sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

The Viceroy's scandal

The manufacturer takes one year in charging dated check January 31, 2014 
The Viceroy's scandal 
For: Carlos Damian                                                August 28, 2015 
The liquidation of the property was before The Wall Street Journal revealed the acquisition
Mexico. -  Along several months the citizens have demanded to the cabinet presidential to go into the details of an affair, to sort thing out, and thick chocolate, and they demand details of the purchase that Luis Videgaray Caso (LVC), secretary of Treasury, of a house of rest in a luxurious rural division in the Mexico State and it is as well as it pulls up the chronicle of corruption of the presidential cabinet of EPN. According to Bloomberg, “it is now, new evidences suggest that Videgaray (LVC) it completed the purchase of their house of rest after taking possession from their position to the front of the Secretary of Treasury, in an irregular agreement with a manufacturer that has strong knots with the federal government", it underlines. It is after one year that the current secretary of Treasury paid with a check it leaves of its house in a rural but deluxe area to the government's favorite contractor, Juan Armando Hinojosa (JAH), but it was not charged in that time by the manager. The document was made effective hardly some days before the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, revealed in December of 2014, the purchase of a house in the Club of Golf of Malinalco, it published this Thursday (08/28/15) the service of news Bloomberg.  
The Viceroy of the presidential cabinet is a former directive of investment banking, he “paid the house with three works of art and a dated personal check January 31, 2014. But the check of 6.6 million pesos was not charged until almost one year later, fair some days before a report (WSJ) it questioned the Treasury’s secretary of commercial relationships with the government's contractor", it indicates. These revelations, included in liberated documents last week as part of an investigation of the Secretary of the Public Function (SFP, for their initials in Spanish), in the one that Virgilio Andrade Martinez (VAM) have position like executive of this federal dependence. This investigation was carried out on the purchase of the houses on the part of the Secretary of Treasury, the president of the Republic and its wife, which discharged them of irregularities, ”they could give a new turn to the political soap opera that has dominated the holders per months, and that it has helped to weaken Enrique Peña Nieto presidential approval", it considered, (la Jornada, Roberto Gonzalez A.). 

It generates suspicions the jester's pardon 
In having summarized bear in mind we have Virgilio Andrade, the presidential jester with a prepared scene carefully with a talent that consists on spreading news with style comedian and it exhibits it in the presidential Court with a dexterity that would entertain the king and the courtiers in a masterful way in medieval times. It is of being supposed that “ripples" Andrade in its setting in scene took a place privileged in the curtains of the power, and it completes its work to cause laugh and amusement to the political royalty of Mexico that like before it continues far from the town. They are nice hogs that are managed as merchandise by the powers politician and financial, they sometimes have ravings with lack of psychic capacitates that cause jeers and laughter in the political court. Sometimes with their expression of an idiot accompanied by kindness and a left individual expression of an asylum, but they are not responsible for their expressions, of their face that they were provided by the nature to take from of the boredom and tedium to the courtiers and powerful of the Kingdom.  In the bottom they are human beings used by the courtiers and politicians to have a good time, to entertain and to simulate intelligence, and to deceive the fool that believes in all their words and expressions. The one in charge of the SFP is Virgilio Andrade Palacios son, member of the team of the corrupt union leader of the union of PEMEX lawyers, Carlos Romero Deschamps. This vulgar and not well farcical character was assessor of Ana Paula Gerard, wife and technical secretary of the economic cabinet of Carlos Salinas de Gortari. 
According to some specialists this irregular situation generates suspicions in the Mexican citizen, and the documents are observed provided by the investigation, where Videgaray (LVC) he paid the deluxe residence next to a Golf Club, to a company property of Hinojosa (JAH) that received as favorite of the court dozens of contracts of the government of Mexico State, in which the Viceroy Videgaray was official when the current president EPN was a governor. Two months before becoming official he bought a property in Malinalco, Mexico State, to JAH, this manager singly is the same one that financed the Casa Blanca to the president's wife, Angelic Rivera for 7 million dollars in Lomas de Chapultepec, this note was published December 11, 2014, in WSJ, before becoming the Viceroy Videgaray public official of EPN. The 'modest' house of Videgaray, has 850 square meters, bought in 581 thousand dollars, in October of 2012, before the tri-colored government began, with hypothecation credit to 18 years. The secretary of Treasury assures that he paid the house in his entirety in January of 2014 for ”financial reasons." 
The company the government's favorite HIGA 
The Viceroy (LVC) he paid the house with the check and three works of art that were donated him by disinterested citizens. Although such works of art don't appear in the registrations of the Webpage of SFP, with the title and author of each one of them. The investigation made on conflict of interests in the sale of properties of Videgaray and Angelic Rivera, and the house of the Mexican president's rest in Ixtapan de la Sal that bought manager Roberto San Roman, favorite contractor of the government of Mexico State. "The published documents (SFP) they show that Videgaray didn't close the purchase of the 'modest' house until November of 2013, one year after becoming the government's official. The check of 388 thousand 235 dollars is dated two months after that date", Bloomberg adds. But it was charged by Hinojosa (JAH) 11 months later before the revelation. In this to become in that remembered to buy the modest house and when he closed the treatment, manager JAH'S company HIGA property, “contracts of four institutions of the development banking they were obtained, where Videgaray has the position of president of its meetings of Government, included one of a service of directive flights of high level, in official trips", Bloomberg is plentiful, although it is not pointed out which the development banks that granted the contracts to HIGA were.  

Before extending the check they surrendered three works of art valued in 141 thousand 176 dollars to Hinojosa in 2012, as payment guarantee, but the “lack of information on the works and independent ratings outlines more questions about the operation", Bloomberg adds. It is a theater of the absurdity with their public excuses that it convinces anybody, and it recognizes the blame of the traffic of interests tacitly, although he denies it. The farcical " ripples " were hired by the president, and what the citizen perceives is since the cynicism it is investigated from one of December of 2012 and not since he was Governor of the Mexico State, he was already public official when the deliveries of multimillionaire contracts HIGA is begun to the favorite company. Even more, Sierra Gorda 150 land is bought to build the presidential house, and architect Miguel Ángel Aragones confirms that governor EPN, participated in the design of the house. It is recognized that 17 days after the presidential couple married (November 27, 2010), Grupo Higa acquired the second land to increase the presidential residence in 1325 Palmas. In November of 2008, one day after EPN recognized that ‘the gull’ and he were boyfriends, Higa generates the company “real state engineering of the center", which takes charge of building the call Casa Blanca". “The perception is that it is an exchange of favors and that the house was a payment for the contracts", granted, according to José A. Crespo, "That is the root of the scandal" (La Jornada, economia, p. 27, August 28, 2015).

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