miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015


The banks in Switzerland don't say this mouth it is mine 
By: Carlos Damian                                                         March 22, 2015 
Satisfied the federal government's flatterers
México. -   The histories of relatives enriched in coincidence with the arrival to the power of one of them to the government are reiterated and repetitive in almost all the states of the country. It is not mentioned that they are in the peak of the Mexican power. There have been accused siblings of charging ten percent in all official contracts that then appear innocent of everything, with judicial certificate of inappealable innocence and orders in process for refund of wealth accountably accumulated during their period like bureaucrat. They are also bureaucrat's children histories (PAN) to liberated boys of supposition change politician that they ended up as swollen toads of money, the same as the presidential couple of political line of right-wing (PAN) already mentioned, and one of their child already ready to pass to the federal Chamber of deputies to the municipal presidency of the city and it is not Sahagun, since this it is from Guanajuato State. Although if we remit ourselves behind to some years we find that in Mexico all public official is innocent while the governor in shift determines the correct thing. We don't still reach to understand like it is possible that so much money of Mexicans it is abroad and us with a crisis of enormous reaches and our authorities of Treasury have not still disclosed the names of these wealthy Mexicans in outsider one and in particular of the bank HSBC, in Switzerland. 

The authorities of United Kingdom and The States are in frank investigation for fiscal escape, laundry of money and concealment of fortunes that would have made citizens' thousands of those countries, in the context of the bank accounts of HSBC in Europe. The Mexican concepts of robbery and fraud are different since they are part of our political and managerial day-to-dayness, the administration of EPN not even blinks, although they are excellent last names in such lists and in several cases they have been low accusation of to manage public bills and to take advantage of this money in a particular way. These data have been published in The New York Times in an extensive report of several months with data, stock movement and family relationships. With political of José Murat's size and members of their family (with the director of the Infonavit) and neither it has deserved the government's attention “to move Mexico” paraphrasing the sentence of the PRI. It is mentioned that the officials like premise achieve the flow of money of political through company ghosts and the stock maneuvers that allow these same criminal and family politicians of them to obtain, to stay you suit deluxe properties.  

Exactly in the case of the Mexicans involved in the case of Swissleaks the authorities they are given for satisfied with the version that the signal ones contribute, but in any place of the world this is not enough and it is evident that they have a long line that has to explain to Treasury and in the Federal Court for not being contained. When having the Mexican officials a swollen pack of cards politics of embezzlements, escape of taxes, laundry of money or of somebody fall in misfortune as the eternal leader of the teachers Mrs. Elba Esther Gordillo, is implacable “the weight of the law". But we see the case of the former governor of Guerrero Angel Aguirre Rivero, this character was struggling with the tenant of Los Pinos residence during some tense days, who demanded him his exit from the position to that which refused expressly. Their brother Mateo Aguirre and their nephew Ernesto was arrested by family causes and embezzlements of the country property (money) that it was vox populi but they were maybe not reason of apprehension precisely justice but politics. 

One of the forms repressors and not in fact to sackers of the federal and Treasury of elite’s corrupt criminals it has been against the professors, one of the axes of the political reformation in detriment of the public education of Mexico. This use of the public force against the offenders of the law refolded to the Oaxaca’s professors in demand of payments and benefits that the federal administration whisks away to bear in mind of the administrative reformation in the educational land because they are the thinnest and chosen part to accuse them for the bad political decisions in the education taken by inapt previous federal administrations. These are the assaults against the teaching organized in Mexico City, attacked by the federal and of the capital police with white balance but the warning to the magisterial movement it is in road. When leaning out to the pantry of the Los Pinos residence’s tenant we find the applauses and the cajoleries like article of first necessity to give enough endowments to recompose the urgent man's spirit with hunger of recognition of their town. But there they are also the surrealist publicity with electoral messages of the PRI that they force to the propaganda applauses to the suffering one and wretch town that it seeks gratefulness to the political organization that is responsible for the national misfortune in good part, (La Jornada, Julio Hernandez). 
"It gives a lot of sadness the reduction of budget of Pemex and that it is forced to discard the modernization of the refineries that there is in the country. There were projects so that they were begun to produce clean and competitive gas and diesel. This cutting forces Pemex to manufacture gas of bad quality and to lose its competition in the international market with the outsider gas (that is sold in the frontier to smaller price and better quality). We will sell gasoline of class second and to double the market price. Let us remember that while here the ‘Magna’ gas one is sold to 90.5 pennies by liter, in the rest of the world it costs between 5 and 6 quarters. The energy reformation that so much spoke of knocking down the prices, evidently it has not worked", neither work will since one has contemplated that this works when it finishes the six years of EPN. In fact the gas and the diesel are not of first quality and the preservative that use it is the MTBE (metyl-terbutyl-ether) and it is considered cancerous, and according to the international norms it is not allowed in The States. 

One has in the current régime the rope of the wrong government's three colors and in the house of the one hung to the one that is applauded their endurance of the strong beam, and the current tenant of Los Pinos residence seeks that they are recognized his good successes and achievements to the government's front, and in this tessitura the logistics of the acts is tuned that the multitudes congregated around some assistance program or it benefit achieved from the treasury they make choir with the politician's name that later doesn't have who applauds him its fantasies and clumsy decisions. All of them to choir scream “we have president” and lavish 'spontaneous' blow of palms in the Republic d'Higa that has installed in the Kingdom of the again Sir and all happy ones.  Are there some writers like Guillermo Valdes Castellanos that are questioned, to where they take us? "… either for a weak democracy or in recession danger, perhaps for government paralyzed by the distrust, the case is that the citizens stop to believe in the possibility of changing the things for institutional roads; they don't come from where or who they can impel changes, if all are part of the problem and to anybody they believe him. Lost the hope, the negative prophecies are made reality", Applauses!! (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 8-9, February 12, 2015).

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