sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

The godfather political

National/ political
Luis Miranda is intolerant and opaque
The godfather political 
By: Carlos Damian                                           Nov 30, 2016
It is you given the intromission of
Moreno Valle tries his intromission by the PRD
México. -  It is needed a psychiatric divan in the friendly relationship of the godfather of Enrique Peña Nieto with Luis Enrique Miranda (LEM), with certain monetary investigations. It was a prosperous tree when was growing to the side of Arturo Montiel Rojas and it was well attended with abundant employment in the administrations of the PRI in the Mexico State. Always it has being shown as a gloomy political personage and it was fired to the national stage upon advancing the political equipment that now directs in Los Pinos residence, become in a threatening and squirmy political operator in occasions. On Wednesday (Nov 23, 16), when it was appearing before federal deputies was confronted by Araceli Damian (Morena) that was claiming to him clarity in their information, and it could not contain his own nature, since caused amazement upon using in not used terms, answering to a popular representative that is put to study the topics of the Social Development Secretary (Sedesol), that now touched to him to direct. "Unfortunately we did not study psychiatry to understand it to you, but that is something else". This episode compelled to the fact that the member of the presidential cabinet and after was armed of scarce resources to offer excuses and always tangled in his poor informer rhetoric of their obscure thought and little clear. 

This godfather from divan turns out to be a political operator that always acts under slogan, fulfilling as soldier the rebellious orders of the hierarchic superior. At San Lazaro building was recalled to him the basic characteristic of the soldier that acts under orders superior, and accepted, his sarcasm: "there are operating of trucks, social operators and electoral operators", and recognized his paper before Araceli Damian: "I’ll be political operator is not bad; seems me that you also it is", it terminated their excuse with these words. Recalling there are some actions of the gone from LEM, with the ex-governing Red Montiel, arrived to occupy the political portfolio of administration and finances secretary. In 2006 was postulate by the PRI as candidate to Toluca mayor, but earned this contest Juan Rodolfo Sanchez Gomez (PAN), with high voting. However as opposed to other candidates of the PAN did not seek be candidate to federal deputy, and was maintaining until ending his period as mayor of the capital of the Mexico State. The godfather of the president, defeated was named to him undersecretary of government but upon leaving Humberto Benitez Treviño, arrived to occupy the charge General Secretary of Government. 

Ascent of Trump
Jose Antonio Meade (JAM), it recognized that the fall of the investment is one of the risks that faces the country, and because of this is sought within the spaces that offer the reforms (structural) to anchor investment processes. The official answers to the risk of the political protectionists that would impose the elect president, Donald Trump, through those which would prevent that large The States companies move operations outside of their territory, and the Mexican state has the possibility of imposing a duty to the earnings of the transnational of the 35%, that the Constitution grants to them to the federal government but it is timorous and certainly, it will think it. The Mexican citizens also want to see the duty of the visa payment for citizen American (150 American dollars), and that the state does not follow subsidizing to these citizens American in their stay in Mexican lands. In his exposition of the large strengths for 2017 in the Industrialists Club, expressed JAM: "From there the importance of the Businesses plan of Pemex, of the Shared Net; of the importance of the airport, that they are investment projects that go us to help to maintain the dynamism forward".

Meade Kuribreña considered that in spite that the OECD it reduce their growth expectation for the economy of Mexico (2.2 percent), countersigned their forecast of a dynamism between 2 and 3 percent for the next year. On the opinions of some political actors that consider necessary to return to outline the economic package, JAM rejected this possibility. "We think that it is important just to the contrary. In an environment where we find much uncertainty, it is necessary to generate within our variable certainty, and a very important element to make it is our tax framework. On the other hand we have read many notes of opinion and felt the sensitive death of Fidel Castro Ruz, and it is a polemic personage by his to trigger and their ideas, had a legacy in his to work political and they can be recognized the balances of his life and work the world over. It can be spoken of a plebeian legacy, popular, to transformer, heretic and subordinate. Upon soaring, we in their life and work we recognize the impulse consider The States, since in the previous Cuban chronicles to the Cuban revolution The States it functioned as the eternal police of any earthly that it would not be yours. It is very clear the government of Castro: in the health and the public education, supported by the Unesco and the Unicef in multiple occasions. 

