offer for the same contract. Another excellent change consists in that the execution guarantee on the minimum investment will be made by means of 50 percent of the figure of investment committed in the bid bases, more the one mounts that the day of the economic offers it has been auctioned. The foreseen resources that they could be captured for the second bid they are calculated in 4 thousand 500 million dollars during the first three years of activity. The date of presentation of proposals stays till September 30. The other outsiders companies’ pre-qualificators are the American Atlantic Rim, Chevron Energy, Fieldwood Energy, Hunt Overseas, Plains Acquisition and Sánchez Oil & Gas; the Chinese CNOON International and Sinopec International. The Anglo-Dutch Shell also figures; the British BG Group; the Argentinean E&P Hidrocarburos and Services; the Iberian Spanish Company of Petroleum; the German DEA Deutsche; the Italian ENI; the Portuguese Galp Energy; the Colombian Ecopetrol; the Russian Lukoil; the Indian ONGC Videsh Limited; Petronas Carigal, of Malaysia; PTT Exploration and Production of Thailand and the Norwegian Statoil. (La Jornada, economia, p. 25, August 7, 2015).

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