miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Mexican oil

For the first time Mexico from 1938, begins to bid oil sectors to foreigners 
Mexican oil   
By: Carlos Damian                                                      July 15, 2015 
Ronda one; the federal government begins to plunder the energy resources
México. -  The last Wednesday (07/15/15), they will award the first contracts, what constitutes an unpublished fact in the history of lootings of energy. In Mexico we face a simulation that presents as a new development model that had been managed already before the oil expropriation, for the emanated politicians of the Mexican Revolution that showed off the development of Mexico in petroleum. This  development “new” model will be opening the way at the present time to the recovery of the petroleum and gas that they abandoned the subsequent federal administrations in the last 30 years -for such a reason we suffer of lack of provision of gasoline in our domestic stations of service -. The beats of bid of areas for exploration activities and extraction, by means of international open competitions, are the fundamental instrument of the new legal mark to pass of a concentration of activities in a state company to an appropriately diversified, wide industrial system of hydrocarbons, include and competitive. The beat one you design to create an industrial ecosystem and with the briefcase of areas contractual search to incentive the foreigners the investment in diverse types and sizes of companies specialized by activity and geologic knowledge.
At the present time 83 companies have been written down that show interest in some of the announced three convocations. The two ends will be given to know in the second semester of this year. Those that one can see are that up to now the ecosystem already includes to the transnational, and national in the one that the Mexican sector twenty companies are written down that intrude as operators. It is hardly the first convocation in December 11, and in July 15, 2014 the award of the contracts, Mexico it will be taken it has been able to elaborate competitive outlines, and it puts into practice an institutional system of apparent transparency. It was defined in the outline of the energy reformation, by means of the Secretary of Energy, with technical attendance of the National Commission of Hydrocarbons, looking for to maximize as much the geologic attractiveness as the use of the effective infrastructure. It is also managed as a pre-qualification process about the financial and technical capacities, as well as the analysis of the Unit of Financial Intelligence of the Secretary of Treasury and Public Credit. The international experience of Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador indicates that in these exercises blocks are awarded between 30 and 50 percent. 
Ronda one  
The government of the republic will assign the first contracts of oil production for the most part to outsiders’ companies. With this action the consummation of a crime begins more against the homeland and the country will go back to the subordination, in this matter that prevailed until before the oil expropriation of 1938.  It is the beginning of a road without direction, of control loss on our natural resources, of the populations' subjection that inhabit the oil regions, of loss of revenues to assist the social necessities and even of institutional weakness of the own State to manage the national development. The control loss on this strategic area of the national economy began in the moment in that the Executive and the parties that support him reformed the articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Constitution in December of 2013. A reformation that mutilated the rights of property and domain of the nation on the hydrocarbons that it mined the bases of a national oil industry that it had been developed until being placed to the height of the most important of the world during 77 years was.
The industry begins from 1938, already integrated as oil industry, pioneer in its time and continued by most of the countries that looked for its energy independence. During more than half century Pemex impelled the industrialization and an economic growth that it has not been known before, sustaining a politics of low prices. It was constituted in permanent source of a strong rent that it has sustained the public finances, it is constituted in a great impulse in highways, health and education. The precipitate delivery that makes the government of this national wealth of the oil sector is presented with a serious absence: the lack of entities regulators with the experience and necessary force to control the big transnational companies that dominate the sector. Already taking in consideration the changes made, it will be given to the private operators a fiscal and financial treatment that the governments’ delivering denied systematically to Pemex. At the moment Pemex contributes 71 pennies of each dollar that obtains of the sale of barrel of petroleum, contrary to the new concessionaires they will contribute less than 20 pennies. The structural reformation of EPN is to put in a corner Pemex and to give the oil reservations to the outsider, leaving this oil them of the old reservations with a life not bigger than 9 years and it leaves the new reservations to the private operators. The 14 blocks that they have been assigned per for periods to each transnational one of more than 25 years, they are part of the call  round one it is about that has foreseen to bid 169 blocks on a total of 28.5 thousand square kilometers. 
These blocks embrace Plegado Perdido (11 blocks), in the states of the northeast (eight), Chicontepec (89), deep water south (17), as well as terrestrial and shallow waters of the Gulf of Campeche (44). This project is so ambitious and delivered to outsider that doesn't have precedent partly some of the world. Up to now convocations have been published for 19 contracts of shared production and 26 license contracts that are prohibited by the political Constitution of Mexico, but that doesn't care they go ahead with their treacherous project. In accordance with the information published by the National Commission of Hydrocarbons is not homogeneous, the total of offered reservations will overcome 2 thousand million barrels, of which 15 percent would be of probable reservations, 29 probable percent and the possible rest. Before the collapse of the prices of the petroleum in the international market and instead of changing opinion they continued offering the juiciest national reservations. In accordance with all these adverse situations the presidential cabinet the magnitude of the earnings that they will be tax-free, increases and it favors terms for the beginning of activities, what will allow the investors to acquire legal rights on resources with low risks and high profitability without being forced to carry out investments, but until the uncertainty of the joint to low prices could decrease its earnings. 

It’s indispensable that the Congress of the Union, in use of their abilities, before the signature of the oil contracts, demand that all and each one of the clauses open up to the public knowledge. In this sense the legislation is applied that for the popular representation it determines the validity of the oil contracts legally and intervene in the determination of the public revenues that they arise of the economic clauses of those contracts, preventing that the SHCP determines them discretionally. One still has faith that many citizens and organizations can undertake initiatives, with the purpose of maintaining alive the fight against the delivery to interests contrary to Mexico, and the interests of the citizens that are fighting for the sovereignty of the nation on their natural resources. It is alerted to the society on the spoil practices and aggression that in other countries, and with other last administrations in Mexico, they have registered against people seated in areas of probable presence of locations of petroleum. With these antecedents it is feasible that the communities that are linked to projects of oil exploitation, could decide their future, that which is unlikely that it is carried out according to the projects that it has the presidential cabinet of EPN.  From these lines we reject that a private company, be above the economic activities, the residence and the population's property that it inhabits on natural wealth of Mexico. (La Jornada, economia, p.p.12- 13, July 15, 2015).

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