miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Freezing Europe: USA

It will start a plan cooperation decennial in several sectors
Freezing Europe: USA
By: Carlos Damian                                           August 7, 2014
It stands out the interest to develop an economic war
Mexico. -  At some hours of the imposition of financial sanctions, energetic and military of The States and the European Union against Russia, the Kremlin announced its decision of vetoing the import of foods European and American -meat, milky, fruits, vegetables and fish among other -, and it noticed of to enlarge the reprisals to the prohibition of flights that they cross for its territory and to introduce “defensive measures” in the self-propelled industry, aeronautics of construction of crafts. They like or not, the previous determination is a reciprocal and proportional measure to the isolation crusade undertaken by Brussels and Washington against Moscow, to the heat of the tensions blocks pair for the civil war in Ukraine that loosened, remember between both that there was a rebellion of the Euromaidan, impelled certainly for West. What began as a pulse of contemporary geopolitical order tornado is had in a matter of serious consequences for the national economies that it allows to ponder the existence from a real counterbalance to West that is that of Russia, and it remits us, in an unavoidable way at the times of the cold war, with Nikita Krushev rotating their Russian missiles in Fidel Castro's Cuba, and saving of the nuclear catastrophe president John F. Kennedy. 
But now one has a mutual attempt that doesn't reside in the possibility of untying a nuclear holocaust, but of raking an escalade of economic sanctions potentially with effects devastating for the respective populations, mainly those of smaller revenues. Beyond the phenomenon that we describe there is a series of consequences because it questions one of the optimistic perspectives of the instigators of the globalization: the depth of the economic interdependence among the nations of the world would end up reducing the conflicts among them, because it would reinforce it relates of mutual necessity. On the other hand, the reality is that the economic interdependence will be used as a factor of pressure and of hostility for powers like The States, Russia and China. Against the grain of these factors the referred situation generates global poles, for the emergent markets of Latin America, Asia and Africa it represents a great opportunity window that our country has lost in automatic. In contrast with the facts that can worry in this situation and in the measure that one of the foregone effects of the sanctions and mentioned vetoes are the diversification and the opening of a market of enormous proportions, as Russian and Chinese.  

The lost opportunity of Mexico 
The president from The States clings to the idea of freezing the relationships economic-diplomats with Russia, but in his kick you of passing his also freeze, in the strict sense of the word, to millions of European homes that depend in supreme degree of the supply of Russian gas. To Washington it leaves him more expensive the broth that the meatballs, because in the adventures of un-slept empire it is taken among the paws to their European allied countries. Of this circumstance it comes off if Obama and their accomplices of the European Union have with which “to heat” and “to move” the population and the European industry that it takes that early they will leave without energy. This because 40 percent of the gas and near 30 percent of the petroleum that consume the integral nations of the European Union they are supplying by Russia, and without more problems Kremlin has where to place its production in case the "allies" decide to pay the high cost that imposes them the whim of the White House. If we remit ourselves to the previous sanctions of the Consent of Washington, of passed May.  

Russia signed a contract of export of gas to China: 38 thousand million annual cubic meters, along next three decades, with a dear value of 400 thousand million dollars. The company Gazprom has commented that it is not its intention to lose the European market, but it signed with the Asian giant being ahead at the times. If we document ourselves in the yank history, we see that the "blockades" to the governments that don't join to their whims only damage the inhabitants of the sanctioned nations, but if of "punishments " it seizes it treats the first one in the list it should be the own The States for their long chain of aggressions, attacks, invasions, blockades, coups and annexations of territories. As for magic art European imitators appear, with Germany, France, Holland, England, Belgium, Italy, and certainly, Spain to the head. In this universal history from the Soviet times, Europe has been the biggest consumer of Russian gas. But when remitting us to the data, we have that 100 percent of the internal consumption of gas in European nations, as: Finland. Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Slovakia depends on the energy one Russian. 
Other nations are very dependent of the Russian gas, and in full energy crisis in the world they will sacrifice the gringos. Perhaps what they look for is an energy saving and to sacrifice some old citizens and poor workers that don't have the capital to face the artificial shortage, and also near 50 percent it would lose the supply of the gas for the homes and their industrial apparatus. Also it would grow 20 percent of the supply that comes from Algeria, former colony French that it pays a high price for their independence, and of Libyan that is a country razed by the European Union and United States to keep the control of their energy ones. For what they would have (UE) then that to depend on the possibility of being given by the Norwegian that really only cover 30 percent of the demand, because The States is a net importer of petroleum and gas. Of there the importance geo-strategic of Ukraine, for this territory passes near 60 percent of the ducts like a connected spider's web with Siberia, and these tubes transport the Russian gas to the rest of Europe. The States neither would come out well liberated of this situation, since around 75 percent of its imports of Russia they correspond to gas and petroleum, for a figure approximate to the 120 thousand million annual dollars. Although the White House already covered its backyard of reservoir of black gold, after the approval of the “energy reformation” of Mexico, with the clumsy Mexicans. 
In this context it is not casual that Moscow and China have begun negotiations with diplomats of Latin American countries with the purpose of substituting the foods of the European Union and The States whose exports to Russia last year ascended in that item, of 15 thousand 800 to a thousand 300 million dollars, respectively. We should highlight the circumstance that forces to meditate on the paper of Mexico in the globalization, in our situation country it should benefit the same as other emergent countries, if the economy of the country had a strategy of diversification of markets (that doesn't have), as those that have adopted other nations of the south hemisphere. However the economic war between Russia and West coincides in the time with a double submission from our country to The States: the politics that is expressed with the lukewarmness with which the Mexican government usually reacts before the authorities of the neighbor of the north, and the economic one that is reflected in the fact that the immense majority of the exports of our country will going to the American market. The opportunity that comes off of the current geopolitical crisis finds to our country in a vulnerability position and dependence, result of government zeal in driving the politics and national economy under the precepts dictated from Washington, as good country slave. Finally for mere chance it USA it announces the “hardening" of sanctions against Russia. And this country has not said neither it tweets on the massacre in the Fringe of Gaza, but the ministry summarized this way the situation: "it is a primitive intent of avenging the fact that the events in Ukraine are not developed according to the script of Washington". (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 24- 29, July 18, 2014).

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