miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Mexican growth

It in Tia Maria from Peru for toxic   
Mexican growth 
By: Carlos Damian                                               June 8, 2015 
Strike  in 9 refineries of United States of America
México. -   The achievement obtained by Mexico doesn't point to be considered good and it not even bolsters the government's belief that in 2015 the GDP will be increased between 3.2 and 4.2 percent in the first trimester of 2015. Already altar these months nobody considers that the Mexican economy advances beyond 2.5 percent in the year, and the country this in movement, of EPN, is not more than a lie more. In the first trimester of 2013 the reported "growth" was of one percent amid the propaganda furor for the 'Mexican moment’, in same lapse, but of 2014, the "advance " with great difficulty reaches 2 percent, what caused the government joy for the “notorious registered increment” and the package of  "reformations" about to nougat. That was the “great achievement". It arrived 2015 and next to them, the cutting budget (in other more wait list) and the collapse of the little thing that it had not fallen before one year. But they insist in that of “we go for the correct road and that the tendency is of growth", if but they don't complete the sentence that is it stops below. 
In this context, the Center of Investigation in Economy and Business (CIEN, for their initials in Spanish) of the ITESM, campus of Mexico, it notices that “to reach the official goals of growth outlined in the range from 3.2 to 4.2 percent for this year shines more and more complicated. The industrial activity of the country exhibited a less vigorous evolution", of such luck that difficultly the country will overcome the rickety economic growth that has characterized it along the last three decades. The adverse results in the industrial production of The States, and the weakness of the national internal market, they have impacted negatively in the rhythm of growth of the industrial activity. During the first trimester of 2015 this accumulated a growth of 1.4 percent with regard to the same period of last year, its evolution in March was null (zero percent) compared with the previous month. As for the construction it exhibited the highest accumulated rate of growth during the first trimester of the year (4.2 percent), impelled by the construction works (5.2) and of civil engineering (2.3); however, given a smaller quantity of resources dedicated to infrastructure projects, will be complicated that this activity registers a bigger dynamism in next months.           

Vacations of Mena Vargas 
For Sectors the factories, increased 2.9 percent, against 4.5 percent in the first trimester of 2014 because during March, 16 of the 21 subsectors that conform them registered a rate of annual growth below that obtained last year, among those that are those derived of the petroleum (-9.3 percent) and the basic metallic industries (-10.7). In other industries it highlights the setback of 9.3 percent in those derived of the petroleum like consequence of the fall in the prices of the hydrocarbon. On the other hand, the wood and the impression were subsectors that didn't present variations in their acting. On the other hand the mining continues in a gust of bad results, in such a way that accumulated a fall of 5 percent during the first trimester of the year.  Also, “the panorama doesn't shine favored for the sector, since before the descent reported in the prices of the metals along last year (gold and silver), some mining ones could clip its production to lower prices."    .
Apparently the rhythm of growth of the industrial activity won't exhibit a significant improvement since for the second trimester of 2015, the external sector of the country it will face a deceleration in the American industrial production, situation that will have a negative impact in the exports toward our main commercial partner in next periods, given the high correlation level that exists in the American industrial production and the Mexican factories.  On the other hand the vacations of December came out expensive to Apolinar Mena Vargas, until yesterday secretary of Communications of the Mexico State, caused low of the government payroll, because the state auditory solved that it violated the Law of Responsibilities, when requesting favors to directive of OHL Mexico to obtain a couple of rooms in a deluxe hotel in the Mayan Riviera, Quintana Roo". And of tip disguised of ticket he should pay 189 thousand pesos.  All this because it assured to have paid of their pocket the vacations, pro the tests were in contrary sense. And now he will pay their corrupt lie working in another part.  
Workers demand but wage in United States 
Unionized workers of nine refineries and plants of chemical products in United States maintained this Monday a strike, for second serial day, in demand of a new contract with the oil companies. The first measure of support of a national pact from 1980, affects important facilities that represent meetings 10 percent of the capacity of refinement of the neighboring country.  One of the plants, Tesoro Corp, in Martinez, California, with capacity of 166 thousand barrels per day, stopped operations amid works of planned maintenance.  The other refineries seemed to continue usually working because the operators began contingency plans. The gasoline in The States and the prices of the diesel ascended on Monday for the concerns, on the supply, while the raw one advanced. The conversations among the unions, and the oil companies were interrupted amid a fall of the prices of the raw one that almost lowered 60 percent from June taking to the companies to diminish their expenses. The three year-old national contract that expires already, covers around 30 thousand workers per hours in plants that add two thirds of the capacity of refinement of The States. The last proposal was the rejected fifth since the negotiations began for a new three year-old contract, January 21. The union is looking for an increment of salaries, bigger than under the last agreement and better work conditions. 

On the other hand in Lima, Peru, the social organizations summon to a general unemployment of 48 hours in six of the 25 Peruvian regions, against the project mining Tia Maria, and they rejected the pause of 60 days opened up to dialogue about their viability. An assembly of organizations of Arequipa, Puno, Moquegua, Tacna, Cusco and Apurimac agreed to paralyze works in the whole south of Peru the days 27 and 28 of May, in back to the strike had begun for 54 days with a social front of the Valley of the Tambo, in rejection to the project of the transnational Southern. In Mexico, Grupo Mexico and their subsidiary Southern Cooper Co, they reiterated their commitment with Peru and with all the communities of the country with mining vocation, and especially with the community of Arequipa. Amid the protests, three corps has been left, the approval to president Ollanta Humala's administration that fell in May 6 percent points, according to published poll this Sunday. "The government inability to take out the project mining Tia Maria ahead has cost the president the Peruvian population's back, and “the violence that has characterized to the protests against the mining project it wakes up a rejection generalized in the population", Alfredo Torres, president said of Ipso - Peru. Spokesmen of the meeting of organizations social southerners said that the paralysis will also outline the demands of each region and it will have preparatory character for the national unemployment summoned for July by the General Confederation of Workers, the leader of Arequipa, Jose Figueroa informed. According to the president of the meeting of farmers of the Valley of the Tambo, Jesus Cornejo, it exposed that the strikers don't agree with Tía María suspension, and they demand their definitive cancellation, to be a threat for the environment and the agriculture of the area. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 27-28, Mayo 18, 2015)

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