martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

To beat to rebellious: slogan

The fascism announces the "end of the impunity"
To beat to rebellious: slogan
By: Carlos Damian                                             May 21, 2016
The hero of thousand battles and of the racism against the indigenous has fallen
Mexico. -   The end of the impunity announces the secretary of the SEP, Aurelio Nuno Mayer, therefore reiterates before reporter, their authoritative slogan. Meanwhile the country is submerge in an impunity sea, corruption and nonfulfillment of laws the citizen faces the regular institutional barbarism. The current illustrious, liberating and pre-candidates just found in your announce before journalists the free plagues territory and rebellious teachers, and with their mien, and gestures the current public education secretary (SEP), with red tie and Mexican flag corresponded to infamous moments of the Mexican history. After something which was assaulted  to the workers in strike using the public force and threatened with mobilizing to their elements, seizing, dividing, provoking bid farewell to thousands of citizens, and to strengthen the collective fear, equal repression have suffered citizen that they have fought by their individual guarantees. Railway men, teachers, using strikebreakers to break the strike, and working of different professions and technical have lived the repression and beaten under this dictatorship brandish, democracy call. Began their statement, as a good news report for the federal government of which form part. According to their report the teachers (CNTE) have not attended federal demands, neither taken conscience of the referring structural reforms to the education in the one which the personnel of the educational item have not listened the calls to a national activities strike.

In this circumstance the federal government is accompanied of the advertisement that it is by taking measures from drawing from the personnel list to the teachers do not attend to your work 3 thousand 119 teachers by taking their participation of the national strike in protest by punitive actions of the federal government. Having confrontation reports between teachers and policemen in Chiapas, violent acts in Guerrero, and sit-down strike in Oaxaca and the bankrupt act of “educational evaluation". The education secretary did not gave a "war report ", but an occupational dismissals list, with teachers that they take sick leave of respective schools decrease, that in a term of 20 days will be substituted by 26 aspirant thousand in relief to enter to the front of academic groups. Has projected for this massive personnel clipping in all the nation to 16 aspirant thousand "suitable", that they did not find positions, other batch would be retired teachers, and professors in active with "availability of hours", to exercise double shifts. The dictator of the SEP closes their intervention, which will answer some journalist questions, and congratulates the "immense majority" on teachers that "decided not to make case to the union of the CNTE, and threat with putting an end to the impunity on the country and to re-establish the state to right.

impunity and organized crime
These expressions of assailing against citizen that they are fighting for the elemental rights of preserving their employment, soc9al services and wages are faced to the hard hand of the presidential cabinet that heads Enrique Pena Nieto, with a governmental vision that stops all the deception expressions countrywide. Mexico is faced this moment to a recession (Consensus Economics), with accelerated it discredit of politicians and parties, assails the PRI with a roughness of the past, and with this demonstrates the punishment to the rebels of the system and opposes of the party. That will not be stopped before nothing to preserve the power, the corruption and the impunity that it does not end. In so much Juan Carlos Rosemary Hicks (JRH) (PAN), president of the Education Commission of the Senate, supported the decision of the SEP, of bidding farewell to more than 3 thousand teachers that they don´t lack your work. While the PRD demanded to the official to open the dialogue with the teaching and to stop the sanctions against the teachers that be in disagreement with the punitive educational reform. "It is not with dismissals neither with repression as will be solved the conflict, we demanded that would be observed the occupational and human rights of all the teaching", indicated the senator Raul Moron (PRD).

The senator JRH, supported that it is lamentable that 3 thousand 119 teachers will be removed of the position, but it is "by the good superior, it is the childhood", since "cannot be recognized as right not to go to work". The ex-governing of Guanajuato, indicated that the differences between the federal government and the dissenting teachers depart of the educational reform of 2013, due to a different vision of the educational model of the country, of the professionalization educational and of the evaluation mechanisms of the performance. The evaluation, emphasized, it must be first of all an opportunity to improve the capacities of the teachers. The CNTE in spite to the advertisement of the teacher dismissals in Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Michoacan, will begin a successive mobilizations session to demand "our rights to be listened" by the federal government. During the awoken (May 20, 16), the elements of the Federal Policeman launched a ultimatum to draw to the teachers from the graft located in the Bucareli Street. "It said us that were having 15 minutes to withdraw us, because the order that had was to clear the roadways. We reject that threat, but response were that went to take us and all forms", asserted Daniel Lopez Castellanos, of the section 7 of Chiapas.

On the other hand it died a strong political support of the PAN, who was senator and formed part of the Concord and Pacification Commission (Cocopa, for their initials in Spanish), of Chiapas, it was municipal president of Chihuahua and in the period 1983 - 1986, and it was candidate to the presidency of the Republic in 1958, it is called Luis H. Alvarez (LHA). He was driving of the reform that gave life to the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE), and of the call to agree and to transfer of Carlos Salinas de Gortari. It was maker of the political marriage of the PAN with the PRI, was entrusted with the against insurgency in Chiapas,  with distributing hoses, chickens, metal sheets between the communities Zapatistas, it was the magician of a strategy to assemble with the federal government to asphyxiate to the indigenous peoples that they have not been delivered to the neoliberalism. In the book of their almost biographical authorship: Indigenous heart: struggle and hope of the originating peoples in Mexico. It is a text that portrays the slight to the peoples, tribes, and indigenous nations that the author calls "ethnic group". (La Jornada, Glory Munoz).

In their native mediator fantasy believed that were interviewed with high commands of the EZLN, was insisting that one of their speakers was Carmelino Rodriguez Jimenez, an assassin that was forming part of the criminal squadron that ended with the life of the teacher Jose Luis Solis Lopez, call Galeano, in a town called La Realidad, since long ago arrived to form part of the Cocopa. In their mediocre vision was wanting a photo of that place to justify their useless charge in unsuccessful organization: the Commission for the Development of the Indian Peoples. The group of the Zapatistas always insisted that never attended to be interviewed with him, and that literally expelled it of their territory, but LHA was insisting without modesty that was negotiating with the Zapatistas and with "remorseful".  The group of the EZLN answered to him that was one more than tried to buying them in December of 2012, before the evident silence of the zone governed by the rebellious group. Perhaps will not be recalled by the "undeniable legacy for the democrats", according to Ricardo Anaya but as the conciliatory of the PRI, and managing of the alms that the federal government of any color that offers to the originating tribes. (La Jornada, politica, p. 21, Mayo 21, 2016).

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