viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

Pemex dies

Mexico worries that it goes in sense contrary to the energy reformations of America of the South
Pemex dies
By: Carlos Damian                                                                             December 23, 2014
When following the one on the way to Mexico privatizing everything, Bolivia made it for 125 years and it was very poor
Mexico. -  Bolivia years ago it abandoned its ancestral place among the poorest countries in South America. Now with the process headed by the indigenous Aymara, Evo Morales, it is located among the three economies of more growth in the region. Next year an economic growth is expected up from 5 percent in Bolivia and it entries of the success it is based on its politics nationalize again of its natural resources, mainly gas and mining. Vice-president Alvaro Garcia Linares (AGL), he thinks with concern how Mexico, with its reformation energy privatizing, walks in contrary sense, in spite of being oil power in the American continent. "A country that it gives their national patrimony to other hands and that they are taken the earnings, sooner or later it goes toward their impoverishment of the society. No country should leave in hands of foreign companies the fundamental wealth of its country. Bolivia made it during 125 years and we become the poorest country in the continent."    
Vice-president AGL doesn't say that the process in its country is a model to continue, but he gives figures that would put green from envy to the strategists of the administration economic Mexican. The nationalization’s political of hydrocarbons and mines scared in a principle to the foreign investments. But after a brief time of drought the peak began. In 2013 the investment average arrived to a thousand 100 million dollars. In 2014, they are a thousand 700 million dollars, a historical level. "It little sounds, but it is necessary to keep in mind that Mexico has an economy bigger 30 times that ours". Other indicators: growth, 5.5 percent for 2014, reduction of the poverty, 20 points in six years. What means that 20 percent of the Bolivians has passed from its condition to the middle class; it reserve international, of 50 percent of GDP, one of the biggest from Latin America; a dynamics of the internal market that allows them to support the fall of the prices of the gas that was of 35 dollars in 2008 to 60 dollars in 2011, and now it is in 55.    
Second step   
In spite of the whole nation pluri-ethnic from Andes this situation “it isn’t a cup of milk” and their revolutionary process is crossed of contradictions, of “creative tensions", like he prefers to call them. This character of mathematical formation in the UNAM, he worries about the absurd and ridiculous situation from our country when giving to outsider our energy natural reservations. He adds that Bolivia is a model to continue it negotiated its concessions and contracts with the transnational companies in the mines and the gas of how. In this nationalization procedure two procedures were applied. In terms of the property of gas, and petroleum in smaller measure, low earth or in the duct everything was nationalized. No particular company can inscribe the resources that it found in our underground in the stock exchange like own, and certainly we reimburse them.   
For the facilities and the machinery contracts of services were signed. In exploration, the companies look for gas and petroleum. If they find the matter it is of the State. We decide to whom and in how much it is sold. For the machinery, the technology and the manpower, that is paid invested and we remunerate with a gain percentage between 10 and 154 percent of the rent. He calls itself the government takes. The government keeps the rest. Also, state régime is. There are three types of government take: the oil tanker, between 85 and 95 percent; the miner, among 55 and 65 percent, and the banker that is of 50 percent. That has allowed us to finance all the social programs. Before the proportion was to the inverse one. The rent for the national wealth left the country during 125 years. And we were the poorest country in the continent; their representatives went each year end to The States to request loans to pay wages, because we had a bureaucracy that was making us marches, manifestations because we didn't have with what to pay. Nowadays until we will pay double Christmas gift.    
Third step   
Still to the date there are people that consider our ruined nationalization’s ideas. Although it is worthy to say that ours is not a look to nationalize. We know that in many things it is better than the State it doesn't enter because it is too bureaucratic, and sometimes inoperative. It is good to open the way to the individual initiative and foreigner. But it is clear that in decisive things of the wealth of a country, like they are natural resources, it has to be the country the one that holds the reins, because if it is not escaped from the hands the conduction of their destination and the usufruct of some wealth that are not renewable. On the other hand our country shows contrary to the Mexican pattern of selling everything to the outsiders that there is another way of making the things. We would not have these rates of growth, of succeed to leave aside the extreme poverty, of expansion, of collective well-being of a society secularly taken to the misery, if we had not also made that decision that is, competitive efficient and it attracts foreign investment.  
In our country they are investing, Total of France; Repsol, of Spain; Petrobras, of Brazil, and recently, Synopec, of China, and Gazprom, of Russia has disembarked. We have at five o'clock big in Bolivia.  The second point, investment item is mining, tin and copper. In the tin there are two state mines, but now we will pass to the foundry area and to give them added value. Evo Morales began its first presidential period in 2006 and its second in 2011. In January it assumes for third occasion. It has expelled the ambassador from United States, and it has faced intents of coups for conspiracy of conservatives' groups. But it has also collided with their own people’s bases: two years ago it faced the of the indigenous Tipnis natives' territory of the National Park risings Isiboro-Sécure, in the Amazonia. Also, one year ago, to the miners of the tin in Huanuni. Everything it product of the natural contradictions in a process that seeks to be revolutionary “that necessarily has to take one or two steps behind to advance again"; result of having a “society in movement” where people, besides her daily concerns, have some time to dedicate to the politics.
"Suddenly we have that in Bolivia there are 10 million specialists in gas, this is the whole population that they have technical knowledge in funds of pensions. People are had politician and that is a virtue. Classic Marxist and ‘gramscian’, member of the Army guerilla Tupaj Katari (EGTK), and political prisoner during five years, it has formed cuff link with president Morales since they rushed to the political fight starting from the wars of the gas, the water and the coca, in 2000, now that it exercises the power but he has met with situations that it was not foreseen in the political literature. One of their experiences with the Huanuni was when the tin mines were nationalized, the mine was controlled and what calls “most radical self-management in the continent armed". Now it is that the miners are those that decide in that wears out the money, but they also decide what to make with the earnings, the saving and the mines after everything belongs to the Bolivian citizens. What pity that the government from Mexico goes against all the American experiences and against the economic natural evolution of a town, although Bolivia teaches them a model that works they will insist in its van model of security, energy and financial. A not well comic one put to political. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 12-13, December 22, 2014).

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