It is recognized his insistence in the principal means and auditory to denounce the American blockade, and in these days The States voted abstention to avoid other diplomatic rout. The Cuba current is the one, which has permitted to cover all the needs of basic of the children, but Fidel Castro is a global player: it could achieve to put to Cuba on the world stage. In addition to dialing with fire the century XX, it could travel to the Alianza Bolivariana for the America peoples during 2004 and cofounder the Net of Intellectual and Artists in Defense of the Humanity. Without be physically present in "not to the Alca" of Mar del Plata 2005, continued gradually the summit of the Americas, and the organization contradicts.  Hugo Chavez, in his speech, "Alca to le merd", mentioned that been born it in Biran had been behind of the event. Had the necessary time to write on the progressive irruption of the world multipolar and the form as have burst upon the world stage Russia and China, giving a new configuration, in the Caribbean and Latin America creating an important pole in the emerging world, and very different to the world unipolar after the fall of the ancient USSR. 

Es reconocida su insistencia en los principales medios y auditorios para denunciar el bloqueo estadounidense, y en estos días Estados Unidos votó abstención para evitar otra derrota diplomática. La Cuba actual es la que ha permitido cubrir todas las necesidades de básicas de los niños, pero Fidel Castro es un global player: pudo lograr colocar a Cuba en el escenario mundial. Además de marcar con fuego el siglo XX, pudo transitar a la Alianza Bolivariana para los pueblos de América durante 2004 y cofundó la Red de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad. Sin estar físicamente presente en   el “no al Alca” de Mar del Plata 2005, siguió paso a paso la cumbre de las Américas, y la organización contraria. Hugo Chávez, en su discurso, “Alca al carajo”, mencionó que el nacido en Birán había estado detrás del evento. Tuvo el tiempo necesario para escribir sobre la progresiva irrupción del mundo multipolar y la forma como han irrumpido en el escenario mundial Rusia y China, dando una nueva configuración, en el Caribe y América Latina creando un polo importante en el mundo emergente, y muy distinto al mundo unipolar tras la caída de la antigua URSS.

 En sus últimos meses se reunió con Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Nicolás Maduro, José Mujica, Cristina Fernández, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinpig y con el Papa Francisco, entre otras personalidades. Fue un continuo seguidor de la geopolítica considerando todas las variables en el plano internacional, pero no se perdía el plano doméstico que determina la diario vivir del humor social de los cubanos. Fidel Castro al desaparecer físicamente su sombra se ha hecho enorme y es un maestro y amigo que nos muestra la reivindicación de la política en la vida social, cultural y doméstica de las mayorías utilizándola como una herramienta de transformación global, que nos mostró como transformar y modificar lo establecido por el establishment. Nos enseñó el camino que se podía torcer el “destino manifiesto”, dejar de ser un gran cabaret y a escasas 90 millas del continente dejo ser una isla satélite y esclava del Imperio del Norte. El amigo nos enseñó que se puede construir en América Latina un lugar más justo, educado, y menos desigual económicamente. Ha muerto un líder político, sus ideas las mostró en el último Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba, que parecía una despedida pública, en la que millones de personas lloran, pero sus ideas y su obra quedan en este mundo para hacerlo más justo.

 In their last months was gathering with Evo Morales, Rafael Strap, Mature Nicolas, Jose Mujica, Cristina Fernandez, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinpig and with the Pope Francisco, between other personalities. It was a continuous follower of the geopolitical considering all the variables in the international plan, but were not lost the domestic plan that determines the newspaper to live of the social humor of the Cubans. Fidel Castro upon disappearing physically his shade has been huge made and it is a teacher and friend that shows us the recovery of the policy in the social life, cultural and domestic of the majorities using it as a global transformation tool, that showed us as transforming and modifying what was established by the establishment. Taught us the road that could be twisted the “manifest destination", let of be a great cabaret and to scarce 90 miles of the continent it leave be a satellite island and slave of the Empire of the North. The friend taught us that it can be built in Latin America a place most just, educated, and less unequal economically. It has died a political leader, their ideas showed them in the last Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, that seemed bid farewell and public, in the one that millions of persons weep, but their ideas and his work remain in this world to make it more just. The last aggression to his person were successful (La Jornada, política, p. 4, Noviembre 30, 2016).

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