jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Mexico is a power shipwrecked

Mexico in the world stage
Mexico is a power shipwrecked
By: Carlos Damián January 1, 2011
Mexico with the rhetoric toward Latin America
México. – The contemporary history of Mexico in the world stage has an algid point in the eighties. We fix between 1930s and 1980. Mexico was a champion of the principles of not intervention, political asylum, auto-determination of the towns and several causes of the Third world. Upon putting this period as reference the industrialization based on imports substitution. Mexico we would recall was leader in Latin America.

However Mexico abandoned the leadership that maintained some years with the PRI in the power, and adopted with the mode of the neoliberalism, in 80’s, the consensus of Washington that requires that the countries of the periphery adopt the policies dictated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the dominant countries in the international scene. In this critical step for our nation go from the auto-determination to the subordination, the obedience and the dependency.

Upon subscribing the Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), without the consensus of the workers and personnel in the economic system. Mexico was estranged of the common causes of Latin America and of the Third World. With this action Mexico is observed that it can not be married with The States and be an important country in Latin America at the same time. In social matter, Mexico was converted justly of the privatization trends begun by the dictatorship of Pinochet in the years 70’s, that in a leader.

Mexico as many other countries copied without creativity, the social security reforms of Chile that replaced the intergenerational solidarity with individual capitalizations. (About 90’s). Also copied the policy from eliminating subsidies generalized to basic things and to substitute a universal preventive policy with a compensatory, selective and curative. Therefore due to the foregoing would have to be considered to Mexico as a power shipwrecked and not as an emerging medium power.

About the paper of Mexico in the multilateral organizations, we can add the following, 'It generalized impression is that of a loss of the sheen and the influence of other eras, our country no longer has power of initiative, what characterizes in the multilateral forums when it was active promoting of central projects for the international life of the years 70’s and 80’s.'…'the country does not appear as promoting of some of the large topics of discussion… neither as recognized leader of some negotiations… (Mexico and the world: Changes and continuity, MAP-ITAM, Mexico, 2006, p. 199 and p. 13, of Pilar Pellicer 'OP').

The authoress indicates that they should of be taken three factors: The geopolitical position; the ownership to the intermediate country category (emerging economy); and the project of leader about policy foreign. Add the authoress, "these three factors are conjugated for undrawn the location of Mexico in the international policy. What results in which our country does not may have a defined regional identity; we are an intermediate country without aspirations to convert us into a medium power, but either we have strategies neither objective of foreign policy on the part of political leadership". (p.p. 21-22).

Pellicer writes in its book, Mexico by its culture and geographical situation does not belong to the American culture (neither it is a country allied), and that either belongs to The States (though were strengthened our governing), therefore we would abridge that it does not has any link nor strategic alliance with some Latin America country. Continuous OP, "Mexico has a professional diplomacy, however this is not sufficient. The leadership of the mediums powers depends on other factors". We say size, demographic heavy, international economic participation, military capacity and it will of influence, expressed in clear strategies in international matters. Pellicer concludes that, "Mexico has some limitations, but above all lacks a concrete project foreign policy. (p.23).

In this point there would be that to add that also lacks Mexico a nation project, and the authoress writes it thus, "if something defines the relationships of Mexico with the foreign is the lack of direction, the improvisation topic … without a conducting line that give sense to the joint. (p.p. 23-24). Also the authoress clarifies us, " powers emergency middles that seek to occupy a place in the international policy: India and Brazil. They are indicia of an old clear project and well structured to obtain presence and international influence". The case from Mexico the project from Mexico as regional leader, it does not exist. In the facts the Mexican political speech of the Latin American brotherhood and the alliance with the countries of the south to offset the weight of The States, it is rhetoric only. The relationships of Mexico with Latin America are weak and erratic in the political speech as well as in what is economic. (p. 69). (La Jornada, economía, p.p. 34, December 10, 2010).

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