lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

The government's corruption

The corruption is infinite and it covers us totally as rotten tomato
The government's corruption
By: Carlos Damian                                           September 20, 2014
The federal ombudsman doesn't demand penalty to those responsible for the energy reformations
Mexico. -   For many years we have seen field in multiple newspapers, publications and books the Latin American corruption, and in particular that of Mexico trying to explain that this corruption is the cultural legacy of the Spaniards and that it comes from the old European museum and that difficultly the Mexicans will get rid of this plague of the XXI century. This social phenomenon has its origin and this gets lost in the shades of the centuries. Greece also suffered of this social phenomenon. If it is you an erudite that looks for information will find dozens of books in Spanish, English and other languages that look for roots and hypothesis besides that they propose explanatory exits to this complex social phenomenon to settle down. If we tried to establish the quantity of books, publications, and have, we would have in our hands a number with so many zeros that difficultly could explain. This topic chose it on purpose due to the interview that Jose Carreno Carlon propitiated president EPN August 19, 2014. In this interview it was that the president shone his best garments and him same as an understood person and responsible. 
The president when being questioned by the reporter of Televisa Co., Denise Maerker about the corruption that suffocates us, the president answered: the corruption “is a topic, I insist, of cultural order", Leon Krauze (LK), in contrast he said: that in The States, the Mexicans didn't spend the traffic lights in red light, they didn't throw the cans of beer in any part from the car moving n the street and in parks, since they respect the law and they pay their taxes just in time. In this context when environmental not corrupt we having the Mexicans, as Yankee in their country, it implies that these they are not corrupt. Another writer like Jesus Silva Herzog -JSH - (08/25/14), in their article “Conversation to way", several interesting topics that Carmen Aristegui recaptures points, and with this it was the exit big flag to so many opinions, critic and buttery defenses, around the topic. When remitting us to the comments of JSH: "In a very opportune and clear intervention, LK differed of the president's opinion: "The corruption doesn't reside in our way of being, but in a régime political based, -Zaid says-, in the private property of the public functions". We see that this coincidence is not gratuitous and these Mexicans that now are civic Mexican of first generation that live in United States, they live, they study and they work in a non corrupt society and they act as any American, in a State where the public functions are, as much as possible, even more private property that in Mexico. 

With all this information we have that the hardship of vision has decreased to a problem of corruption in the public functions. And “our culture” has an uncertainty that it doesn't offer some concrete answer when embracing all that includes such a concept. If we remit ourselves to the index of International Transparency it is located United States far from the first places, but this doesn't prevent to have a reference of the Mexicans in the exterior. Writer Jose Blanco pointed a reflection, “The ubiquitous corruption" (La Jornada, 11/12/12) giving a bigger complexity to the one that now they reduce his reflections to the topic of the public corruption and it generally points to a single cause, that which is not valid to give us a commendable and appropriate explanation to our environment. Let us see some publications that can clarify our thorny and difficult topic: "With the step of the time, the UN became what today is: one of the biggest centers of corruption in the western world, according to the Institute Global for Ethics. The maneuvers of the big powers caused a corruptness flow in the recruiting of officials, in the definition of missions or for the own control of the General assembly and the Council of Security that today still persists". (UN: History of the corruption, Eric Frattini (2009), Bubook Publishing, CO. LTD., 462 p.p.) 

The movement of social attendance has more than the same thing 
It prospers (pro-hopes), now it is the real name of Opportunities that has re-baptized the administration of EPN that thing has as mantra it tries to avoid the Mexican citizen's infinite poverty. This government responsibility tries to take refuge in a new name but little ingenious of the World Bank who it is behind in the shade and they are proposed of the National Council of Evaluation. Until today all the beneficiaries will continue receiving financial supports and materials of Opportunities, but now their children will be able to enjoy scholarships for university studies or superior technicians and who look for work they will have priority in the national system of employment. But they declare that “strategy to reduce the poverty is that the families are able to generate revenues self-employed and diminish its dependence of the monetary transfers", and these clearly are promoted by the official social attendance. Pro-hopes to go since to the indigenous field it affects it directly. You laud indigenous towns they have not been able to rob of the epithet of vulnerable, since the State has denied them the right of having its resources and direct that allow them to overcome the exclusions to arrive to its full autonomy. Although it tries the state to overcome this with, wordiness: "the equality among the Mexicans should be a full reality, independently of the ethnic origin."  
The ordinance that it believes the program makes emphasis on the social inclusion and it speaks confusedly of the positive results, but “the experience has proven that the simple amplification of basic capacities in the individuals and families in poverty is not enough to reduce the vulnerability condition". Although it is pointed out that they will promote “the coordination with those government's orders three, with private institutions and with the organized civil society that they allow to strengthen the actions of Prosper one". Well its desires and its wills are very good but as in the government's administration, they will be made according to the approved budget and they will incorporate the families supposedly in extreme poverty. Pena Nieto's government's watchword is to move to Mexico", and it gives us list of its reformations: that they say they will make of our country it harvests the economic growth, however the Pro waits: "naturally, they are deep processes that don't generate immediate result, and we would be deceiving to the Mexican society if we promised magic results". This way in La Jornada the Secretary of Treasury said it, the9/6/14. Finally the neoliberal régime is trans-government of six years and the project of the new airport you drifted with Felipe Calderon and in this perspective Pro is expected it has a good integral advance if it is that the beneficiaries don't run out of the patience and the hunger. 
The Mexican system is a disaster 
When coming closer to another anniversary of our independence the economic condition and politics is a disaster. After two years we have an economic growth that it achieves to return to the members from the presidential cabinet to the first semester of the career. Before the perspective of their own failure the Secretary of Treasury is treated in health and it notices that next year we will have “a pressure to the public finances” and that the economy will continue to fall, in spite of the fact that government's cabinet promised that its constitutional reformations and its secondary laws would be the great detonator of a brilliant economic growth. All this is a great lie, as the president's statement that Pemex and CFE won't privatize. We have that they tell us that the criminal violence has not ceased, adding him a repressive violence that contaminates to the governors, municipal presidents that are inspired by the impunity of those who are up of the administrative pyramid. We wonder by what measure this régime inspires Rafael Moreno Valle in its zeal in solving the social conflicts to tip of political persecutions, and of rubber bullets. The organized criminals continue unpunished but the citizens that defend continue in the jail. Example: Nestora Salgado. Jose Manuel Mireles them and this way many others. (La Jornada, politica, p. 32, September 9, 2014).

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