viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

White House

"The matter among privates” of the gull: Juan Manuel Portal
White House & Malinalco
By: Carlos Damian                                          December 12, 2014
“I made the negotiation when it was not public official": Videgaray
México. -    The superior audit of the Federation (ASF) it cannot investigate the case called White House because it is a matter among privates, it sustained yesterday (12/11/14), the executive of the organism Juan Manuel del Portal (JMP), during the award of the 14 Contest of Rehearsal on Fiscal legal matter. When attending the rector of the UNAM, Jose Narro, he highlighted that the true crisis in the country and in the world, it is of moral order and of values. The auditor estimates that the matter of the canceled bid of the train could maybe be revised Mexico-Queretaro State, for conflict of interests. On the other hand Portal (JMP) he regretted that in the initiative that you discuss in the Congress to integrate the system national versus corruption some topics they have been excluded that they strengthen to the audit. God willing they consider that that originally had been bear in mind so that the system works, he added. He manifested in their speech that the country has spent for one period in the one that the institutions mere instruments of a closed elite were considered that could act to its will, in a discretionary and hidden way for a secret veil and aided in the force of the state.  

The auditor continues, it has not been easy task to make it, because even today in different government reticence and inertias levels subsist to the modernization that they are product of decades of a closed administrative culture and of an erroneous conceptualization, on the part of some public servants, of the public thing, as private patrimony, he said. Also, it highlighted in turn that there is economic, social and political crisis, but the true crisis it is moral and of values. Every day we send the mistaken sign when we go the hell that doesn't have money and it is a poor devil. Another slanted message is when “we determine to say that it doesn't care how the money is obtained, while they don't see you". Before dozens of workers (of ASF) the rector of the UNAM, added that when there are difficulties in the democracy, the exit is not the authoritarianism (or a Military Meeting), but struggling for the democracy.  
The property is in the club of Malinalco: 7.5 millions (2012) 
Two months before becoming secretary of Treasury, Luis Videgaray Caso he bought a property in Malinalco Club Golf, in the Mexico State, to manager Juan Armando Hinojosa (JAH), the federal government's same contractor that financed the White House, the mansion of 7 million dollars in the Chapultepec Hills property of Angelic Rivera, handcuffs of president Enrique Peña Nieto, The revealed Wall Street Journal (WSJ) this Thursday, (12/11/14). The house of Videgaray in Malinalco Golf Club has 850 square meters. It was bought in 7.5 million pesos -581 thousand dollars to the exchange rate of past time - for the current secretary of Treasury in October, 2012, two months before beginning the government of EPN, with a mortgage credit granted by manager Hinojosa (JAH), to pay in 18 months. At the present time, the properties in that residential complex that has golf field of 18 holes and heliport go from 850 thousand to 1.2 million dollars, according to Sotheby's International (real state investment). Perceiving real these data in the hand infer that an appreciation of 46 percent would have been generated in only two years. 
According to the daily WSJ, “Videgaray is not pointed out to have made some illegal act” with the purchase of the house. "But the transaction sums to the apparent conflicts of interests that they have damaged the credibility and the popularity of EPN after it came to Los Pinos residence with the promise of breaking up with the practices of the previous PRI, in the one that militates". It points out that it is “unusual” the official's transaction, when having appealed to a small signature real state -property of a contractor in the state government of which was high official - instead of going to a financial institution with the purpose of obtaining the credit to pay the luxurious residence. The relationship of Hinojosa with the secretary of Treasury “is a current example of the wide bonds of business and personnel between that contractor and the government's high officials". After the publication of the American newspaper Videgaray recognized to have bought its residence in October, 2012, and this official was coordinating of the presidential campaign of EPN, it was already seen as the current secretary of Treasury. 
For financial reasons 
In answer to the daily WSJ, “there wasn’t conflict of interests. I made the operation when we weren’t public official and the transaction was inside the parameters of the market", it pointed out. Also, in the newspaper points that the accusations of traffic of influences have been plentiful in the current government, after journalist Carmen Aristegui team's investigation revealed that a house in Chapultepec Hills of the president's wife Angelica Rivera, in Mexico City. It was property according to the public registration of property, of manager Juan Armando Hinojosa. Videgaray recognized that he knows Hinojosa for more than ten years. "I have with him and with their family a social relationship and of friendship". The residence in the Club of Golf if he/she appears in the declaration of goods, but it doesn't figure as mortgage credit that obtained to buy it, and he explained that it didn't seat in their patrimonial declaration the credit because the electronic form in that it is elaborated doesn't allow to specify when the loan is obtained of a non bank institution, like it is the case of the signature of Hinojosa that financed him the luxurious property. In their arguments to favor says, for financial reasons he decided to pay in their entirety the credit to Hinojosa in January of 2014. 
In the years in that it was EPN governor of Mexico State, Videgaray it was secretary of finances, among the favored local government's main contractors manager Hinojosa stands out, although to him it is recognized as the person that leased helicopters when EPN was candidate to the presidential seat. To the being tenant of Los Pinos residence, the contract was awarded to build an aqueduct from Veracruz to Monterrey and it also bid in the construction of a quick train from Mexico City to Queretaro State. The publication also adds that the secretary of Treasury is seen as the architect of the bankrupt economic strategy of the government of EPN. But at the present time he is inside in a storm for the slow growth of the economy in the two years to the front of the government dependence and for the recent fall in the prices of the petroleum. And it is seen the current government as another team more than it has devaluated to the national currency, as consequence of their bankrupt economic strategy. 

The insistence of the PRI in that the national system of anti-corruption is in charge of the president of the Republic, of the members of its cabinet and of the governors, it is impelled in the Chamber of Deputies a reformation to the Constitution to delimit crimes made with the handling of the budget and the contracts of public works, one more than its broken promises of campaign. The coordinator of the deputies of the PRD, Miguel Alonso Raya, it sustained that a law cannot be approved so that an advice versus corruption is controlled by the president and its governors. "The PRD cannot vote that" (foolishness). Officials thieves' examples: Carlos Salinas de Gortari, former president from Mexico, they forgave him that it was stolen half of the generous entry of the presidency of the republic; Nestor Moreno, former director of the CFE, it was accused of corruption and the yacht and the sport Ferrari returned him; Francisco Javier Gonzalez (PAN), former treasurer from Leon City, had 37 millions of Me Metrofinanciera that it broke at the end, but at the end it was discharged too,  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-4, December 13, 2014).

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