miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Free Moreira

It was not accredited the illicit origin of the money: judge
Free Moreira
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 24, 2016
The ex-governing denies that may have received message of the government
Mexico. -  The judge of the Audiencia Nacional Santiago Pedraz took his statement and some hours after signed his car in the one which ordered his put at large free without bail. However it fixed two restrictions at least until defeat the term so that is present some resource to his decision: not to leave of Spain and to deliver his passport. Humberto Moreira Valdes (HMV), "of course that have nothing to do with Los Zetas. They killed to my son", said to his exit of the high safety prison of Soto del Real. The ex-governing of the Mexican Coahuila State, of 49 years lived throughout 2013 in Barcelona after the assassination of his son, Jose Eduardo Moreira. Arrived to Spain 15 of January to the airport from Madrid originating from Mexico City to present an examination of the education doctorate that was studying, but before entering country and after collecting their suitcases was arrested by the Spanish National Policeman by order of the judge of the Audiencia Nacional Jose de la Mata, that that day were found of custody. The petition of his detention came of the prosecutors’ anticorruption, Jose Grinda and Juan Jose de la Rosa, who had been investigating to the Mexican politician from makes more than a year and middle, with an exhaustive review of their financial movements, alertness and listens telephonic.

Have nothing to do with Los Zetas: HMV
In function of the data that they collected and of the tests and testimonies that obtained, decided to increase the petition to the judge and take advantage the presence of Moreira (HMV) in Spain to order his detention. The custody judge accepted and decreed the formal prison without right to bail, alleging flight risk, and accepted the offenses imputed by the district attorney's office anticorruption: money whitening, criminal association, bribe and public funds embezzlement.  From the past 15 of January HMV lived imprisoned in the maximum safety jail of Spain, which it was built with the objective of enclosing there to the most dangerous prisoners. There it is found fulfilling penalty or waiting to be personage courts linked to organization extremists, Mahommedans, drug-traffickers, integrating of the mafias Russian and Italian, or  political accused of corruption. A week after his detention, the ex-governing of Coahuila left finally of him cell to be moved to Madrid, and that have Soto del Real, is found approximately 60 kilometers of the city. Is going to appear thus before the judge Pedraz. As any prisoner, arrived to the conferences room guarded by the policeman and in a police vehicle. 

There it was found for the first time with the justice Magistrate and with the fiscal two, which impelled so much their investigation as the cause in his against.  Once within the room of the judge, HMV listened the reading of their rights and it was questioned on whether wanted to assume his right and it was questioned on whether wanted to assume his right to not to declare. What answered it: "Not, I want to declare and to collaborate in what is possible maximum with the justice".  The prosecutors interrogated to the Mexican politician during more than 45 minutes. The ex-national leader of the PRI answered one by one the questions. The prosecutors queried in a first moment on the origin of 200 thousand Eurus what are investigated of course washed of money, which moved during 2013, when fixed his residence in Barcelona. He as well as his defense provided large information and official documents that they would have "demonstrated" the origin "lawful" of the money, as well as the corresponding vouchers of the commercial transactions of the two investigated companies and to name of HMV, Unipolares and Espectaculares del Norte y Negocios. After the prosecutors centered the questions in the link of HMV with the cartel de Los Zetas, being based above all on journalistic information and on statements made in Texas by the protected and ex witness lends-name of the imputed, Rolando Gonzalez Trevino. 

Alone we received the customary consular assistance: HMV
So much the ex-governing of Coahuila as his defense alleged at all times that it does not has neither it has had ever links with the organized crime or with the mentioned Cartel. The judicial document that decreed the freedom of HMV, signed by the judge Pedraz, mentions: "It is not accredited the illicit origin of the money and is tried in fact to transfers to money accounts to those which societies is majority associate Moreira Valdes, to accounts of the same in Spain; without furthermore it exist indicium some of the fact that is tried to societies "screen" or "ghosts". Also the judge warns that the only one offense that it can recognize the Spanish legislation is that of “whitening", that now dismisses, and warns that the investigations opened in Mexico on public funds embezzlement and the supposed wash of that money “have been filed". Now the District Attorney's Office Anticorruption has between three and five days to appeal the decision of the judge. In case that not make it, the cause will be filed. After making public the decision, the judge moved to the penitentiary center of official way the freedom document, that delayed in arriving more than six hours, therefore Moreira (HMV) left of the jail about the eight of the night, hour of Madrid. 

To his exit the Mexican politician indicated: "I did not come to the university, but it was not knowing that to this university. Then I am very glad of power to leave and with a huge desire of eating ‘brave potatoes’. I am very well mentally and very grateful. It was an experience for the life and that I will carry always, furthermore that God permitted me the opportunity of knowing a lot of people, to know the needs, the problems that have. It was a life experience". To be questioned on the serious accusations in your against, HMV was limited to indicate that "of the topics of legal character, as I do not am attorney, I prefer that it will be the defending the one which speak. Furthermore, I do not have the terminology from here in Spain". However, it asserted definitive: "Of course that have nothing to do with Los Zetas. They killed to my son". Recognized that during the week that lasted their imprisonment did not receive no call neither message of the government from EPN, nor from their party. "Uniquely we received the customary consular assistance".

Presented relevant tests: RMV
On the other hand it is known that the ex-governing of Coahuila will not be able to leave of Spain, because according to the authorities their process continues opened. It was arrested 15 of January of this year, and according to the sources emerged their unexplainable wealth from the beginnings of his government, when Calderon was the president. It is primitive to issue judgments on the persons without the due process, but in Mexico never is processed to the "delinquent of white neck", especially if they are of the elite in the power. For that reason the citizens do not doubt in prosecuting publicly to HMV, which are acquitted with skillful processes of a supposed Secretariat of the Public Function. This event shows us the impunity mantle, is going beyond the seas. It is therefore that we see as to him have been able to load responsibilities in other country and to incarcerate it. It is a classic case of corruptive politician and a concealer system. It is of outside penalty that to a thief to him may not have been able to apply the justice in their country, and is observed as the judge is going it to leave alone due to the multiple business arrangements between Spain and Mexico. (La Jornada, politica, p.p.1- 8, January 23, 2016).

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