lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


 We will arrive to the bottom of the fraud: Osorio Chong Banamex
By: Carlos Damian                                            March 8, 2014
The great corruption in the six years of administration of the PAN
Mexico. - The executive of the secretary of Government, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MAO), he noticed that “they will arrive until their last consequence” in the investigations of the “illegalities and irregularities detected in the performance of the company Oceanography and it rejected that he seeks to be carried out a hunt of witches to Vicente Fox administration. According to the investigation begun by the PGR against the Company private Oceanography that is devoted to offer services to the company oil property of the state; this it is one of the main contractors of Pemex, it is strictly a matter of the preservation of the right state". In one of the interviews given in the Senate to the press, apparent MAO, “it has been clear and validated, with this government's actions that none of the legal actions will play the political environment. We have validated it and we will follow it making, respectful of all the political actors", he emphasized.

The financial authorities are revising the processes of assignment of loans on the part of Banamex that made possible that that field, the second of more size in the country, it granted to Oceanografia credits for 400 million dollars aided with false guarantees, Luis Videgaray Caso revealed (LVC), secretary of Treasury and Public Credit (SHCP, for theirs initials in Spanish) who qualified “the fraud matter among private companies". One of the federal government's objectives is to assure an appropriate recovery of the credits granted to Oceanografia by Banamex and other institutions". The official declined to offer details on an eventual investigation for laundry of money -one of the most serious crimes in the legislation financial Mexican - against Banamex. "We are not at this time in condition of revealing investigations that are in course. According to the procedures settled down in the law, we will give the information in their moment", the answer that gave it was when he was interrogated with regard to if the SHCP, co-authority responsible for the financial sector, investigates laundry of money in Banamex. Banamex in the aim of Treasury One week later, Banamex recognized that they gave loans to Oceanografia - company assured by the PGR that same day - for 585 million dollars. Of that quantity 185 million dollars just were only granted with real guarantees and the rest, 400 millions with falsified documents. The subsidiary bank of the American City Bank has not given to know the name up to now of the directive that approved the credits to Oceanografia with falsified documents. "They are carrying out different procedures in several environments on the part of the federal government's dependences in coordinated form.

Conform these procedures they can be given to know, we will make this way it but I am not under conditions of advancing the procedures in course", LVC responded. According to the viceroy Videgaray, this whole investigation has had for objective to safeguard the operation of Pemex, since that company is supplying one of the main ones of shipping services in the ‘sonda de Campeche': to protect the 11 thousand employments of that company and to assure an orderly recovery and to the maximum possible of the credits granted by Banamex “and other institutions." The Chamber of deputies approved to mention to a “work meeting” before commissions to the executive of the PGR, Jesus Murillo Karam and to the director of the Pemex, Emilio Lozoya Austin (ELA), to explain the penal process that is continued to Oceanografia, for fraud to financial institutions among them to Banamex, as well as the form in that they surrendered the contracts to that company in the two last six years of federal administration, in those that one shows off Vicente Fox (VF) and Felipe Calderon (FC) administrations they should also be investigated by fraud to the nation and private institutions.

The coordinator of the PRI, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, explained that to the appointment to the officials -to leave of the 18 hours of Monday - it will be to respond more than two dozens of questions that accumulated on the part of the deputies that go from the reformation to allow the private investment until the mega scandal with Oceanografia and the accusations of fraud of the company of Amado Yañez". Another implied in the fraud to Pemex and Banamex is Juan Bueno Torio (JBT), of the PAN who was managing of Pemex Refinery and it was accused penalty by presumed traffic of influences to favor his relatives in the transportation of fuels in Veracruz, it pointed out from the tribune legislative that who were officials in the six years of VF and FC, “they are ready so that it is investigated." Banamex and CNBV, are responsible for the fraud: JBT Pemex JBT's former official, enlarged: "And if somebody put him hand to the drawer that he pays their blames and responsibilities. But don't make gibe of pure rumors". For the PAN - man the responsibility of the fraud is the own Banamex and the Bank National Commission and of Values (CNBV, for their initials in Spanish) that were lax in the supervision of the transactions of Oceanografia, JBT alleged.

"The banks become very touchy if somebody deposits 100 thousand pesos cash, and they request from birth until the records of your grandmother! JBT when ascending to the tribune in the session legislative of (03/06/14), then that that deputed Manuel Huerta (PT) and Ricardo Mejia Berdeja (MC) they questioned that in the Chamber’s corridors where they walk with contempt, thanks to the jurisdiction who they were directive in Pemex in the 12 years of governments of the PAN. “Vicente Fox, his family, is clear that they are mixed in these topics. They won't make them anything. Some walk here among the corridors, because they have the impunity of the régime of the PRI. They are put until the hands in tricks, you trade and robberies to the nation", Manuel Huerta (MH) mentioned. Legislator MH stood out that, after three weeks of obstructing the appearance of ELA, finally it was authorized to mention it starting “from that openly begins to overflow the immense corruption in Pemex that involves deputies in this legislature that if they had honor, they would ascend here to clarify and to request license for this tremendous corruption that floods Pemex". The convocation to the procurator and ELA, enlarged, it was endorsed “as a control of damages". Ricardo Mejia (RMB), coordinator of the political group outlined that the presence of both officials will allow that both “explain the sewer of the corruption that has been uncovered in Oceanografia, with frauds in policies and credits". It considered that you cannot acquit Pemex of the fraud because the company State’s property “paid, it hired and it corrupted and it was allowed to corrupt. Beginning with VF, and FC and all the directors of Pemex and of some subsidiaries like Pemex exploration and Refinement. Here there are people, in these legislator’s chairs that should give testimony".

As colophon of these discussions in the Senate, the coordinator of the PRD, Silvano Aureoles, affirmed that the ship Goliath, taken for worthy of Oceanografia, it cannot get lost on the high seas: "Not a ship of these dimensions. We hope Goliath has not become yellow submarine." The impunity like the sun leans out in the federal court Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), it questioned that a procurator at the general attorney's office of the republic, Jesus Murillo Karam (JMK) he affirms that the investigations on the fraud of the company Oceanografia don't involve until the moment to Pemex. "According to JMK anything has to see in the fraud of Oceanography officials of Pemex, much less VF, FC, and EPN (Enrique Pena Nieto). Vile impunity", he wrote last night in their account of Twitter. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2 - 3, March 7, 2014).

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