sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Oceanography and Casinos

They request information on “favorable” conditions in that they were granted permission
Oceanography and Casinos
By: Carlos Damian July 26, 2014
In September of 2012 the bank signed “contract regulator"
Mexico. - From 2008, Banamex had problems with the company Oceanografia Co, since a factorage line for 60 million dollars (USD) was conquered. Also, 8 percent of the invoices surrendered by the company property of Amado Yanez Osuna (OH) "he had some irregularity” or even several they were false, for what the bank institution decided to close that credit line. However, on September 21, 2012 Banamex celebrated a contract teacher, denominated regulator, that established the application of discounts agreed among the parts and the surrender of collection rights that derived of this operations, of agreement with a verdict report emitted by the Bank National Commission and of Values that it concluded that Banamex had suffered smash for 30 millions 352 thousand 118 dollars caused by the director of Oceanografia, with the cohabitation of employees of the credit institution.

Banamex neither bear in mind that OH, in that time; it had looked for unsuccessfully to get credits in Bancomer that rejected to enter in treatments with the manager. Banamex passed for high the financial irregularities and for the presentation of false invoices in that it incurred Oceanografia from 2008 that derived in the accusation that the bank institution presented before the PGR passed February 14, which acted penalty against OH who follows its process in freedom low deposit. Before the difficulties that it faced Oceanografia, OH it hired Martin Diaz Alvarez professional services who he worked with him up to 2012, in the restructuring of the finances of the company that was on the edge of the crash. The informants pointed out that then Oceanografia dragged a voucher floated in The States from 335 million dollars to seven years, with biannual payments of 20 million dollars. With conquered credits with the financial Dutch Rabo Bank; the first one acquired in 2007 by 102 million Eurus and the second by 115 million Eurus, used for the construction of new crafts.

As long as, the company had rents conquered by 120 million dollars with the shipping American Otto Candies with the one that signed a contract to build 22 crafts. The rent of the biggest ship in the world, ‘Goliat’, also presented debts in the monthly rent of 3.5 million monthly dollars. But pending payments were also for but of 90 million pesos to national suppliers, without counting the control lack and of production of countable registrations that were made by auditors ", as well as the debts facts with the Service of tributary Administration (SAT) and the federal institutes: IMSS and of the INFONAVIT. The followed strategy was to hire offices specialized in corporate topics and the creation of two companies: one that will restructure the finances (which charged 4.8 million dollars for the services finished) and other financial company Shipping that had denominated the it commends of guaranteeing the viability of Oceanografia. In accordance with the contract signed among OH and Martin Diaz, “in any case and under any circumstance the lender of services could intervene directly in the administrative decisions neither in the operations of the business of Oceanografia, since the services that he would lend was limited to the financial consultant’s office of the company."

In accordance with the information realized, the combined work of Diaz and of the financial consultant’s office of international prestige’s companies it allowed to regularize the Oceanografia finances in 2012, and with Banamex, the debt for factorage line was in 2012, and with Banamex, the debt for factorage line was in 40 million dollars, what allowed to the company to operate in a normal way with perspectives of growth. This situation allowed that the entrance of Oceanografia passed of 482.7 million dollars in 2011 to 803.8 million dollars in 2012. Two years later, according to the verdict of the CNBV of the past 29 of April, elaborated to application of the fiscal Attorney's office of the Federation that was the base so that the PGR acted against OH, the proprietor of Oceanography is investigated by the use of false invoices of Pemex to maintain his credit line with Banamex, what was translated in an embezzlement for the institution bank superior to 30.3 million dollars.

Big Bola Casinos
The special commission of deputies about the matter of the casinos requested formally to the SG information about the presumed relationship of the establishments Big Bola with the companies Oceanografia and Explotaciones La Caprichosa Co., as well as on the possible linking with a net of laundry of money. "This situation would question the genuineness of the process of sale and purchase of the living rooms Big Bola Casinos (commercial licensee from Juegos de la Frontera, administered by Oscar Rodriguez Borgio)", it is indicated in the missive sent by the legislators to the director of Games and Raffles of the SG, Marcela Gonzalez Salas Petricioli. The commission requests data about the “very favorable conditions” with those that was granted, in December of 1997, the permission with limitless validity for 18 centers of comely remote with room of numbers raffles. The deputies underlined your words to public servant that the specific terms of the authorization are ignored, so they request that it is necessary if in the SG some administrative procedure exists against the operator of these casinos, (The Jornada,7/2/14).

According to the preliminary information within reach of the legislators for the case Oceanografia and the fraud to Citigroup-Banamex, Martin Diaz Alvarez (MD) and the siblings Francisco Javier and Óscar Rodriguez Borgio (RB), Big Bola's last current ‘unique administrator’ has order of apprehension of the PGR and with alert red of the Interpol to be located (records actual UEIORPIFAM/74/2013) for the crimes of laundry of money and financial fraud. According to unofficial data, MD, former president of the Council of administration of the shipping Oceanografia and the finance house ‘Caja Libertad’ are the main ‘accused’ for the fraud in damage of Banamex and Pemex for more than 585 million dollars, besides the presumed laundry of money by means of the companies Big Bola, ‘Caja Libertad’ and the soccer team Queretaro, among other crimes. Also of the deputies' knowledge, it indicates that the company Big Bola would have associated with the siblings Aguirre Vizuet (AV) to operate permits of Atracciones y Emociones Vallarta, which was sold manager Julio Ordonez Langarica who was denounced before the PGR to have under-sales more than 50 casinos, among other the casinos of the Royale, where half hundred of people died because of the fire happened in August, 2011.

The siblings AV would have been administrator of Explotaciones of the property The Capricious one (located in the RB siblings' Spain) and it would be linked Angel Rodriguez, the Divine, former banker processed by fraud and laundry of money in the Zedillo’s six years (1994 - 2000). In turn an informative record of the precise SG that the permission in question (DGG/723/97) it was granted December 18, 1997 and it was signed by Gonzalo Altamirano Dimas “being important to highlight that the same one doesn't have validity, since it is for indefinite time, authorizing the operation and exploitation of 18 establishments". Although the dependence concludes that “excellent irregularities don't exist of making notice", precise that the original shareholders are the litigation with the current ones. In the two administrations of extraction PAN’s men they were granted to this licensee four changes of home of casinos, in a context in that the local authorities regularly authorize the opening of casinos, although they are in forbidden places. The article ninth of the current law indicates. "Any place in that they are practiced games with comely or raffles is made it will be able to settle down near schools or work centers". On July, 2006 it was authorized this licensee the installation and operation of machines denominates slot machine. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 5-6, June 26, 2014).

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