miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Educational evaluation

Evaluation suspension for teachers is illegal  
Educational evaluation  
By: Carlos Damian                                               June 3, 2015 
The evaluation for educational, 15 of each 100 are evaluated: Jalisco
México. -   The Secretary of Public Education (SEP, for their initials in Spanish) it informed their decision (06/29/15) of suspending the evaluation processes indefinitely for entrance, promotion and permanency of educational for the education basic and half superior. It is of remembering that the educational evaluation that you would begin to apply in June and July of this year to determine the permanency of hundred of teachers' thousands in their work positions, it has been one of the criticized elements in the educational reformation of the previous year, as much for the educational ones as for the specialists and investigators in educational matter, to consider it an attack to the contractual conditions and the teaching's labor rights, but also since it is sought, through reducing the falls behind of the country, and these they obey to decisive of structural nature, or in their case to a mere problem of acting singular of the educational ones that in anything help to assist of root such educational backs.   
The educational reformation in an indefinite way the educational evaluation has been suspended, the decision is wide: "It is an illegal decision". It is unconstitutional when violating the article 3rd
Constitutional". What contradicts the Law of the Educational Professional Service so much as the Law of the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education", it underlines the National Institute for the Competitiveness (IMCO, for their initials in Spanish). In a letter public 27 diverse organizations -among them Mexicanos Primero, and Mexico Evalua – it complains the “boycott " to the educational reformation. "The federal authorities sacrifice the possibility to advance for an education of quality, and the worst thing is that it happens when giving to blackmails of organized groups interested in perpetuating practical contrary to the educational excellence". It is a surprise that the SEP has given politically it goes behind in the magisterial evaluation, and it is a unilateral decision that surpasses their abilities without before it has offered a technical explanation that justifies the omission in detriment of the structural reformation. "And to clarify that it continues in foot with precise dates, with the purpose of continuing fulfilling the constitutional and legal obligations that are contemplated in educational matter as of the reformation in this matter."  
Political decision  
Apart from this, the approval legislative of this reformation evidenced the divorce among an official legislative that it says to represent to the diverse sectors of the society but for rule general refuse to listen to the most critical groups in the call “consent of the center” in that they usually incur the political three main party of the country. In this context, the teaching implemented, in the later months to the approval of the reformation, an intense mobilization that was attacked in violent form by the government and for the main media, in an exercise that, more than to expose the postures and arguments of the parts, governments and teachers, one entered in the lynching of these last ones. In spite of it the conflict has stayed active and it has been increased with other aggressions suffered by the teaching, its social environment of support and the Professors’ students, as the disappearance of 43 students of Ayotzinapa and the murder of six more people in Iguala, on September of last year, and repressive episodes as which one lived in Acapulco February 25, where professor Claudio Castillo Peña died. Such facts reinforced the public perception that the persistence of the magisterial conflict is not only derived of  indolence, stupidity and the inability of the authorities in charge of reestablishing the order, but rather it is part of a deliberate environment of threat on the part of the public power to dissident, opponents, activists and demonstrators.  
In accordance with the SEP: "With reason of new elements to consider in the evaluation process for the entrance, promotion and permanency in Education basic and High School, they are suspended indefinitely the public dates for their realization". Undoubtedly the evaluations for the educational service will be carried out during the months of June and July, with what the selection approach settles down for each educational personnel in each living room of classes it is prepared for its work. For the next school cycle they have gotten ready 450 thousand educational of the school cycle to know if they are capable in the work to the front of the group. The suspension leaves this action in the air. On the other hand the teachers of the CNTE (for their initials in Spanish) have centered their actions when pressing contras the elections of the PRI of Oaxaca and Chilpancingo. On Thursday (06/04/15) the leader of the section 22 in Oaxaca, Ruben Nuñez, indicates that during the dialogue table, the Secretary of Government (SG), Interior Ministry will respond to the demands of the CNTE, but it assured, it will continue with the “boycott" actions to the electoral farce.  "The section 22 continues with the "boycott" according to the national assembly although signed the document is had in the SG". It also says that there will be an “overwhelming action” in the Federal District and it will be looked for to stop the airport of the capital." 
With this backdrop, the dissident teaching has come outlining the realization from a boycott to the electoral day of the next one June 7, like a form of accentuating the bad reputation of a political power that, in its different levels and with all its resources of force, it has been unable to put a stop one to the one sustained deterioration of the public security and of the social conflict in the country. That to be able to has also raked with actions misleading popular dissatisfactions that are not bounded to the magisterial and student environment, and it seeks to maintain, in spite of it, an image of institutional and democratic normality that is unfounded in several points of the territory. The nonexistence of that normality is also exhibited in the uncertainty in the team responsible for the educational politics of the country, and this situation shows the fact that the SEP it has changed to the executive of its bigger Government Office in three occasions during the last ones two and a half years. To them they add the derived administrative difficulties of the centralized handling of the magisterial payroll that it has caused problems office workers and diverse reclamations. The conflict already has several years and beginning with Fox and Ulises Ruiz's government, affecting to the CNTE section 22 with its salary pushes. It already has a decade of negotiations with 17 “popular assemblies” that were generated in Oaxaca and they reproduced in other states. This organization struggles for high salary levels that don't continue firing professors for political reasons, and it is considered catalyst the death of the poor students of Ayotzinapa and the detonator the boycott to the intermediate elections. 
The petition of the educational ones consists on the repeal of the Educational Reformation that it went into effect in 2014. The SEP it suspended the evaluations contemplated in the structural reformation, but the CNTE it says that their pressure won't cease to try to stop the elections the next one June 7. But Miguel Barbosa, the senators' leader (PRD), he underlines: "I demand that the infractions to the law made until this moment and later that affect to the electoral process they are sanctioned and don't pass to be part of the heap of unpunished facts". Before such antecedents, the decision announced by the SEP is sensible and healthy since it helps to loosen a conflict focus that would not even have to have been activated, in case the instances legislatives has had the necessary political will to listen to the teaching.  It is necessary to hope that decision can bring near to the educational ones and the authorities, and that the referred conflict arrives to good term. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 3-4, May 30, 2015)

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