sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Unequal functional

National / Economy
Privileged groups influence wages: Moody's
Unequal functional: Mexico
By: Carlos Damian                                             April 29, 2016
It is aggravated disparity in the revenue by actions of the government that patents to one percent
México. -   José Alfredo Coutinho (JAC), directing for Latin America of the specialized consultancy Moody's Analytics, it is recognized as a leader company in advising to investors the accomplishment of risk analysis and the "qualification" of governmental bonds, this is asserted due to the disparity of the  revenue and it is not the "existence of a capitalistic class but the privileges existence and the  form in which the government assigns the contracts to private groups, that they are the factors that accelerate the wealth accumulation in few hands and let went to the rest" of the population. Also, it considered that the national political system is integrated "by a reduced group of privileged and the political class", and indicated that the wages of the belonging to the privileged sector of the population are based "on factors as the education level and their friendships with the owners of the capital", as well as by the political recommendations". It is the description specifies of an oligarchy. Between the figures mentioned by the executive emphasizes the lowest participation of the wages as proportion of the gross internal product (GDP); hardly 20 percent and far below of Chile (35 percent), Canada (50 percent), and The States (55 percent).

The remuneration that receives the set from workers in Mexico represents a fourth part of the value of the goods and services produced in the country in a year.  The States and Canada, the principal commercial associates, the proportion is increased until 55 percent of the value of the economies. The participation decrease of the workers in the dividends of the economy puts of relief that the problem of the distribution of the revenue is more related to the privileges of the economic and political elite than with the abilities of the earners. The disparity of the revenue in Mexico "It is not resulted of the fact that the rich will be more productive, but consequences of a political system integrated by a reduced group of economic privileged and the political class", noted JAC.  The workers in Mexico are paid, for the most part, according to the abilities that have, physical so much as to perform their labor. Meanwhile, the privileged classes receive income based on factors as the education level "and their friendships with the owners of the capital, as well as the political recommendations".

Of this is detached that the punished income of the popular sectors represent a tiny part of the economic occupation and the income of the better paid depend not so much on the qualification, but on their ownership to an elite politician - entrepreneurial and on their social and familiar links.  It is not of surprising, because of this, that the internal market is found depressed and disarticulated, a factor that prevents and follows preventing satisfactory minimal rates of the economic growth. It is not of surprising that these families, may have to the companies and institutions front, to many inept executive fools, arrived to their charge by recommendation or for godfather  The type of organization of the inequality permits to understand and to complete the lack of functionality economic in which is found immerse the country and the persistent disability of the entrepreneurial and political class to detonate to return of activation economic to the pace that the country requires, if not to improve the life conditions of most of the population, at least to avoid that worsen. The fact is that to what is long of the cycle of neoliberal government, 46 years from suffering to these inept and heavy executive and company managers, by this Mexico has not been capable of growing to the necessary pace not even during a year; that in that period the purchasing power of the wages has not ceased of reducing, and the inveterate inequalities have been converted into a social invoice increasingly is not hidden for the capable people. Apart from this, that lapse coincides with the bloom of the criminal organizations, the generalization of the violence and the insecurity, the growing social breakup and the human rights crisis that suffers the nation. 

The disparities already mentioned in the distribution of the revenue are explained generally as of economic factors, political and social. However, they can be aggravated by actions of the government that promote privileges for some groups the obstacles existence to the free competition, included a under degree of development, also explain the artificial inequity. When a country tries to widening their economic opening, but this is accompanied by the privileges grant and the use of the power, the wealth accumulation is concentrated in few hands. The inequality in the distribution of the revenue in Mexico can be explained all over these factors". The distribution of the revenue is better in the economies with greater degree of freedom and just competition. In inverse sense the distribution of the revenue is more unequal in countries of smaller degree of development and long tradition of protectionism and governmental intervention. Similarly in The States the set of remunerations paid to the workers equals to 55 percent of the value of their economy, measured by the GDP. That proportion is of 50 percent in Canada and of 25 percent in Mexico. The smaller participation of the salary of the Mexican workers in the economy, with respect to what occurs in The States and Canada, the others integrating of the North American Free Trade Agreement of North America (NAFTA), us "illustrates a disparity in the revenue  that favors more to the capital in the country less developed".

The revenue average of the tenth part of families poorer in Mexico fits 25 times in the revenue average of the 10 percent of the most amassed families, according to data of the OCED. For the average of the nations that integrate that group, the relationship is nine times. The problem behind the form in which is distributed the revenue, it is not the "existence of a capitalistic class, but the privileges existence and the form in which the government assigns  the contracts to private groups, that they are the factors that accelerate the wealth accumulation in few hands and let went to the rest". "If praises inequality in the distribution of the revenue has been aggravated in the previous decades, it has not been by the inherent laws of the economic model, but rather as a consequence of regulations little consistent strong that would assure the same opportunities for all and the application of the laws by equal". The redistribution of the revenue, assured, should not be understood as the wealth expropriation to the most amassed, but yes as the creation of a strong system that assure that the rules are valid for all, that promote the equal opportunity and guarantee the access of all the persons to the justice.

It does not let from resulting paradoxical that the alert sign originates, of key consultancies for the operation of the neoliberalism financial. This situation that suffers Mexico with their economic and social system was operated by a group politician - entrepreneurial oligarchical, antidemocratic and opaque, therefore this situation is translated in lack of functionality serious and abysmal. The situation is terrible and the social result is to the sight therefore the nation carries a course of lack of governability, barbarism and disarticulation huge. It is urgent that the citizen understand the danger in which is found interfered and are undertaken changes in the social and economic policies area to reduce this inequality that lacerates to the Mexican people.
 (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 2-22, April 27, 2016).

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