sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Protectionist seizure

Protectionist seizure
By: Carlos Damian May 3, 2010
U.S.A. decrees the embargo of the Mexican shrimp
Meanwhile the tuna blue fin, the cod, the salmon: kinds under exploitation
México. – On Tuesday past (20/4/10) came into effect the embargo decreed by United States to the Mexican shrimp captured in high sea with nets of drag, that represents approximately a fourth part of the total that each year obtains such fishery. It is not the first embargo that United States decrees against a Mexican product. Before suffered it by various reasons, tuna, avocado, melon and the strawberry.

In this occasion the authorities of the neighboring country argued that the nets used by the shrimper ships also capture sea’s turtles. In the country of the bars and the stars to import shrimp where such countries fishing fleet kill turtle is forbidden. The measure was communicated to the Mexican government in January but this made known it two months after. We would recall when it was decreed the embargo against the tuna yellow fin, the neighbor alleged that in the apprehension of such kind was killed dolphins.

That seizure, compelled to modernize the fishing fleet, and it is good to recall that it was supported by an organization ecologist. Island of the land, ally of the American tuna fishing ship, that give to it a few dollar cents by each tuna can that sells in their market with the legend: free of dolphins. That embargo was with clear protectionist dyes. The authorities upon answering the embargo of the shrimp were contradicted; between them emphasize to the executive of the environment, Juan Elvira, on the other hand Patricio Padrón Laviada, recognized from a principle that not all the fleet shrimper was protecting them. In equal sense was pronounced the leader of the entrepreneurs of the branch.

From makes 14 years the authorities established a program to exclude to the turtles of the casts of shrimp apprehension. And that it makes two the American part communicated to Mexico irregularities in the operation of part of the shrimper fleet concerning to guarantee the life of those animal millenniums. We note that our zealous neighboring, on the other hand makes its ecologist work with the tuna blue fin, the cod, the salmon of the Atlantic, kinds under exploitation for their fleets fishing.

USA fear factor
In The States a ghost travels the cities, roads, bridges and beaches: the Tea Party. This right movement and reactionary to extreme grows and hoards the attention of the media, disquieting to a political class that watches with preoccupation the new ultraconservative wave that is weapon in the margins of the parties system. This right-right movement, the left sees it as a ghost from beyond the grave that is connected with the present of the country: it is a zombie, it is a dead resuscitated.

The refrain of the Tea Party, prays "proud to be of extreme right-wing", printed with brilliant colors in their vest. Even though all were announcing the burial of the hard wing of the ultraconservative American right-wing, based in the Republican Party. The terror movies result a good analyzer index of the political United States present, in this political analysis we see as experiences the transition from the dominance of the vampires to the hegemony of the zombies (www.minchinela.com/ repronto ).

The American policy seems have followed the same trend in the last year. The hegemony of the vampire has changed of living death. Obama it has been seen displaced by the Tea Party as object mediatic with event category. The current president, that makes vampirism the imaginary, the languages and the forms of organization of the social movements to arrive to the White House, it has relinquished the protagonist o to a new monster.

In the American policy is not an event at random that the new wing-right continues the Stella vampire of Barak Obama. Urban legend: the zombies are furthermore vampires. The vampires enjoy good health and the wild wolves stem from the obscurity with renewed vigor. Either it is arbitrational that the world saga of Twilight and the popularity of True blood, in television demonstrates that the vampires enjoy good health.

The pillar on the one which rests the new wing-right American is a base movement composed percent of collectives that operate in web with high autonomy level. Their organization has been propagated of mouth in mouth, by conduit of the social nets in the web, the blogospher and small local radio networks. Their new product: The extreme wing-right 2010. The voice of Keli Carender that leaves from beyond the grave: "there is no a leader, we have thousands of leaders". Sarah Palin? Must make campaign if wants our vote with our principles. Mister Mack, a retired sheriff of Arizona, married with the Tea Party, answers to him George Washington: "We have returned for the second American revolution". Zombies, and vampires. (La Jornada, opinion, p. 18-21, April 26, 2010)

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