sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

Without brain

They are now independent agents the Mexican capitalists in their intervention inside Pemex
Without brain
By: Carlos Damian                                          July 24, 2014
After the strategic sale the transnational ones are those that will manage the country
Mexico. -   The law of hydrocarbons approved last night in the Senate it deepens in the intervention of the initiative privated in exploration and exploitation, import and commercialization, through “independent agents", of natural gas; in the turbosine sale to airlines and the migration of Pidiregas is even facilitated that have been financed with public debt, to the new mechanisms of contracts. The transnational ones will be able to form consortia to explore and to exploit locations, in contrast with the original writing that limited the obtaining of a contract for companies in the individual thing. For it was adjusted it the pattern proposed in the selection of the contractors. The initiative intended to use the variable of maximum benefits obtained for the State. “However it is considered necessary to include other variables, also economic that they allow analyzing the technical benefits in the selection and it has modified the initiative so that the State can either subscribe exploration contracts with companies, public or private, in an individual way or in consortium". It was the obligation of Pemex strong of paying a “state dividend" equivalent to 30 percent of its utilities after taxes, additional to the rights that it pays to Treasure (SHCP), and in contrast maximum terms were not included for the contracts and licenses. Neither had it noticed the limit to the percentage of the oil rent that will be granted to the contractors. 
 The possibility was included that “any person” obtains permits for recognition and superficial exploration; the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, refinement, prosecution of gas; transport, storage, distribution and it expended the public of oil, and the transport and storage of petrochemical. Among the additions to the original initiative, negotiated by the PAN with the government, the obligation of Pemex is included and of the Mexican Institute of the Petroleum (IMP, for theirs initial in Spanish) of giving all the strategic information, up to now reserved, of each basin, field and location, to constitute the national center of information of hydrocarbons that will be tossed to walk for matters via a contract without bid. Such a disposition includes a ticket of between 20 and 100 million pesos, if the State property company or the IMP, it doesn’t give the information. In contrast with the official publicity regarding that in 2015 it will lower the price of the fuels, PAN and government of the PRI they agreed to continue those “monthly shot gas” and that Pemex will stop to sell gasoline and diesel exclusively, “as maximum", at December 31, 2016. The transitory article 16 says: "The politics of maximum prices to the public that is emitted will foresee adjustments in an appropriate way with the prospective inflation of the economy, and in case the international prices of gasoline and diesel experience high volatility, the Federal Executive will foresee adjustment mechanisms that they allow to revise to the rise the increments of the mentioned prices, in a consistent way with the evolution of the international market”.  

In a context in the one that Mexico imports half of the gasoline that waste away, the law anticipated: "At beginning on January 1, 2017, or before if the conditions of the market allow it, the permits for the import of gasoline and diesel will be been able to grant to any interested one that fulfills the applicable juridical dispositions". To facilitate the entrance to the national market of the foreign companies, PAN and government they agreed to impose an asymmetric regulation first hand for the sales of hydrocarbons, oil or petrochemical, “to limit the dominant power of Pemex, as long as a bigger participation of economic agents is achieved". Like they are against the power of Pemex, the government's company the Mexican legislators try to annihilate it before the presence of foreigner's company, for this way to return to Pemex becomes anything. In take into consideration, it is defined that the energy politics will have as objective that the “productive companies of the State don't block the competition and the efficient development of the markets” and that so much the Secretary of Energy like the Regulator or Economic Competition Commissions, they will take charge of the actions that it is considered necessary to foment the healthy development of the foreign industry. (La Jornada, Enrique Mendez, et. al.).
The earth expropriation for transnational 
It has been a tricky attack in the legislatures that hit from an implacable way to the economy of the Mexicans and the national interest is being left behind by the structural reformations, and they will always benefit the capitalist foreigner. It is evident the anxious foreign voracity to land with their messengers in the area of the New Spain, since not only the oil sale is what interests them, but the direct expropriation of the lands that they have the distress that the oil companies end up crossing their properties. The government neither late neither lazy it gives them legal security so that they are made in passing from the lands to servitude title that supposedly they will be negotiated among the rural proprietors, peasant and ejido’s men, with the help of the offices of managerial lawyers, with the simple warning that the federal government will decree the appropriation of those lands, to put them to the service of the outsider capitalists, if the "parts" don't come to an agreement quickly in the figures of the considerations. In having given case that the government condemns properties of the matters, it is unheard because he will make it for private cause 'outsider’, not by reason of public utility.  
The vengeance of the PRI in the government, is not little thing if we remember that up to now the government behavior always stayed effective still in the governments of the ultra-right (PAN), however now the guardian principle is ignored in peasants' support and labor, as the spirit of the Mexican revolution from 1910 and transformed into constitutional letter in 1917. This event happens to daily in the Mexican beaches where the outsiders are those that rob the Mexicans of the best beaches, but now Enrique Pena Nieto is the guardian character of the interests of foreigners to rob the regular Mexican of their lands and to give them to the outsiders. In spite of these attacks to the Mexican citizen, they don't protest of being a citizen of third class, since after suffering the plagues of the drug traffic, public insecurity, lack of credits and official supports, and in general the economic crisis, the Mexican continues staggered and quiet receiving these blows of the State. In this context the lack of political sensibility, ignorance of the Mexican history, the president is noticed it is moved by rebellious springs and predators that have transformed to the great nation into a private business where the Federal Executive is the dictator and it has been prepared in his defense by means of a swindle strategic call Pact for Mexico, where the national parties belong for sale commercial frank to any bidder, and the transnational ones are the professional hitters, but in spite of eventual disturbances they don't move and all united ones are able to advance in the imposition of collections and punishments, because the citizens are not able to be organized and neither they are interested in offering resistance. 
Of the popular side we don't find anybody that tries to stop the deliriums of this dictator's greatness, no effective strategy, no commercial frankness, Morena it is only profiled but it only concentrates their view on the obtaining of their registration as party. The result is visible. It is a moment of historical repression that the left parties don't hit upon to react before such a loaded one of being able to total, the ultra-right threatens the process of the delivery from the energy wealth to the outsider, to the federal government, noticing that the approval of the secondary laws would leave until "September" if they are not 'harmonists' the changes in political and electoral matter, and it fears that that gotten in the federal plane as regards a pale electoral reformation and politics is stopped in the states by extracted governors of the PRI. Secretary Osorio Chong will make the governors under his control to order that the local congresses approve the "harmonization ". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 9-18, July 18, 2014).

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