miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Chicago without censorship

The authoritarianism has been imposed another time in the presidency of the Mexican Republic 
Chicago without censorship 
For: Carlos Damian                                                          April 17, 2015 
The action censors a journalist of more prestige in The States
Mexico. -   Mexico has extended in its censorship and silencer practices of the critical voices of the empire to close the spaces of intelligent journalists. But this happens in the capital of Chicago, in the program broadcasting, ‘Sin censura’, conducted by the noted journalist Vicente Serrano, he insists in that the financial handling of the parties of the Independence Day of Mexico is revealed in The States, not only as for the Mexican government's budget dedicated abroad to the commemorations of Mexicans, but rather also to the private fund-raising form and the destination given to those revenues. Among the information given to know last year in the frequency of ‘Sin censura’ it is included “at least three officials of the Mexican consulate in Chicago, in charge of Carlos Jimenez Macias, they have requested money to managers from Chicago for the realization of the Independence Scream in Harrison Park, through phone calls and electronic mail". Alfonso Rosas, one of those in charge of community organizations of the consulate is listened in the recording requesting money to the manager, and that him contribution in an irregular way.  

This official explains that the National Museum of Mexican Art that Carlos Tortolero presides over who generated a committee for the native parties of 2014, and he says, “but it is obvious that also here is participating the consulate; that cannot refuse, to cover. Obvious". This situation serves for triangular the donations, according to the consular official: "Carlos Tortolero told me: 'you tell him that it will give him an invoice of the museum', as that your you supported to the museum, and well, we are calling you to see if you want to contribute something, or a part of the invoice, we show you the invoice, hey!, and you tell to the company 'do you know what, is this what I will give you’  or you simply give it to the museum, the quantity that you want, and the museum give to you,  I repeat you, an invoice for a receipt so that you put it to your declaration of taxes. Even, it looks, if you give a…, there it goes you, anything is free. Let us say that you give us ten thousand dollars, throw the hand, please (…) we walk bothered". This information was diffused and it took to lawyers Ancel Glink's American office, Diamond Bush, DiCianni and Krafthefer American bureau to a demand attempt for libel to manager Adolfo Vega (accusing him of having recorded the phone conversation with the consular official), to its company ‘La Bodega’ (dedicated to the import of Mexican products), to the journalist Vicente Serrano (conductor of the program ‘Sin Censura’, and the most important and critical that they have in Chicago, Illinois).  

Expenses in native Parties abroad 
The general Consulate of Mexico in Chicago, with Carlos Jimenez Macias (CJM) it demanded to Adolfo Vega's La Bodega, to have recorded the conversation and given to the Serrano journalist, and the lawyer representative of the consulate assures that the audios was published that the air was used in radio and it used the expression passing “la charola", and that official Rosas never said “you toss our hand, bothered are". The official in charge of the consulate CJM of PRI origin with long experience in the federal Congress and in delegations of his party, characterized in his treatment of kind and careful forms. Pedro Fregoso Junior used Ancel Glink's office and associates to accuse the manager. But this action is in its right of appealing to the litigation team and he should be solved the conflict it conforms right, so that the sentence is strong, and be not some discretionary arrangement, and return the honor to the institution government Mexican and its officials if there is damage some. However last March, Fregoso Junior went to manager Vega that is American to fix the dispute of opinions with 350 thousand dollars to close the case.
When confirming their application he made it in writing and in a called letter, “Confidential, only for arrangement intentions", in paper logo of the office headed by Ancel Glink, and mentioned that he makes it on behalf of the Mexican consulate in Chicago. Adding the manager's public retraction, of the journalist and of the program broadcsting, being accompanied of the mentioned quantity. With this action outside of our frontiers, demanding a manager, to a journalist, and to a program in Chicago, the administration of EPN gives a quantum jump that confronts the authoritarian spirit that censors and it remains silent critical voices of information and analysis. The Mexicans would like it that it spread the relationship of revenues and expenditures of the native parties abroad, of each one of the Consulates and embassies outsider, where it is allowed that private cooperation is requested and public money is exercised. Serrano answered to the demand saying; "They prefer to censor that to reveal", in the microphone of ‘Sin Censura’, (La Jornada, Julio Hernandez).  
It goes of migrant outsiders 
Ten Central American were injured during the struggles with agents of the federal police (PF, for theirs initials in Spanish) that last Wednesday they tried to impede the step of the Migrant's Via cruxes, Alberto Donis Rodriguez pointed out (ADR), in charge of the housing ‘Siblings in the Road’ that the priest directs Alejandro Solalinde Guerra (ASG). Also, other 49 migrants presented an accusation for intimidation before the Office in Attention of the migrant's matters and before visitors of the CNDH that arrived to the region to chat with the migrants who yesterday broke the barrier of federal policemen that they impeded them the step of the town El Espinal one toward Juchitan. The 293 migrants, as well as the activist ones that they accompany them, they are in the ecological forum of Juchitan City, Oscar Antonio Gonzalez Hernandez (OGH), of Honduran origin, and the Guatemalan Donovan Vinicio Pineda, both of 17 years of age that travel without company, was hurt by elements of the PF when it broke the fence of the police corporation. The priest Solalinde, on the other hand reproved to the policemen's action of the National Institute of Migration they should head the revision, because it is an irregular administrative process, not of a criminal group as to use police elements. With the help of God, he added, they will arrive to Mexico City with the only purpose of making visible what happens in the south frontier, in spite of the fact that the Mexican State has used all its police apparatus to avoid that the Migrant's Via cruxes arrives to its destination and say what has to say about the failure of the Plan South Frontier, (La Jornada, Diana Manzo).  

It considers Papa Francisco to visit to Cuba like part from his trip to The States. They would add this way five the countries of the continent that it would visit in the following months. The other ones are: Ecuador, Bolivia, and Paraguay, but Mexico is not in its plans. A scale would be added in Cuba, although it has not adopted a final decision, they are only up to now speculations. For their visit to America, it would be in next September with stays in Washington, New York and Philadelphia. In the Congress it will have voice considering you as guest in the White House with Barack Obama like host, and the topic of the renewal of relationships diplomats is a burning problem between the Republican and Democrats Party. In this context it is as the Pope it shows their disposition to take position in discharge topics politics it loads. It is mentioned that the Pope’s team took participation in the secret negotiations between The States and the government from Cuba, in territory of Canada. Francisco's trip, maximum boss of Vatican would be third o'clock to Cuba, since Juan Pablo III was in 1998, XVI Benedict of three days in 2012. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-9, April 17, 2015).

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