miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

The name is clear

It milks it of the ducts of Pemex it is a great business of the organized crime 
The name is clear  
By: Carlos Damian                                                          March 18, 2015 
It is a shameless robbery to the nation for union leaders and executives of Pemex
Mexico.-  A long time ago the oil industry of Norway, accumulated so much wealth that was thought of generating a fund of pensions contrary to the Mexican it will be the biggest in the world, at the moment it is of 800 thousand million dollars, although the situation has changed dramatically in the last seven months. The oil Statoil and their supplying companies of services are in process of clipping 40 thousand employments, and add to the 100 thousand of other countries. In this line the unemployment can arrive at 250 thousand, since the works related with the petroleum represent 60 percent of the industrial employment and be worth to remember they are the best remunerated in the planet. The national oil company will cut this year 20 percent of its expenses and 10 percent next year. But there is a difference since with Mexico the saving fund it invested in actions of companies and of other countries government's funds. This financial mattress will be good for survivor the world crisis and the low prices of the petroleum. Their national foreign currency: zero tolerance to the corruption. Mexico like any emergent country didn't get ready for such events and it didn't save a penny. The massive entrance of dollars for the high price of the petroleum registered mainly in Vicente Calderon’s six years and these you carry on until the mattress that they found little thing. 
Wealthy Mexicans abroad 
In this context of bad handlings of the black gold, AMLO said that “they should put to the jail as much to EPN as to Calderon, to have canceled the project of the bicentennial refinery of Tula, Hidalgo". He added, “you imagine how much money it was thrown of budget in the purchase of lands, in the construction of the thatched top perimeters to leave thrown everything. So much waste and the damage that it is caused” are prison reason in any other country. He referred to a thousand 100 million dollars debt that the government of Hidalgo State acquired for the purchase of 700 hectares where one had projected to lift the oil complex, and he also underlined that if the refinery had been built that thirty years ago has not been made, “it had meant to stop to buy a pretty quantity of gasoline and diesel that costs a lot to bring it of the outsider". Although Mexico and exporter of the raw one, in The States the liter of gasoline costs 5 pennies, and in Mexico it is sold in a dollar for they dislike of many people. One speaks of the corruption in the interview and he said that the means of information in Mexico hide the corruption in the country. However, the foreign press “discovered that two thousand Mexican they have bills in Switzerland, and it is known about Carlos Hank Rhon, Luis Tellez, Federico Said Camil, Alfredo Elias Ayub, Reyes Heroles, Joaquin Coldwell, and other although of the other ones anything isn’t known. But the government should investigate like one makes in other countries, to investigate possible crimes of corruption, laundry of money and fiscal escape.
The Service of Tributary Administration (SAT) depends on Treasury, it began to gather the fiscal files of 2 thousand 649 Mexicans mentioned in the case, well-known as Swissleaks, where the names are revealed of those who have accounts in banks of Switzerland. The boss of the SAT, Aristoteles Nunez Sanchez (ANS), he said that they are in process of gathering fiscal declarations of the Mexicans with deposits in the European country, to compare it and to determine if their revenues correspond with that reported to the fiscal authority. "There are 2 thousand 649 Mexican taxpayers that have accounts there (Switzerland); it would be necessary to see that indeed it coincides with “which they are taxpaying residents in Mexico, to know the information in their declarations, and if not, we also have the obligation of acting and that is what we are making. We are in the process of to obtain the information and to compare with what has been published, and they make a mention to people with the spirit of applying the law", the official said to MVS Radio. 

The names are clear 
With this information published in the informative means the SAT (Treasury) it pulled up the fiscal engagement to determine that the wealthy Mexicans fulfill the payment of taxes to the country. According to ANS, “once these indications are given, the names are clear, it is to identify that these taxpayers have presented their fiscal declarations and in their declarations they have been consigned a flow, gain, yield or cumulative utility in the payment of the tax of that declaration". Because February 8 of this year, it was published in European informative means and of The States that for several years the Swiss unit of private banking of HSBC had been used by people's thousands of the financial world to deposit money with the purpose of avoiding fiscal obligations in each country. Univision, the main television chain in Castilian in The States, had access to that listing and it identified to a thousand 949 names of people and Mexican companies had appealed to that practice. But a bring up to date of Webpage of The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) it located the list in 2 thousand 642 "clients". In accordance with the procedure defined in the codes and fiscal laws that the boss of the SAT mentioned, starting from the one revealed list, what continues is to gather the files of the taxpayers, to compare the information and to verify that it is coincident with that declared they.  
For the SAT according to their executive, if these clients abroad “aren’t able accredit the payment of their taxes in the respective years, this institution has to proceed to make the audits, to determine the credits and to charge them". In fact, it remembered that starting from next September it will give beginning an agreement of automatic exchange of fiscal information among a community of 51 countries to avoid the taxpayers to incur in practical undue in the handling of resources, as the escape and the laundry of money. In the case of Mexico and The States, it will be had the information in each country, “an automated process of exchange of information", (La Jornada, Enrique Galvan). 
They steal in pipelines 
This crime already has years of milking ducts that contain refined of petroleum, but the accusations and fines had not been taken into account by the public because it is one of the fattiest business in the mafia and to that there are involved people of the State property company, so much directive as union leaders. In this scheming of robbery of fossil fuels they are had in Pemex big accidents, explosions in administrative buildings and all this to hide and to distract to the public attention. Before these big catastrophes that overnight have been presented it is now that Pemex has decided to make something and we don't know if they will give good results. It will transport in their combustible ducts that are not still ready for their use and sale, what is mean, without refining completely so that along these ducts that transport petroleum, in which small points of sales of stolen gasoline have been built they end. The final touch will give it to them until they arrive to the storage terminals, and of there they will be distributed in pipes to the official gas stations. The robbery of fuel in the ducts according to the Secretary of Energy causes losses for a thousand 334 million dollars a year. The president of the Mexican Association of Managers of Gas (AMEGAS), Pablo Gonzalez Cordoba, says that the measure is viable to contain the black market, it is desperate. "We have doubts they will be carried out the trasvases to guarantee the exact proportion of the components of the fuels in the storage plants on how. We don't see that they are enough infrastructures and modernized to guarantee the quality of the gasoline". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-11, February 18, 2015).

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